Monday, 7 December 2020

Scottish Libertarianism.. my thoughts..

 Scottish Libertarianism.. my thoughts..

(Ah'll skreeve thys iyn hInglish..)

Hello, I'm Dava, 44yo from Dumbarton,, Dumbarton 'State' Capital of Strathclyde, but I'll come back to that later..I'm Center-Left SNP lifelong voter, I also vote Scottish Greens, but I also have a few center-right Libertarian views I would like to share with yous today, if that's okay..

Firstly, my impression of American Libertarianism is that; it's far too extreme for Scotland. My view of Scotland's right wing history is that we are traditionally more Libertarian than Conservatist Capitalist.. morality is derived for Governments from very few things, lack of corruption, willingness to provide to the weakest and no attempts to steal from other countries (land/resources). Remove any of these and you get Imperialism..  Communism equally as bad but functions differently.. both are watered down fascism. 

5 'moral' Styles of Government, each just trying to provide a solution to a problem.. Marxist Socialism, European Socialism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Conservatist Capitalism.. none are innately 'evil'.. 

And so long as they provide for the sick, disabled and elderly, can claim this morality for themselves.. and why is such a morality important? .. A party *must* qualify itself in the public's eye as moral to achieve government.. Libertarians in general (but especially American Libertarians) are revulsed by the idea of having some of their income go towards a person who hasn't earned it..but with most if not all systems of improvement.. you gotta pay your dues .. and to become a government the Scottish Libertarians must, I feel, do likewise, those dues being providing for the sick, disabled and elderly. I see the Scottish Libertarians as the de facto replacement for the Scottish Tories in a independent Scotland.. but I will warn this, you will never achieve government if you are perceived to be like them; imperialist and immoral. So then you would need to provide a 'lesser welfare state' for that group of three above.

Not to punish people because they.. can't. But to punish those because they  won't.
I think you will agree there is an ocean of difference between can't and won't. Especially when it comes to morality.

Let's switch this up a bit..

Independence for Scotland is the intelligent option.. the passionate option.. but what society would we build?

Land Ownership

I would like to see a day in a independent Scotland where.. you wouldn't need planning permission to build on your own land.. sure sure.. if you are going to SELL or RENT that land you must knock down any structures you made yourself.. so we don't get slumb landlording..but if it is for you and your family.. I don't see why we need all those permits and fees. For house building.. I would like to see.. government pre-approved licencing for pre-fab builders.. much like taxi drivers need a badge, prefab companies would need a licence from the government an inspector from the government comes and checks the work after it is finished and if it is not up to code then the prefab company pays to fix any code problems..

Think about how liberating it would be for the individual! .. no permits. no extra fees/taxes.

Firstly we must claim back the land for the people, especially in light of Scotland's history and the Highland Clearances.. I don't think any party that supports Scottish independence also opposes the land reformation proposals (lead by the SNP). 

I feel I have a very Libertarian outlook on land ownership. Our land for our citizens, empowering us to have families .. as many children as we want (as you will know we have a population crisis in Scotland).. we need more children.

Currently we have 230k shoeboxes. shoebox with a light bulb. It's shameful.. that we claim to be a western country, but have such dollhouses for homes. I would like to see a Libertarian government force builders to give value for money.. as currently, its nothing short of a tragic 230k joke. (click link)


I agree with 'No intervention, without provocation.' This I feel is very on piste with Libertarian values of war.

I agree with troops having money spent on them.. they shouldn't be hungry or needlessly tired in the field.. but why the flip are they there in the first place??.. lives being risked and all that money is being wasted to profit Westminster's weapon manuf. chums. 120 years of the English (and Americans)  going to the Middle East/Iraq and stealing their stuff. killing their children and branding the arabs terrorists.

SNP policies I disagree with..

I see Scottish Libertarians being vocal about the free speech vs hate speech.. I personally, do not agree with the SNP hate speech bill and value free speech to a much higher degree.

Removal of our 'states'.. in 2014 the SNP disbanded our Scottish states .. it was a widely unpopular policy, and even SNP supporters hated it.. But to be fair to the SNP, they had to do it this way because the Tories were strangling the budget due to the ghost story that is 'austerity'..not 100% their fault, but still.. unpopular.

Scottish Green policies I wish were true..

The Scottish Greens are I feel a moral party.. but they bang on about the environment, which is important, without thinking about the average person.

If the Scottish Green were to provide free electricity to all of Scotland's citizens via green means.. then who could care how the electricity is generated? We stop getting a say because we no longer pay for it.. and so then they could generate that electricity via green means and the average citizen wouldn't have to care.

This would be for private citizens only and not businesses.

