Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Feeling a Little 'National' 28 May 2014

feelin' a little National just now.. read don't read..up to you.

in the late nineties a war was raging.. scottish/british troops were sent to fight in an american war, the war was to control the price of oil. you could say many other things and debate what the war was about, but plain and simple it was about money. the only member of the Westminster parliament out of 3-500 members to oppose the war.. was Alex Salmond . he took loads of stick for it, becuase at the time, no-one wanted to lower troop morale or upset the americans. I don't have any problem with soldiers, they are doing a job, many do a fine job at that, I have a problem with politicians starting wars.. and this one was 'doozy'.. the former head of the CIA.

Scottish/British soldiers lives were lost, many severely injured. back home there was 3 different 'million man marches' 2 of which were in Glasgow and iirc, the other was in Manchester. This was a demonstration for a desire for peace. but a standard 'ignore them, until they go away' was the response.

Our budget in Scotland ..for the whole of Scotland for everything is half what westminster spends on the military every year. (here's some figures. Westminster spends 57.6 Billion a year. Scotland's budget is approx. 30 Billion a year. source wiki.) .. mmm... I don't care about chasing osama bin towelhat racists nonsense. some arabs are bad, yes. many are just regular people just trying to have a job and feed their family and live normal lives.

When the first troops hit down in Iraq, it was crazy.. there was rioting, and even the innocent people trying to leave looked also like looters, with all their possessions, the soldiers didn't know who was who, who would hurt them and who would help them.

I would guess if one of your family members was one of the innocent people trying to leave and was shot by an american soldier.. you'd be pretty ticked off! so it's no wonder the rebels found it easy to continue for all those years. money also they had loads of cash.. strangely enough coming from america. but that's a whole other story.

if Scotland was America's mother, I'd be ashamed to call Her my Daughter. She lacks the compassion we have here.. it is written on the Statue of Liberty..'bring me your poor, your homeless, your tired and hungry.. and I will feed them' .. an ideal which no longer rings true for Her, especially when it came to money and war for twenty years.

I'm no 'tinfoil hat guy' but its easy to see why, the former head of the CIA would want to jack up the budget towards the armsmakers after Reagan and Gorbachev made all that peace so long ago.

but back to home.. and to now.

We have a plentiful supply of money.. and many are afraid to tell you in case you don't believe them is this?? we have a population of less than 6 million. GDP..that means per head we will be rich.. flip even if we just had whisky exports we'd do 'O.K.' but yes we have the most coveted resource in the world, oil. Scotland earns 200 billion a year in tax from oil...oh wait remember that budget.. 30 billion? .. the oil fields earn the companies 1 trillion a year, and yes we tax them into the ground by taking 1/5th from them.

but all the politicians including the SNP are a little cagey saying this to you as it looks a bit unbelievable, but its the actual truth.

I want to be EU friendly, I want to come to the party and eat the cake and sing the songs and give little gift, but I don't want to be the kitchen staff or the DJ.

I'd love to see us (if need be).. take that (medium amount) oil money and pour it into Gold and Silver.. this would back our economy and help us have our own currency.

'but the oil fields are going to stop soon' .. it took 30 years to move 500 million tons of oil out of the north sea for production, in a survey in 2012 it was estimated that another 980 million tons remain.. we are trying to get it out as fast as we can here..but maybe it'll be few years yet until this blessing leaves us. (source wiki)

I think we perhaps subconsciously feel, that without oil, we are admitting to other countries we have no intrinsic value as a people. That's not correct. We invented many many a thing that changed the world.. and why we do not make those very things in our own country is a mystery for the ages.

thanks for reading if you did.. and if you didn't,.. you didn't miss much, only the future.

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