Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael ...A Divorce From England: A Screenplay .. 30th April 2010

:What's your name?

Hullo, my name is

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Do you have any family?

My twin sister is

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

My half sister is

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

My Daughter is

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

I have three cousins, one of whom I will no longer speak to as she has betrayed me too many times to my exception.

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

I have a fond second cousin, and dear friend, whom I have fought beside many times. She feels betrayed that I married her enemy. I hope she can forgive me and see I repent.

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

and a little one

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

and a distant relative in the middle east. She has trouble at times but never asks me for help.

And I have only seen her a few times in passing over the last 2000 years, but that seems to be because of her busy life.

: what are your hobbies?

I like poetry, religion, art, investment and politics. And a dram, should I win a victory.

I'm a daughter of the Church, you know, (laughs) but everyone has their problems.

: What do you mean?

Well, I'm in a trial separation at the moment and it's not going well. He is boorish and reckless and we just don't fit. I don't feel we are helping anyone and we're only hurting ourselves. I am full of fight, but he fights with people I don't have a quarrel with, like a drunk throwing punches at his own shadow. I am exasperated with him. I am not rich in taste. I do not say to him buy me land. All I say is to shelter, feed, clothe, educate and employ me, but sometimes I now think I would be better off just doing this myself. I was independent for most of my life and I don't need subjection to him. I have some money even though … can we stop? It's too upsetting.

Camera stops}!

fade back in :Alba composes herself from tears}!

He ruined me! I was the best at investment and Finance for many a year.

: tell me about your sisters....... E'ire Norge

I don't see them as much as I would like but I suppose I see them quite often. E'ire is always close, and I often see Norge and think 'I could be that happy, ... if I hadn't married him'. Norge is always laughing to herself. I have no idea why. (smiles)

: and your second cousin. She is ages with you ... is that correct?

We were best friends for many years. We used to dream saying, 'we could make paradise on earth and we would call it Caledonia'. She's full of grace and splendour, and shares the same poetic soul as myself. She loves to love and has a bit of fight in her herself (laughs) . She is very charitable too!

She sometimes likes my other Cousin, but honestly Gaul should look harder at that consuming monster (Americana). I have ate a few fish suppers in my time but I'm nothing like Her ... I don't think Americana lives right, although she is very quick to tell everyone she 'is right all the time'. 'Americana's way', well it wouldn't do for me. I would go about vexed all the time, and then I'm just looking for a fight. Gaul is different ... like me in battles ... we choose our fights and then only fight evil. I remember when she asked me for help when were both broke, six years of fighting, but we still won. (fond smile)

: what happened? (flow straight no stopping}!

I got greedy in life. It is a true regret of mine.

Alba starts to break down with tears}!all one flow}!

I lost my mind for a split second and married him. There's more ... not 10 years thence I warred with Her. How shameful am I. It was money, even in truth I was in two minds about it, and I wish I had listened to my gut. I thought after I married him my doubts would go away but they never did. I always secretly knew.

: and of your hobbies?

I write Poetry renowned the world over. Not for a wee while, but I keep my hand in. I love God. I am a liar before Him but not anyone else. I try my hardest not to lie to myself and I hope I do a good job.

Money is a sore topic with me just now so can we avoid that for just now?. But I used to know what I was doing. (glum half smile)

I am still good with either paintbrush or play. Although ... I wish I could create new buildings like I used to. That's been over 100 years, I need to 'brush up'. (laughs) I used to like making my own cloths but he put a stop to that. Maybe I could have copied Gaul.. I don't know.

:do your Cousins share your interests?

I suppose we all like politics. I haven't heard from Kernow for a few years, but the last time was a fond memory. She was telling me how she would like a separation like me ... it was good to see her happy again ... has that been ten years? How time flies but never stops...

:fade to black}!



on Independence : Scotland to England I want a divorce!