Libertarianism and Welfare State..

This is a double edged sword.. on one hand.. no one should die because of money.. as money is just an idea and human life must always.. always be valued more than ideas. On the other side.. money is how we reward those in our society for the value of their work.

Any party that comes into government inherits the unemployment of the last government..

I find it totally irresponsible for a party to immaturely just throw up their hands and say to some unemployed person; that's not our problem that's just your problem.. 

So if there were a Scottish Libertarian Government.. it shouldn't I feel be about punishing those who suddenly just found out they might starve to death under a Libertarian government.. I don't know what that system might be.. but there must be a better option, more suited to Scotland.. perhaps government labouring jobs.. not 'chain gang' prisoner style, but honest pay for honest work. +10% on minimum wage per hour..?

Free dental, medical.. the NHS.. the idea the Scottish Libertarians will dismantle the NHS is a bit like poking a lion with a stick.. it's not wise and the amount of savage backlash from the Scottish electorate on dismantling this treasured institution .. might leave the Scottish Libertarians wishing there was a NHS to mend those wounds..especially after this pandemic and the heroic efforts of said NHS.


Ultimately..I feel there are many lions in Scotland they shouldn't be poking with sticks.. maybe the idea Nye Bevan had.. fitting Socialism into a Capitalist/Imperialist structure, making it palatable for the electorate.. but in this case.. fitting (a watered down) Libertarianism into a European Socialist structure.. giving Scotland the right wing option of a party that financially, due to the money on war going directly to banking and industry/free market (for personal small loans to start businesses and enabling the free market* more) has a Libertarian outlook.. but won't go around poking lions with sticks.



Saturday, 21 November 2020

Dava's Hitchhiker's Guide to 'Things Unionists say..'

Dava's Hitchhiker's Guide to 'Things Unionists say..' 

Hullo fellow supporters o' independence!

Noo Ah'm goiny dæ the rest iyn hInglish, as ye mæstly will bæ arguin' in hInglish.. asides, no everwan kin read Scots.. sa wæoot further adieu..


'Once in a Generation'

Remind Unionists this argument cuts both ways.. 'Once in a Generation' is only true IF 'Union of Equals' is equally true. Besides we have a legal precedent of Northern Ireland that is 7 years. It cannot be contested and MUST be applied to Scotland also.. I wonder if Ms. Joanna Cherry QC (known lovingly as 'Big Jo' but I will maintain the honorific) would enjoy taking Westminster to court over a legal obstruction of civil rights?

Union of Equals means we too just like Northern Ireland are entitled to a referendum judging our constitutional status..  every 7 years if we so wish.

Not to mention the People of Scotland are Sovereign, this is an right we have. it is law.

So even IF we accept.. once in a generation, then a generation cannot be more than 7 years as per the Good Friday Agreement.. or the Unionists are in breaking the promise of equality.. in turn I add this: neither are in law.. neither 'once in a generation' or 'union of equals'.. but as good faith that is one is believed to be true both MUST be publicly honoured, as both were public knowledge to either side.

I add.. we have seen we are NOT a union of equals.. England gets England's way whenever it wants.

'But England subsidizes Scotland' (or GERS or Barnett Formula)

Let's stick to the facts shall we?..

1. 32.8 Billion Pounds of Scottish tax payers money is spent by Westminster on Scotland's behalf.

2. Westminster has never published detailed papers how this money is spent.

3. The Barnett formula does benefit Scotland more than England, but who says England is getting a good deal in the first place that we are getting better? 2p is better than 1p to run a country.. but still not a good deal for either.

4. The Allocated Spending Budget.. is a made up figure.. it's not how much Westminster can afford it is how much they determine the kingdom can subsist on. Let alone they actually spend the tax on the people.. and not on war. Each missile is £200,000 btw.. 

5.  Number 5 is much like number 2.. but it NEEDS underlined, the Scottish Government publish the GERS figures.. but NO ONE not even the Scottish Government know what Westminster spend that 32.8 Billion on.


£68.6 Billion  (click link to see total tax inc north sea rev.)

28.8 Billion bloc grant to the Scottish Government.. who 'borrows' a further 7 billion from the 68.6 Billion means we spend 35.8 Billion in Scotland.. and 32.8 Billion is spent by Westminster.. on Scotland's behalf.. on what? ferry companies with no ferries??

To be fair.. we are obligated to spend around 3 to 5% of GDP on defense like most Western Countries.. we pay 6% because we are 6% of the population of the Kingdom.

This works out one of three ways:

'UK' Allocated Defense Budget

We contribute 6% of defense budget as per our population of the 'UK'.



