Saturday, 22 April 2017

Leaders and what they mean to me..

It's 2017 so anyone reading this in the future will be like.. who?? But a slice of time and a cuppa remembrance didnay hurt anywan.

Patrick Harvie

As ah'm ay wan tæ say.. he seems lit a sensible guy, no lit the usual hippies mæst green parties throw up. Just look at his picture.. he's no thinking aboot blowing the polis budget on hemp blankets tæ keep the mountains wa'rm. He's prolly trying tæ work oot how he kin get us cheaper electricity fæ wind farms or wave farms. Ah like that!

Long story short.. I do NOT care a JOT where the electricity comes from, but if you can go away and make it both green and cheaper (free would be even better).. well done! You deserve ma praise and ma second vote!

Yez should keep the sensible heed on the shoulders when it comes to money, coz a load folk work hard fur their money.. they'ur no goiny hawn it tæ a load o' hippies.

Nicola Sturgeon

Noo Ah wis a big fan o' Alec Salmond, but that lassie hus earned the right side o' me weh her fire fur Scotland!

Tirelessly (she'd prolly say it wis knackerin' haha) she hus put forward an honest and determined face, despite o' mare opposition than she warranted. No fake like many in Westminster, didnay gee up wen the goin got tough. Aye she hus done well an' deserves the reward o' her efforts.

Ah ay say o' us.. the SNP.. if wa'nt somethin' bad enough fur long enough, wen ye get it, you'll no squander it. and that's us.. Nicola definitely included in that.

Kezia Dugdale

Oh this'll be short.. ah dunno her. Labour huv fallen apart these days, nothing mare ah kin say, coz ah don't know.

Ruth Davidson

Noo .. Ah'm næ tory, but ah thought she wis aweright. she faced a lot of ugly mockery, which Ah didnay enjoy.

Ah ay wa'nted tæ say tæ her;

 'Listen hen, ye huv wit it takes tæ be opposition, but ye need tæ ditch awe the cowtowin tæ English masters

The English tories hawnt you a deed horse n said 'Go!' lit it wis the grand national. Ye sorted yur party oot an got it runnin'.. but there's where the english tories wer smarter than you, they dont huv tæ care aboot Scotland, and they don't, they care aboot England.. and as long as you (Ruth) ur showin face, they didnay need tæ worry aboot a rebellion, making Scotland like the Northern Ireland of old.

I bet at their luncheons they hud a good laugh, no at yur expense mind, but at the sheer surprise o' Tories in Scotland.'

A Scottish Tory party would work in Scotland but only if it were NON-Unionist, The English tories huv been too cruel too often tæ folk in this country, besides 300 years is enough, let it die.


Ah'm Left o' Center..but we'll get tæ that in a minute..

Right Wing

Now English Tories who invented a lot of this malarky, don't count as 'right wing' and you'll understand why soon. They are Imperialists, which is a system of exploitation of the poor, Conservatism is different, and is a morally good system, here I'll explain how..

The Government, a Conservative one, opens dialogue with big business, has universal low tax, for both big business and everyone,they encourage jobs by bringing whole industries to a country.

What this means practically is.. food is very cheap, jobs are plentiful, no duty or import taxes, fewer licence fees.. basically everything gets cheaper to buy. But spending on public services gets less, as obviously, there is less money, they also need to be mediator between workers and management, should a dispute break out. Many governments have failed at this, not just conservative ones either*.

What happens with the English Tories is quite .. different.

Food gets more expensive, they highly taxate the poor, they tax everything they can; including making new laws so they can tax the poor even more. They favor those who voted for them, and bring jobs only to England (even moving jobs from Scotland to England as a punishment).

Basically the English Conservatives are as I would put it are ..EVIL.

It's like some movie where you see the bad guys early on and are waiting for the hero to show up, but he/she never does (its been 300 years*).
The Anti-robin hood of the political some crazy council of Bond villains.

Right of Center

The little wandered 'Right of Center'.. am næ expert, but these seem tæ be Libertarian parties. Low taxation, low public spend, .. and here's a new one, they will refuse to make laws that interfere with your daily life, in other words, they will accept things like legalization of certain drugs for consumption, legalization of firearms. you want tæ homeschool yur kid?.. that's fine! They put a high value on personal liberty.