I gave you the best years (inventions) of my life: you gave me nukes. I was crying out for help (Jobs) you gave me a tyrant (Thatcher)

I am not bitter as I remember the good days (Victorian era) we helped people, now all you do is make war with our Cousin against innocents. You do not stand up to her because you are greedy now. All I want is peace and you will not listen! It is the tyrant all over again!

You were always generous with me, but when I came into money, (oil) all you did was complain that I would leave you, instead of fixing the problems I had.

We collapsed the banks by overspending. We are in debt. How can I stand the shame?

I am Scotland who is frugal with money and wise.

When I invest I stand firm, but all this was foolish desire that YOU and our Cousin taught me.

I am mortified to say I have forgotten how to save money. A ruinous storm has passed through me. There may be another still, unless I remember. My banks are ENGLISH. Oh woe is me!! I founded your bank of England: now I am in shame, sorrow and ruin.

May God Save me! At least I hope you have not taught me to be secular! May God save me from this also! I am the Daughter of the Church. I have The Zeal of God against evil, and in the good times you were a good man, but now you are greedy, I cannot bear you who made me ruined.

You did not care who I was, Wise Holy Poetic Brave, just to use me as you pleased. That is not love. That is abuse.

You are so strong with our Cousin, that I hardly ever talk to my relatives (Ireland Canada Norway) because you are so busy making war, spending money you do not have.

I said twice to you I do not want to make war. Once should be sufficient!

This trial separation has failed and the damage is unrepairable. Fare thee well for every good time and God Bless you for every curse.

(If I am called bitter, I mention not that you told me how to speak and what to wear, but remain silent as this is what you taught me. God forgive me.)

My Second Cousin France will not even speak to me any more but I hope in Her softer moments she remembers when we fought off tyrants together, but alas!

PS looking for an actress to play Alba. I am from Dumbarton and it would be done in a Youtube webcam interview style. I have no cash, so just me asking the questions and a webcam.
Last edited by Celyn; 13th July 2010 at 00:41. Reason: Edited on behalf of dava444


Google Translate:

:Dè an t-ainm a th 'ort?

Hullo, is e m 'ainm

Alba Caledonia Nuadh Dhàil Riata Anatolia Gael

: A bheil teaghlach sam bith?

My dà phiuthar a tha

E 'Ìre Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dhàil Riata Anatolia Gael

'S e piuthar mo leth

Norge Nuaidh Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

'S e mo nighean

Canada Caledonia Gaul Ceàrn americana Gael

Tha trì co-oghaichean, aon dhiubh bidh mi nach eil a 'bruidhinn ri mar a tha i air a bhrath mi cus amannan ri m' ach a-mhàin.

Eilean Mhanainn Tynwald an t-Àilean Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Tha mi dèidheil air an dàrna cho-ogha, agus a charaid, a rug mi air a bhith a 'sabaid ri taobh iomadh turas. Tha ia 'faireachdainn gu bheil mi a bhrath phòs i nàmhaid. Tha mi an dòchas i urrainn mi maitheanas agus faic mi aithreachas a dheanamh.

Gaul Charlemagne Caitligeach Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

agus beagan aon

Ceàrn Nuaidh Maori Zeeland

agus fad uainn buntainneach ann am meadhan ear. Tha i an trioblaid aig amannan ach cha 'faighneachd dhomh airson cuideachadh.

Agus tha mi air fhaicinn ach i beagan amannan anns a 'dol seachad còrr is 2000 bliadhna mu dheireadh, ach gu bheil e coltach gu bheil a h-bheatha thrang.

: Dè tha cur-seachadan agaibh?

'S toigh leam bàrdachd, creideamh, ealain, tasgadh agus poilitigs. Agus drama, bu chòir dhomh a bhuannachadh buaidh.

Tha mi a nighean na h-Eaglais, fhios agad, (gàireachdainn) ach a h-uile duine aig a bheil duilgheadasan aca.

: Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh?