The Kingdom's GDP is £2,148,902,827,500.00 or £2.1 Trillion Pounds.

Now we know it cannot be the following figures as it is more than Scotland earns in tax:

6% of £2,148,902,827,500 is £128,934,169,650 or 128 Billion pounds.

Scottish GDP
Our GDP is £152,041,562 per year. Or just over 152 Billion per year.

6% of £152,041,562 is: £9122493.72 or 9.1 Billion.

This is a exuberant amount for Scotland.. mind boggling!.. to put it in perspective, our half brothers and sister in Norway.. and she is rich!.. spent 61.6 Billion Krone.. or £5.1 Billion on defense.. 


Now.. the Tories.. and at times Labour like to 'top up' this budget, few billion here.. few billion there.. but the base line is as follows:

In 2018 (see this link) the Kingdoms defense budget, foregoing 'top ups':
£37,623,679,645 or £37.623 Billion pounds..

6% of £37,623,679,645 is £2,257,420,778 or 2.2 Billion pounds

This is scenario 3 & is the most likely.

Although saying that.. I wouldn't put Scenario 2 anywhere near a Tory Imperialist. Like handing your baby to a serial killer.

6. Lean into the Truth.. make it your weapon not theirs.

I freely admit that Scotland does benefit from a greater defense budget..but that's not enough to keep us in the Union.


It is much more important to be truthful AT ALL TIMES.. so we can make irrefutable arguments with TRUTH and not as the other side does.. tries to win with lies. tries to win with opinions.

The truth is impossible to argue with.. make sure you are on it's side.. because we are righteous, we have SO MANY examples of what we say is true.. make sure you show others and by doing so convince doubters, who will also read what you write.. that we are truthful. 

 Scotland's not a 'real' country, the real country is the United Kingdom'

A: The United Kingdom is a legal entity with sovereign rights, it is classed as a country even though this is a misnomer.. its is a 'country of countries'.. just as the EU is, the UK was before it*. 

*(Except with a lot of horror coming from the English.. selling us as timeshare slaves and running us off our land etc.. murdering us, occupying our land, trying to starve us to death.. trying to starve the Irish to death.. etc.. )

We are a recognised non-sovereign country by the UN. The Law we have about Sovereignty of the Scottish peoples only applies internally to the Kingdom and not internationally. We still have the right to revolt against any monarch or parliament that tries to take away said sovereignty.. which may make it seem ineffectual words.. but if Westminster denies what we demand.. they are in breach of that law.  

To be clear: they are starting a fight.

'Scotland was just as much of the Empire as England was'

From my Quora:

For the first 38 years of the Union, Scotland was rebelling against the Union (1745 - 1707 = 38). Rebelling was costly and the money ran out.. 5 years later 1750 the Highland Clearances begun, 1750 to 1860.. one hundred and ten years of Westminster backed Highland Clearances, while the original instigators of this was Scots ‘nobles’ .. their descendants had the Scots well out of them. The normal course of things would have been a rebellion but with Westminster and English soldiers as a power base.. a natural rebellion could not take place.

Jacobitism - Wikipedia
Highland Clearances - Wikipedia

So we are at 1860.. let’s look at a map during 1860:

The Evil Empire is clearly shown above. Just because Westminster kicked Scots off their land and they moved to ‘the colonies’ does not indicate guilt. In fact there are reports of emptying villages and being forced onto boats against their will headed for America or Canada.. indentured into servitude.

The Cultural Impact of the Highland Clearances

Again from my Quora: 

1705 the Alien Act
England tries to starve Scotland to death by imposing a trading embargo, to force us to join the Union.

Alien Act 1705 - Wikipedia.

1707 The Act of Union
England pays off a load of corrupt Scots nobles, obscene amounts of money to vote for the Union.

“Another negotiator, Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, who was an ardent Unionist, observed it was "contrary to the inclinations of at least three-fourths of the Kingdom"

Acts of Union 1707 - Wikipedia

It was clear we did not want the Union.. Jacobite rebellions:

Jacobite risings - Wikipedia

Which brings us to 1745.. in 1750 the Highland Clearances:

Highland Clearances - Wikipedia

One hundred and ten years of kicking people of their land.. making Scots indentured servants (10 year slaves to America or Canada). Burning their house down.. all enforced by Westminster.

So we are now at 1860.. a relatively good period between Scotland and England, Queen Victoria treated Scotland well as she loved us, and so our middle class could feel self respect in the first time in over 150 years.. it was first and last time.


If anyone has any more arguments they would like me to address.. please let me know :)



Tuesday, 17 November 2020

The Pound Scots.. our version of The Pound Sterling.. pros, cons and thoughts..

