Wednesday, 3 September 2014

We are Auld.. Properly Auld 18th July 2014

David Shaw 18 July 11:44
Ah jist w'ant tae say a few things hope yez will indulge me, kindly.

We are auld.. properly auld.. We are the only wan o' two nations to beat oot the Roman's, the other being the Mongol Empire made up of China, Mongolia and the mid-rif between Asia and and Russia, few more countries did we do it? well, .. it was an unfamiliar tactic to the Romans, we thought to ourselves: hide in a tree, jump doon, kill ten o them before they kill me!.. that's just good maths! illustrates oor point of sheer defiance, selflessness to freedom and our irrepressible nature we hold as Scots. The Romans had no tactic to counter ours, even though they had defeated every other nation in Europe, we could not be subjected, they gave up trying & we won.

Scotland traditionally does *not* believe in a large armed force, but we find better skill in'a small band weh a strict and disciplined agenda. Fae the crack Highland Regiments to the SAS, we are known to be hardy and professional, in an employ where most throughout the world fail this combination. It saddens me that even though we do well to produce such secretly covert talented individuals, the budget for the whole of Scotland during this *devolution* is 30 billion.. and Westminster attributes 60 billion for the armed forces I will support scottish troops whenever I can with a kind word, and when politicians puff up their cheeks looking for war a' becuase they watched a docudrama on Churchill, i'll speak out tell them 'NANE O' OOR BUSINESS! we'r no interested!'

It took 30 years to move 200 billion tons of oil from the north sea, an independent survey says there is 980 billion tons left.. we are trying to get it out as quick as we can, so aw' ye doubters kin be correct, but that might take another 30 to 50 years! we take 1/5th of the profits of the oil companies.. they make around 1000 billion a year and we take 1/5th 200 billion.. where does that go?? on nonsense wars to please American politicians. so back home we suffer, instead of paying the people, we get 'oh your bru-moneys getting cut' find a job! which is fair enough if you can work, you should! but rem this.. the price of food and energy has been so high for almost ten years now, it's shocking! high wait DICK TURPIN levels of VAT!.. then.. why not tax business's less
and keep them here..or better still.. do what we were born for.. 1 engineering 2. arts 3. finance
where are the industries we created in the first place??

ooft av wrote enough tae make ma'ain heed spin.
free electricity
free local transport
free us!

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