Uill, tha mi ann an deuchainn sgaradh aig an àm seo agus chan eil e a 'dol gu math. Tha e boorish agus neo-chùramach agus tha sinn dìreach nach eil freagarrach. Chan eil mi a 'faireachdainn gu bheil sinn a' cuideachadh dhuine sam bith agus tha sinn fhìn a-mhàin a leòn. Tha mi làn de sabaid, ach chaidh ea shabaid rithe le daoine mi nach eil ri chèile, mar an deoch tilgeil bheir i buille aig faileas aige fhèin. Tha mi a 'exasperated ris. Chan eil mi beartach ann blas. Chan eil mi a radh ris fearann ​​a cheannach dhomh. All mi ag ràdh a tha gu fasgadh, biadh, aodach, oideachadh agus a 'fastadh dhomh, ach uaireannan tha mi a-nis a' smaoineachadh gum biodh e nas fheàrr dheth mi fhìn dìreach a 'dèanamh seo. Bha mi neo-eisimeileach airson a 'chuid as motha de mo bheatha agus chan eil mi a dhìth ùmhlachd dha. Tha mi beagan airgid ged ... faodaidh sinn stad a chur air? Tha e ro upsetting.


seargadh air ais ann an: Alba a 'dèanamh i fhèin bho deòir}!

E tobhta mi! Bha mi a 'fheàrr aig tasgadh agus Ionmhais airson iomadh bliadhna.

: Innis dhomh mu do pheathraichean ....... E'ire Norge

Chan eil mi gam faicinn cho math 'sa bu toil leam ach tha mi a' creids mi a 'faicinn gu math tric. E'ire tha daonnan dlùth, agus bidh mi gu tric a 'faicinn agus a' smaoineachadh Norge 'b' urrainn dhomh gun a bhith toilichte, ... mura robh mi a phòs e '. Norge a tha daonnan a 'gàireachdainn a deidhinn fhèin. Chan eil beachd carson. (Gàireachdainn)

: Agus do dàrna cho-ogha. Tha i le aois a tha thu ... tha sin ceart?

Bha sinn as fheàrr caraidean airson iomadh bliadhna. Bhiodh sinn a 'bruadar, ag ràdh, "Dh'fhaodadh sinn a dhèanamh pàrras air an talamh agus bhiodh sinn a' ghairm e Caledonia '. Tha i làn gràis agus greadhnachas, agus a 'roinn an aon anam bàrdail mar mi fhìn. Thug ia gaol a ghràdhachadh, agus tha beagan ann an sabaid rithe fhèin (gàireachdainn). Tha i glè carthannais cuideachd!

I uaireannan toigh mo eile Cousin, ach trèibhdhireas Gaul bu chòir coimhead nas cruaidhe aig a 'caitheamh uilebheist (americana). Tha mi air a dh'ith beagan èisg suipearan ann mo àm ach tha mi dad mar Her ... chan eil mi a 'smaoineachadh americana a' fuireach làimh dheis, ged a tha i glè luath gu innse h-uile duine i 'na h-uile a tha ceart an àm.' 'Americana dòigh', gu math e nach dèanadh dhomh. Bhithinn a 'falbh a h-uile buaireadh mu an àm, agus an uair sin tha mi dìreach a' coimhead airson sabaid. Gaul tha eadar-dhealaichte ... mar rium ann cathan ... bidh sinn a 'taghadh againn sabaid agus an uair sin a-mhàin a' sabaid olc. Tha cuimhn 'agam nuair a bha i ag iarraidh orm airson cuideachadh nuair a bha an dà chuid bhris, sia bliadhna de shabaid, ach tha sinn fhathast a bhuannaich. (Dèidheil gàire)

: dè thachair? (A 'sruthadh dìreach eil stad}!

Sanntach a fhuair mi anns a 'bheatha. 'S e fìor aithreachais dhòmhsa.

Alba a 'tòiseachadh a' briseadh sìos le deoir}! H-uile aon sruth}!