Hullo fellow independence supporters


There are many pros and cons.. and indeed considerations to Scotland have our own currency. I hope to outline the majority of them here to give readers information.. again, hopefully, clear informed choices.

The Pound Scots


The most clear advantage of our own currency is control of our inflation.. what is inflation? at its nucleus, inflation is when prices get either too high for the average consumer, or prices get too low for businesses to make a profit to compete with larger businesses (multinational conglomerates). Governments have a responsibility to mediate inflation, chiefly to negate it (like it doesn't exist or is nullified) for the average consumer, to empower the consumer to buy as much as possible.This in turn maximizes profit for the many businesses involved.

In short.. we all hate inflation; governments, businesses and consumers.

Being able to set tax rates, interest rates and currency exchange rates, empowers a government enough to control inflation, removing currency control impacts the effectiveness of the measures taken and prioritizes that economy for foreign needs.. like if we had the Euro.. which is a beneficent idea and not necessarily a bad idea for Scotland, especially as the EU is excellent at curbing inflation, but it is entirely possible that Scotland may need to go in the opposite way the EU goes with the Euro.

Not to mention control of Scottish banking.. our own currency means we control our own banks and our national funds. 

But a Scottish national currency is higher reward for higher risk and more local flexibility.. it empowers the government more as I have said but then we come to the risk part.. 


Currency raiding.. is when a group or a individual with a serious amount of cash begins trading a new currency with a view to deflate it's worth and by doing so, they (could potentially) make tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollar/pounds.. enemies of Scotland could plunder Scotland's wealth without so much as a skirmish.. simply by trading Scotland's currency in large amounts..

How can the be avoided? Ah-ha! This only applies to fiat currencies.. currencies without financial backing.. we in Scotland could stop currency raids dead in its tracks if we are a bullion based currency, gold and silver bullion.

If our currency trades at the same rate as gold and silver, it is those markets that determine our currencies price,, this throws up a wall protecting our currency from raiding.. it's not impossible to raid.. it just becomes  very very hard. And tbh not really worth the raids while.. because if they could raid the gold and silver markets.. they would be doing it already.


Right now the deal with gas and oil companies is a joke. It mocks every Scottish citizen. 

Ideally we would have one or two nationalized small oil fields for our own people to keep our prices of gas and petrol down (as we transition to green energy).. and the resources should be sold outright based on estimations done by the Scottish Government..

Sold outright resources (not the land or sea but only the resources).. upfront payment based on estimates  done by the Scottish Government .. North Rona oil field estimated at 200 Billion.. so the Scottish Government sells the resources at 150 Billion and no tax..but must be paid upfront in full.

That 150 Billion then goes into Gold and Silver Bullion.. 


.. and when we crack open Rockall, at around $2 trillion dollars worth.. while researching this I found out there is a dispute about the ownership of Rockall.. which is weird as I was just about to suggest this (see following) before knowing about the dispute..

The Personifications... 

Let's get our Norwegian half-brothers and half sisters to do the actual extraction and give them 5% after cost, our French cousins to distribute it to Europe (first offer/refusal to a French oil company.. plus no tax for upfront payment,  5% to the French Government).. the remainder split half between Alba and Eire, we are twins.. and I don't really care about a stupid fight and want to see my twin sister profit greatly.. it would be great if she would offer the same for her patch of the trench.. we could go all in and split it between us 50/50.. doesn't matter who had the most, just share and not care like we should.. but if it would start a fight then no.. I wouldn't see it suggested to her. Love her too much.. I'm at the point I just want to give her money, make sure she has a little extra in the bank.

That leaves 900 Billion dollars in Rockall alone for Scotland.. more than enough.. significantly more than enough to have our own currency. The annual wealth of Scotland (not simply tax but everything) is $202 Billion dollars  so more than four times what we need to cover our currency costs.


The Westminster governments have done deals with oil companies to drip drip money in the form of tax.. this is clown shoes on a super model; dumb. I worry the Scottish Government in the independent Scotland would do the same.

Money upfront is the smart way to do things.

The Euro

Not the world ending disaster some would make it out to be.. in fact the Euro has many pros. The main con is as above.. the inability to curb inflation.. but since the EU is excellent at curbing inflation, we consumers don't have to *really* care about that too much.. but it would be nice if we could go a step further and control this, but not essential.


Inflation is managed by the EU, which have a track record of well managing this. It is near impossible to currency raid.. as the trading bloc is too large.. 

The main advantage to the Euro is cultural .. we never need to currency exchange when traveling in Europe. This is a very friendly thing to do.. prices would be the same as back home pretty much and we are already familiar with  those brand equivalent prices.