Think aboot the movie 'The Purge' as an extremist right of center party, who got control and took their desire for personal freedom to insane levels. No modern Right of Center party wants this, they don''t condone murder or theft.

They are both anti-war and anti-immigration, the conservatives being pro-war and anti-immigration,
They enjoy encouraging small business and big business alike, and will give tax breaks to banks who will loan out money to small businesses.For them it's all about enabling the individual to do whatever it is they want to do*.


Here in the middle, we have a start to social care..

These parties, have moderate taxation across the board, offer free higher education, heavy focus on financially helping small to medium businesses, medium public spend, little to no co-operation with trade unions.

What does this practically mean? They are trying to stem inflation so they can spend more, they are trying to increase the middle class by this system, but personally I have yet to see it work. What *should* happen: prices for goods stay the same, but jobs increase, the modate tax is funnelled in to banks, and the welfare requirees 'live' off the interest. What *does* happen:Well they can support a stop on inflation, many projects have to be scrapped due to not enough funding, usually because they didn't create enough jobs to support social care/welfare.

Left of Center


Here's me :)

The Left is called Socialism.. but the brand we use is European Socialism, which is a much watered down but still valid style of government.

Low tax for the poorest, moderate tax for the average worker, low to moderate tax on small and medium businesses, high tax for big business, take from the rich to give to the poor. High public spend, including free higher education, free medical and dental, free housing to those who cannot afford it or cheap housing to those who cannot afford to be on the housing ladder. Using the country's resources to achieve higher cash reserves for spending. Pro-immigration anti-war.

What does this practically mean? While the quality of food, *may* decline slightly, prices will be low and food plentiful,  jobs can be stifled unless that government is smart about the given resources, trade is paramount to good fiscal standing so this ties in with good immigration policies, so people are free to find jobs elsewhere and even to here from abroad.

Ye'll never starve or see yur weans die in a hospital because ye didnay huv the money tæ pay them. The Tories accuse this of being the 'welfare state'.. but really its a lack of effort on England's part to replace jobs they squandered in Scotland.

In Norway.. they have a slightly different style of European Socialism, what they do is heavily tax everyone, but for an amazing reason, when you reach, i think it's 60yo, you retire and they give you a house (yes it's yours). Not just that.. If you feel you would like a break for upto 2 years, they will pay you a decent amount of money, after your break is up, you go looking for work again and no hard feelings.

Personally, I would like to see Scotland have free electricity for personal use, with a one-off a year payment for maintenance, paying the workers wages, say £100 from each person. Business (factories) would still have to be metered. Electricity generated by wave and wind farms.

Labour of modern days has been known to both adopt fully, and to mix Left and Left of Center style policies.


The full 'Marx mile'.

A welfare state, where everything is free, but your work is sanctioned by the government. Takes care of children and the elderly, resources are used for profit, nationalization of companies, also standardizing them. The power of the worker is much greater than the men with money because of trade unions.

Inclusionary immigration but if a party has the above and is anti-immigration, they *can* become fascist. Anti-immigration is the cornerstone of fascism, this is why the English tories are accused of this at present, with the above power over everyone and anti-immigration it can become inevitable.

There are a lot of pro's to this style of government, like ensuring you children are fed, educated and will be safe from destitution their whole life. The con's are the power the state has is absolute.

Tommy Sheridan, and the SSP are the only Scottish fully Left party of note. Tommy seems like a good guy imho, but he again imho, needs more lawyers in the SSP, people that can be trusted by the Scottish people. But then again, I wouldn't like to see Scotland become fully Left and Marxist.

(UPDATE: just found out Tommy is in the Solidarity Party, a party which I had heard of, but forgotten about)

Well I hope you enjoyed this article*, please hit with a like (+1) at the bottom of the page if you did.


*This is why Labour was so popular long ago, trade unions.
*No offence Nicola or Alec, maybe I should say your here now.. but also 300 years? flip!
* (not crimes like theft or murder)
*took 6 hours to write.

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