Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Stuck to the Side of a Rock.. 31st July 2014

Just want to share a few thoughts and feelings I have hope that's okay.
We in Scotland are a small population, so for a few years yet, it's struck me as odd, why we seem live on top of each other in small houses or small flats, I live in Dumbarton, and one day in 2009, I was looking at Dumbarton in Google Earth, and I thought 'Why are we all huddled together, as if, barnacles on the edge of a rock? there's plenty of land.' today I thought about this yet again, and have thought about it from time to time before today, of course much is farmland, but can't we spread out build bigger more spacious houses? understandably this would be costly, and only many years after a successful prosperous national bank balance..but I would like to see..
These new houses offered to the people who have jobs but still qualify for housing benefit, this I think is a great incentive to stop taking benefits (JSA) and start giving tax. not every job will pay for everything in your life, and the people trying very hard to get a 'leg up' should be helped.
I'd like to see once they had a surefoot and cleared themselves of our helping housing benefit, a rent-to-own scheme being offered to them.. this is the kind of thing we need in this country, our country, a growth of the middle class, an actual reason to build and expand, I mean a small flat is a small incentive, a larger house where 'we' can stretch our LONG legs.. is a castle. The flats need not rashly knocked down, but kept for the older folk, whose needs they already suit perfectly.
Harshly, sadly, but who would want to strive to have a 'small' house, what incentive is that? all of our houses are so very tiny, even the large ones, they are the back catalogue of past governments attempts of shaping how we live.. once a success I feel, a failure, becuase we are so many years on, and builders just build what they know how to, and no bad to them. in the US and Canada they learned how to build big and economically, .. here as yet, we've not.
Mandatory solar panel roofs on all new buildings, entirely made from solar panels. (IRC even a 30% light of day for 3 years can pay for the panels themselves..meaning they were free, and the rest is profit).
Some ideas other than housing..
Perhaps sooner..
I would like to see free local transport for towns of a overground tram style system, but buses would be good too, but with trams, they could be set aside, off road like trains, and automated. And in the cities making the Underground free to use.
I would like to see the day where we all have free electricity, no child will ever go blue in the cold again, no older person will have to freeze in our harsh winters for *fear of watching the dial*, no mother will have to think about washing clothes in cold water, and.. fathers will not feel so much pressure and perhaps be happier in their work knowing their family is safe.
We would pay a utility bill once a year because there would be running costs, I suggest, an adequate amount would be 1 week's pay of the average wage.
An *almost* open door attitude to immigration.. We are much more friendly a nation to other countries I feel, especially to the Asian and Arab races, than our southern neighbour, but something kept coming up when talking to others about this issue, integration, we don't want isolated communities but a society where everyone pulls in the same direction, kindly 'you're Scots now, be proud!'. I would like to see the easy joining of man and wife from different countries, in Scotland, but if the marriage is no good, deportation, paid for out of a reserve that is part of the process once the spouse is working in the country. I would like to see consulates take a more active role abroad in joining two people who love each other. We have this opportunity that we will be branching out soon, God Willing, and then building our own Consulates and Embassies.
not tied to the past like the tories seem to be, like england always seems to be.. the grim death grip on the cobwebs of being an empire.
may the day huv fun' ye well!

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