Prices to houses stay the same. Prices for goods stay the same. It is a lateral move to adopt the Euro.. with two caveats that I'll come to now..


Without our own currency we cannot generate our own wealth the same way.. its complicated to explain but.. we are acting as guarantor for any currency we enter into.. our oil, our gas, our green energy becomes a guarantor of sorts to that currency. Joining the Euro.. might mean we ask a levy for the guarantee we help assure on the Euro .. and so the EU would have to pay us a levy.. and they *may* not like that. Sure they will let us in for free.. its is very beneficial for them to do so.. but if we charge them say 500 million to 1 billion Euros a year as a levy.. erm they probably won't like that.

Greece.. we see what currency raiding does without it *actually* happening..Greece almost bankrupted the Euro.. the EU are still having problems with Greece last I checked (2018)..What if another EU country near bankrupted the Euro?.. it is scary.. but it is also less likely if Scotland joins the I said we become we would become Europe's 'bank' along with Germany and France.. we would be able to say yes and no.. be able to cut off a country's bail out package.. say no when no is needed.

Does this benefit the people of Scotland.. not very much in exchange for what is offered.. but we are building bridges here and compromises must be made.. besides where-ever my sister is (Ireland) I want to go also..


Pros and Cons aside.. the transition to the Euro would be an entirely smooth one. Moving to the Pound Scots is a bumpy adventure in comparison and we don't know what ghosts wait in what closets.. The Euro all in is a lateral move.. giving up a medium slice of control in exchange to ensure said smooth transition.

I didn't point this out specifically.. but really should now.. Scotland has just under 1/3rd of ALL of Europe's Green Energy .. this goes into the mix as guarantor .. its not a light thing to offer the EU and we should definitely receive a levy payment imho.

Norwegian Krone

Erm.. unlikely, our half brothers and sisters would accept us in this (but you never know.. they loved us enough to offer us a place on the Nordic council.. which was WOW, thank you so much! <3 ).. if they did.. we would become one of the richest currencies in the world, if not thee richest currency in the world..

Our both low population compared to GDP and the fact no one is going to try raiding the Krone..


Richest currency in the world (probably). Quality of life (QoL) would skyrocket for both countries.


Both countries pulling in opposite directions.. erm.. Norway has a style of unbridled inflation.. complicated to explain here, but everything is expensive.. everything.. and they like it that way, it's how their governments generate cash.. its smart.. very smart way of doing things.. but definitely wouldn't suit Scotland. We like things cheap.. and if we don't get it cheap; we do without.. or go and hunt for it at the price we like for hours.

The Pound Scots pegged to The Pound Sterling 

Dumb, dumb dumb.. ohw man this is dumb! But why would any government do this? Because the people don't understand how all this works and..

Q: Wait! your high and mightiness..then why don't you explain how this works??

.. and they panic. OK.. I'll have a crack at this, although I feel I have touched on many of the points already..

People start panicking that they won't be able to sell their house for the same price they bought it and be able to clear their mortgage.. which generates more panic and house prices start to crash and people are willing to take less and less for their houses.. it becomes a buyers market.

In turn this effects/affects interest rates.. which as a knock on effects/affects inflation and so knocks on to businesses .. with me so far?

The government doesn't want to peg its new currency to another.. so imagine this..

People panic = crashing house market = interest rate change = higher inflation = harder for people to be consumers = businesses have less cash and less power = unemployment rises .. all of this weakens the new currency.. unless it is pegged to another.


Don't move house until the currency is bullion backed with at least 200 billion dollars of gold/silver. 

That simple. Don't move house.

It'll take around 5 to 10 years for the Pound Scots to stabilize once the Bullion has hit 200 Billion dollars worth.. so talking 15 to 20 years..?

But people don't like to hear this.. on the other hand.. if you want your children/grandchildren to grow up and work in a ultra successful country with good wages and plenty of jobs.. don't move house and stop being a baby.

We done?

Q: Well calling people babies for wanting to move house is a bit much.. but otherwise yeah that was straightforward to understand.  


While its easy to say this or that on this topic.. the actual topic itself is complicated for people to understand at a glance. Ultimately it would be nice to have our Pound Scots back.. giving us control of our own fortunes.. good or bad.. and I think that's what many people want.. me? .. I hover around 50/50 Pound Scots/Euro.. slightly leaning towards having our own unpegged currency so we can control our own inflation.. but make no mistake I am terrified of being currency raided.. so then I start to think about the Euro and how attractive it is and without that same risk.. the Euro is doubtedly to me.. a lateral move, the safe bet.. but having our own currency while risky.. due to our unique circumstance of resource vs population.. we could maximise an already very rich reward.