Chaill mi m 'inntinn airson priobadh agus phòs e. Tha barrachd ... nach eil 10 bliadhna as a sin mi warred còmhla rithe. Ciamar cùis nàire am I. Bha e airgead, fiù 's ann am firinn a bha mi ann an dà inntinnean mu dheidhinn, agus tha mi guidhe Bha mi ag èisteachd ri mo Gut. Tha mi a 'smaoineachadh an dèidh dhomh a phòs e mo teagamhan a' falbh ach nach do rinn iad. Tha mi an còmhnaidh dìomhair eòlach.

: Agus cur-seachadan agad?

Tha mi a 'sgrìobhadh bàrdachd ainmeil air an t-saoghal thairis. Neo airson treis, ach tha mi a 'cumail mo làmh ann. Tha mi a Dia a ghràdhachadh. Tha mi breugach roimhe ach chan eil duine sam bith eile. Mi a 'feuchainn mo chuid bu duilghe nach eil a luidhe gu mi-fhìn agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi mi a' dèanamh obair mhath.

Airgead 'S e cuspair goirt maille rium dìreach a-nis, mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a sheachnadh gun airson dìreach a-nis ?. Ach tha mi air a chleachdadh a-mach dè a bha mi a 'dèanamh. (Glum leth-gàire)

Tha mi fhathast math le bruis pheanta an dàrna cuid no a 'cluiche. Ged a tha mi a 'guidhe ... b' urrainn dhomh a chruthachadh togalaichean ùra mar mi cleachdte ris. Tha sin air a bhith còrr is 100 bliadhna, a dh'fheumas mi a 'sguabadh suas'. (Gàireachdainn) Tha mi air a chleachdadh gus dèanamh toigh leam fhìn clobhdan ach chuir e stad air a sin. 'S dòcha gum b' urrainn dhomh a bhith a lethbhreacadh Gaul .. chan eil fhios agam.

: Tha do Cousins ​​roinn ùidhean agad?

Mi a 'creidsinn sinn uile mar poilitigs. Chan eil mi air cluinntinn bho Kernow airson bliadhna no dhà, ach an uair mu dheireadh a bha dèidheil air chuimhne. Bha i ag innse dhomh mar a tha i ag iarraidh dealachaidh coltach riumsa ... bha e math a 'faicinn a h toilichte a-rithist ... Tha a bhith deich bliadhna? Ciamar àm cuileagan ach cha-stad ...

: Seargadh gu dubh}!


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----

air neo-eisimeileachd: Alba gu Sasainn mi ag iarraidh a sgaradh-pòsaidh!

Thug mi thu as fheàrr bliadhna (innleachdan) mo bheatha: thug thu dhomh nukes. Bha mi a 'caoineadh a-mach airson cuideachadh (Jobs) a thug thu dhomh aintighearna (Thatcher)

Chan eil mi searbh mar a tha cuimhn 'agam an deagh làithean (linn Bhictòria) chuidich sinn le daoine, a-nis air a h-uile nì thu e dhèanamh cogaidh le ar Cousin aghaidh Innocents. Chan eil sibh a 'seasamh suas rithe oir tha thu sanntach a-nis. Tha mi ag iarraidh a h-uile tha sìth agus cha tu ag èisteachd! 'S e an aintighearna h-uile a-rithist!

Bha thu riamh fialaidh maille rium, ach nuair a thàinig mi a-steach airgead, (ola) a rinn thu a h-uile a bha 'gearan gu bheil mi a' falbh thu, an àite a 'stèidheachadh na duilgheadasan a bha mi.

Tha sinn a thuit bruaichean le cosgais cunnartach. Tha sinn ann am fiachan. Ciamar a gheibh mi a 'seasamh an nàire?

Mi na h-Alba a tha frugal le airgead agus glic.

Nuair a tha mi a 'tasgadh mi a' seasamh a 'chompanaidh, ach a h-uile mhiann a bha seo gòrach a tha thu a' teagasg agus ar Cousin dhomh.

