Saturday, 22 April 2017

National Dignity.. a kind word in a gentle ear


While I am meditating on Nicola Sturgeon and Patrick Harvey, which hopefully I will be writing an article on their leadership, I had something .. an idea I wanted to share. We don't have Lords and Knights within the SNP, and Scotland is a sideline at best to copious richeries & Barclaites of the English Tories.. but there is something dignant in the revel of honour, something stilled.

I would like to suggest Alec Salmond be put forth for the Order of the Thistle as a Knight of the Scottish Realm, ratified by the Scottish Government. This would be the SNP's nomination..

for Labour I would like to see the same posthumous honour given to Donald Dewar nominated by Labour. Donald, the architect of Scottish Devolution.

I would suggest that this honour comes with one slight responsibility, that if no party is willing to commit a speaker to Holyrood, that the job falls to the Knight without need for a seated vote.

Strangely enough*, for The Conservatives, I would like to see them nominate John Major, who brought social healing after the cataclysm of Margaret Thatcher, and what she wrought upon the Scottish people.

John Major was great for Social reform, he also initiated the original N.I. peace talks, but never takes credit for them. In his tenure he gave dignity to people that Margaret Thatcher had robbed it from by his DHSS reform. remarkable man.



*because he is English

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