Ah'll dæ a Scots version when Ah kin bæ bothered.. knackered the noo and need a haud o` a pal tæ help him wæ PC stuff.

Friday, 2 October 2020

Dava's Hitchhiker's Guide to Unionist, Neutral and Nationalist Scottish Businesses.. who should you be supporting?

Dava's Hitchhiker's Guide to Unionist, Neutral and Nationalist Scottish Businesses.. who should you be supporting?

Hullo WWW

Noo afore Ah launch intæ ony o' thys.. It cuda bin a small minded petty hing.. bit oan the o'er mind, the hIinglish sleeȝk'ytly forced oor haun..

Asides it is a noble hing tæ support *true* Scottish businesses on acoont o' us bein Scots & wans fæ far flung shores or w/e..
Lit when Ah discovered Grahams Spreadable.. Ah ditched Lurpak.. Lurpak is Danish an' miby we awe ken how clæse hInglund is tæ Denmærk.. lit bro'ers they ur.

Graham's Dairy hus 'Purely Scottish' wæ a saltire oan their blue and black tartan backgroond.

No a curdie o' the butchers apron oar ony unionjackery..


Sa withoot further ado..



(drink/whisky manufacturer) 
Wis seen coverin whisky boatles wæ union jacks fur export.
Aye Bell's.. ye goat caught! Power of miny eyes on yon internet!

Note the London Clock.

Why sæy they got caught?.. coz they wir tryin tæ HIDE it!! Wa'nt'yt nationalists money bit still tæ bow tæ the hInglish! Bell's huv every riȝht tæ their POLITICAL views.. bit no tæ ony money fæ those thyt widnæ gee thum it! Ah've every riȝht tæ boycott thum.. coz it's ma money!


Known Unionist brand. See here & here


Known Unionist brand: See here 

Mackie's Of Scotland

Mackies also mak the saltire flyin' Strachan's  tæ appear nationalist.

a Mackies in nationalist clothing.


Is hInglish.. ayways hus been (Justerini & Brooks of London), owned bi a Spanish mob noo. Sa miby neutral.. bit miby no..

Diageo plc (Assumed)

Jist see the pic fur the brands, Ah'll provide a link n' ye kin make up yur æn mind if Unionist oar no..


Noo owned (since Sept 2nd 2020) bi the English/Unionist Burton's Biscuit Company.
See here:

Walkers Shortbread

Walkers Shortbreid;  Unionist.. an' Union Jackery afoot:

Stewart's Scotland

Tæ bæ fair... they dinnæ hide bein` unionist in the slightest.. sa Ah guess the 'scottish and british' thing.. bit even thyt said.. Ah thought this wis a bit much (see pic) :

Fæ Perth Scotlund

They huv an'oer wan.. a Bulldug dressed up wæ a Union Jack hat.. an` a few mær Scottish lookin` wans.. bit erm.. aye thyts wit thyt is.

Farmfoods (Færmfids)

Seen thys through ma door.. Unionists confirmed!

 While Ah appreciate the individual country aspect .. aye it's milder.. still ends up ays 'be british' which jist means 'be hInglish'.

Acts lit it's a Scottish business bit is actually hInglish:  
C/O Pasta Foods Ltd Forest Way, New Costessey, Norwich, England, NR5 0JH



Barr's huv bin *affy* vocal aboot bein' neutral.. Ah cannæ stress how vocal Barr's huv bin aboot bein' neutral. Even though, it is speculated, they oota awe the companies huv *the mæst* tæ gain fæ 
Scottish independence.

Farmfoods (Færmfids) 

Wis an ærticle a few years ago Ah read.. sæyin' Færmfids officially sæyin' they were neutral.. the reporter went oan tæ interview some o' the staff.. who were.. awe hInglish unionists an' fæ hInglund.
(UPDATE 26th/Sept/2024 Unionist)

Whyte & Mackay

Owned bi a Filipino company the noo.. Emperador. Ah've heard næ wird o' thum puttin Union Jack's oan Scotch boattles. 

Bells of Shotts Food Group (not same as Bell's Whisky, different company)

Dusnæ seem tæ bæ affliated. Ah wisnæ sure aboot McGees a'naw.. bæth seem wieshty (quiet/shy) oan politics.. bit skreven 'Britain' fur McGees an' the mær neutral 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' fur Bells o` Shotts.