Tha mi duine air a thàmailteachadh a ràdh mi air dìochuimhneachadh ciamar airson airgead a shàbhaladh. A thobhta air a dhol tro stoirm dhomh. Dh'fhaodadh gum bi eile fhathast, mura h-eil cuimhn 'agam. My bruaichean a tha a 'Bheurla. Oh mo thruaighe tha mi !! Tha mi a 'stèidheachadh a' bhanca agaibh of England: a nis tha mi ann an nàire, bròn agus tobhta.

Mhà Dia Sàbhail mi! Co-dhiù tha mi an dòchas nach eil sibh air an teagasg dhomh a bhith saoghalta! Mhà Dhia sàbhail mi à seo cuideachd! Tha mi a 'Daughter na h-Eaglais. Mi a 'eud Dhè an aghaidh an uilc, agus ann an deagh amannan a bha thu duine math, ach a-nis tha thu sanntach, chan urrainn dhomh giùlainidh sibh a rinn mo mhilleadh.

Cha robh sibh cùram a bha mi, Wise Naomh Bàrdachdail Brave, dìreach gus mo chleachdadh mar thu toilichte. Chan eil sin an gaol. Tha sin mì-ghnàthachadh.

Tha thu cho làidir ri ar Cousin, a tha mi gann a-riamh a 'bruidhinn ri mo chàirdean (Èirinn Canada Nirribhidh) oir tha sibh cho trang a' dèanamh a 'chogaidh, a' cosg airgead nach fheum thu.

Thuirt mi dà uair a tha thu chan eil mi ag iarraidh a dhol a chogadh. Aon uair 'bu chòir a bhith gu leòr!

Tha seo a 'tionndadh deuchainn dealachaidh air fàiligeadh agus an cron a tha unrepairable. Faradh dhuit math airson a h-uile deagh àm agus Beannaich Dia thu airson a h-uile mallachd.

(Ma tha mi a ghairm searbh, tha mi a 'toirt iomradh air nach dh'innis sibh dhomh mar a bhruidhinn agus dè a chur orra, ach fuireach sàmhach mar seo a tha thu a' teagasg dhomh. Dia mathanas dhomh.)

My Second Cousin Fhraing cha eadhon a 'bruidhinn rium sam bith tuilleadh ach tha mi an dòchas ann an Her buige amannan i a' cuimhneachadh air nuair a tha sinn ruaig tyrants còmhla, ach Och!

PS 'coimhead airson chleasaiche a' cluich Alba. Tha mi à Dùn Bhreatainn agus a bhiodh e air a dhèanamh ann an Youtube webcam agallamh stoidhle. Chan eil airgead, agus mar sin dìreach a 'faighneachd dhomh na ceistean agus camara-lìn.
Air a dheasachadh le Celyn; 13mh Iuchar 2010 aig 00:41. Adhbhar: Deasaichte às leth dava444

Translation tæ Scots

:Wit ur ye cried?

Hullo, Ah’m

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Dæ ye huv ony family?

Ma twin sister is (yon)

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Ma hawf sister is (yon)

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

Ma Lassie is (yon)

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

Ah huv three cousins, wan o' whom Ah willnay speak tæ as she hus betrayed me too many times tæ ma exception.

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Ah huv a fond second cousin, an' dear friend, who Ah huv fought aside many times. She feels skeen burnt (betrayed) that Ah merried her enemy. Ah hope she kin forgive me an' see Ah repent.

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

an’ a wee wan

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

an' a distant relative in yon middle east. She hus trouble iyt times but ne'er asks me fur help.

An' Ah huv on'ly seen her a few times in passing o'er the last 2000 years, but that seems tæ be because o' her busy life.

: wit ur yur hobbies?

Ah lit poetry, religion, art, investment an' politics. An a dram, should Ah win a victory.

Ah'm a daughter o' the Church, ye ken, (laughs) but everywan hus their problems.

: Wit dæ ye mean?