Swatch update below, Ah first swatched it masel Oct/2021

Nationalist (+ assumed)

Grahams Dairy (Confirmed)

Grahams dæ ice cream a'naw.. wan mini review.. mær o' a gel/gelato thun a ice cream. Ah bought twa.. bi the end o' yon second wan..felt Ah wis jist eaten it tæ support a indie supportin' business.. needs a bit o' work.. an' then.. flatten Mackies!


Nationalist supporting (CEO Neil Clapperton  2014)

See here

Aldi (assumed)

Fæ yon same ærticle fæ above aboot Mackies.. Aldi likewise hus bin there tæ support independence.. however misguided.. fæ thum it wis a nice gesture. Bit.. we shoulnæ fund folk thyt support the union.

Mær ben wæ Aldi's dedicat'yt Scottish FB page: 
and mær ben tæ:

Lidl (assumed)

Bæth Aldi an' Lidl did some heavy investment in their Scottish stores æfter the Brexit vote.. bæth iirc announcin' they wid bæ increasin' jobs here an' pourin' in effort tæ keepin' Scots supplied.


Galloway Cheddar (mixed/assumed)

Wis owned bi Mother's Pride.. who ur owned bi the (English) Unionist; Premier Fids. Bit ownership hus passed back tæ A McLelland an' Sons, who seem (tæ mæ) tæ bæ nationalist, goin' bi the packaging:

Hall's of Scotland (Nationalist)

Hall's o' Scotlund cud bæ nationalist.. oar federalist.. wan hing is fur sure.. their owners Browns Food Group (Scots: Broons Fid Group) were RAGIN' o'wer brexit! read here

Note: 'tæ'.. Scots an' no the hInglish 'to'

UPDATE 24/Apr/2021: New packagin wæ 'Aye we're Scottish' aroon the Saltire, means Ah'm gee'n thum a confirmed!

Bell's of Shotts (assumed)

Update October/2021:
Bell's o' Shotts hus update'yt there packagin tæ include 'Proudly baked in Scotland' wæ a saltire. Noo Ah'm no 100% oan the everyhin o' thys.. mibe jist baked cakes they dæ thys fur.. no sure. Wid love tæ see mær o' thys oan awe goods.. especially steak bakes n bridies!

That's enough fur noo, Ah've bin oan this fur a few h'ours.. Ah'll bæ back n' update as is.



Back an furr'yt.. no sure

Lee's of Scotland (assumed Nationalist but.. Royalists)

When Tunnocks came oot in support o' the union.. nationalists flocked tæ Lees.
Ah masel did this.. an' last year (2019) bought an g'uy queer amoont o' their tea cakes and snowballs. esp. sna'baws! :)  buyin 10 x packs o' 6 per fortnight.

Update 01/June/2022

Confirmed Royalists an sa mæst likely Unionists:

UPDATE 26/Sept/2024

Brandin an brand videos show.. mær Scottish flags..

Bit owned bi the Scottish Finsbury group.. Ah dinnæ ken.. wit their politics ur.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

Norway (with less of the North Sea than Scotland) has a £300-600 Billion oil fund.. Scotland has £0. Where did it go? similar population as Scotland.. but £300–600 Billion put away for a rainy day.

Decade after decade of all Scotland.. yes Scotland’s oil being pumped into London.. just look how small a section Norway has.. and they have the above..

With (educated guess) 1/20th the amount of resources. Norway has a 1 Trillion Dollar Public Fund. And Scotland has severe poverty.

The ONS has shown Scotland is the poorest constituent country of the UK:

“Q: Which country of the Kingdom has the most resources per head of population?
A : Scotland
Q: Which country of the Kingdom is the poorest?
A: Scotland
Q: Which area of the Kingdom has the least resources per head of population?
A: London and the South East
Q: Which area of the Kingdom is the richest?
A: London and the South East
So where does the money go?
A: London to pay for the 10 times ages of everyone there. To feed already wealthy upper class Imperialists.  Don't believe me?.. just look at the graphic!


The above equals £68,614,000,000 (per year)

The Scottish Government get a bloc grant of 28.8 Billion and ‘borrow’ a further 7 Billion.. but this is from the tax we already generate. The Scottish Government publishes papers showing where the money went.. so far that’s 35.8 Billion accounted for. Westminster spends the rest on Scotland’s behalf.. Scotland’s behalf.. however there is no figures by Westminster saying what on earth they spend that 33.2 Billion generated by Scotland.. Westminster refuses to publish an account of what they spend it on..

I’m guessing ferry companies with no ferries, giving out beefy billion pound contracts to weapons manufacturers and feeding London ten times the wages for the same job as elsewhere in this [sarcasm] totally believable ..equal union.