Well, Ah'm in a trial separation the noo an’ iyt's no going well. Yon is skeen bam an' reckless a'naw an' we just didnay fit. Ah didnæ feel we ur helpin' anywan an' we're only hurting oorsels. Ah um ful o' fight, but he fights weh folk Ah huv næ quarrel weh, lit yon drunk throwing punches iyt his æn shadow. Ah um exasperated weh him. Ah'm no rich in taste. Ah'm no saying tæ him tæ buy me land. All Ah say is tæ shelter, feed, clothe, educate an' employ me, but sometimes Ah'm noo thinking Ah kin dæ it masel.Ah wis independant fur mast o' ma life an' Ah didnay need tæ tak tæ the heel o' Him!  Ah huv a bit o' money even though … kin we stop? Iyt's g'uy upsettin' .

Camera stops}!

fade back in :Alba composes hersel fæ tears}!

Yon ruined me! Ah wis the best iyt investment an' Finance fur many a'year.

: tell me aboot yur sisters....... E'ire Norge

Ah don't see them as much as Ah wud lit tæ but Ah suppose Ah see them quite often. E'ire is ayways close, an' Ah ay see Norge an' think tæ masel 'Ah cud be yon happy, ... if Ah hudnay merried him'. Norge is ayways laughing tæ hersel. Ah huv næ idea why. (smiles)

: an' yur second cousin. She is ages weh ye* ... is that correct? (in Scotland this phrase means family who are best friends)

We were best friends fur many years. We used tæ dream saying, 'we cud make paradise oan earth an' we wid call iyt Caledonia'. She's full o' grace an’ splendour, an shares the very same poetic soul as masel. She loves tæ love an' loves tæ fight, fur the riȝht cause (laughs) . She is affy charitable tæ!

She sometimes likes ma o'er 'Cousin', but honestly Gaul shud look harder iyt yon consuming monster (Americana). Ah huv ate a few fish suppers in ma time but Ah'm nothing lit Her ... Ah don't think Americana lives riȝht, although she is very quick tæ tell everyone she 'is riȝht awe the time'. 'Americana's way', well it wudnay dæ fur me. Ah wud go aboot vexed awe the time, an’ then Ah'm just looking fur a fight. Gaul is different ... lit me in battles ... we choose oor fights an’ then only fight evil. Ah remember when she asked me fur help when were bæth broke, six years o’ fighting, but we still won. (fond smile)

: wit happened? (flow straight næ stopping}!

Ah got greedy in life. Iyt is a true regret o’ mine.

Alba starts tæ break doon weh tears}!awe wan flow}!

Ah lost ma mind fur a split second an’ merried him. There's mare ... næ 10 years thence Ah warred weh Her. How shameful um Ah. Iyt wis money, even in truth Ah wis in two minds aboot it, an’ Ah wish Ah had listened tæ ma gut. Ah thought efter Ah merried him ma doubts wud go away but they ne’er did. Ah ayways secretly knew.

: an’ o’ yur hobbies?

Ah write Poetry renowned the world o’er. Not fur a wee while, but Ah keep ma hawn in. Ah love God. Ah um a liar before Him but no anywan else. Ah try ma hardest no tæ lie tæ masel an’ Ah hope Ah dæ a guid job.

Money is a sore topic weh me just now so can we avoid that fur just now?. But Ah used tæ ken wit Ah wis dæn. (glum half smile)

Ah um still guid weh either paintbrush ur play. Although ... Ah wish Ah cud create new buildings lit Ah used tæ. That's been o’er 100 years, Ah need tæ 'brush up'. (laughs) Ah used tæ lit making ma ane clæse but he put a stop tæ that. Maybe Ah cud huv copied Gaul.. Ah didnay ken.

:dæ yur Cousins share yur interests?

Ah suppose we awe lit politics. Ah huvnay heard fæ Kernow fur a few years, but the last time wis a fond memory. She wis telling me how she wud lit a separation lit me ... it wis guid tæ see her happy again ... hus that been ten years? How time flies but ne’er stops...

:fade tæ black}!



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