The Barnett formula sounds fair.. until you find out the Barnett Formula only takes account of allocated spending budget. This ‘budget’ is a made up figure.. it could be anything as it is not based on incoming tax only the allocation that the English Government gives it.. they could take in 1 Trillion and allocate three toffees and a pack of crisps..

The thought we get 75 Billion in taxes spent on us.. I find preposterous.. but since no one not even the Scottish Government know what Westminster spend our money on (or can prove it in court).. it’s a kind of thing.. to take your aggressor at their word and overcome them despite our suspicion of their lies.

The max spent on our share of defense should be 3% of GDP, as this is the rate for all western countries and is normal.. around 2 Billion.

Unaccounted money. A country in poverty. SAOR ALBA.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Proto-Artificial Gravity

Hi www

Magnetism is the cousin of gravity.. so we as humans are very advanced in the understanding of magnetism, its a force we can easily control, so instead of outright trying to control its much beefier and wrestle-sum cousin gravity.. we should be working with the friendly cousin.. for reference I am going to term, Gravity is wild and Magnetism is tame.. and currently the present situation for humans, Gravity is like a wild animal.. but we have managed to tame Magnetism.. running electricity through coils in a magnet makes and electromagnet.. varying the current varies the strength of the magnetism..

So, if we were wearing a skintight suit made of flexible magnetic material, we would be drawn towards a magnetic force.

I am aware of centrifugal artificial gravity and am enthused about the natural way is behaves, however for situations where CAG becomes impractical, such as a space base on a solar world (planet/moon) magnetic artificial gravity would be a viable alternative.

Humans are made up of metal too.. the iron in our blood, spacefarers can experience pooling of blood in the head and face due to our hearts being used to gravity and having to work harder to pump the blood from our feet to our head, but in low or no gravity situations, this is not the case and so the blood pools in the head and face..

I suggest this is combined with 'weighted items'.. items that are corrected weighted for each solar body, take for example Mars..which has around 38% of the Earth's gravity, for items to be weighted correctly we need to fill up items with that other 62% of weight.. it should be noted that items should not contain any metals, as the magnetic artificial gravity would influence the weight of the items.. well this is all very complicated.. yes it can contain metal.. but only once much more experimenting  had been done.

Rocks of two different sized fall at the same speed. this is how Gravity behaves.
But not so much its cousin..
Magnetism will latch on to the largest polarized object, making an attracting force..
so something to watch out for there.

These are my thought so far.. one very large electromagnet underneath the core habitat of a space base, skintight suits of flexible metal, even woven tiny pockets with the metal in those pockets in a lattice of metal beads across the body.. I couldn't find which metal is the heaviest natural (non alloy) magnetic metal, but use that and just increase the current.. maybe..

hope these ideas go out into the ether.. and reach someone who can do these things or at least try them..


Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Self-Driving Mini-Copters are the Future.. and here's why I think that..

Hi www

In this article/work of hopeful fiction  I say we have mini-copters..

Self-Driving Mini-Copters are the Future.. and here's why I think that..

With self-driving cars.. it's a noble pursuit.. however, cars only have 8 directions of travel on one plane of movement.. however a helicopter has 26 directions of travel across three planes of movement (the extra ones being up and down)..

The skies are pretty empty, and giving an AI an extra 18 options to avoid collision is smart.

I *imagine* we could have personal mini-copters.. these would be around half the size of a car and carry one or two passengers. Inside would be sparse, and designed to be totally self cleaning.. like those self cleaning toilets that spray themselves and then dry themselves.

I don't know whether or not people should own the mini-copters or they should be provided by the government. If you own it.. then you are responsible for it.. however if these are owned by the government it wouldn't matter which copter you were using and the first nearest available one would come to you.

As an automated taxi service..this could be potentially a good business however, morally, if they just replace taxis.. which are ultra expensive to ride in.. then no, it's not moral. People should just use a taxi. If these vehicles were  forced to keep their prices 1/10th of national average taxi prices by law and governmental regulation acts.. then yes, I could see how that could both make money for an entrepreneur and benefit humanity.


Right now.. AI isn't great.. if you have ever played a game where the AI has to control a vehicle.. games like Far Cry and Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) let you do this.. these are the *good* examples of AI.. and even they are not perfect. Every so often they will make a judgement call and it will be a bad one.. but as humans we could see it was bad.

Flying would be very different.. as we could go up and down.. I think AI could cope with that. In games it's really bad.. but if you could teach the AI about air traffic control.. much less so.

these are my thoughts and I am bit tired and need a smoke..

Live long and prosper!


An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..

 Ahoyhoy Internet! I was thinking.. with countries going more regularly to Luna with their own experiments.. Wouldn't it make sense if a...