Sunday, 6 August 2017

Scotland and it's Monarchy.. in independance reformation of the Scottish Monarchy is a fallacy

Hi www

I am in a very unique situation, where I am a Catholic and would liked to have seen some restoration of the Scottish Monarchy in an independant Scotland..

However I will dash any hopes of this from the start by explaining this as a fallacy, if it happened once it can happen again, The house of Hanover rules, and will probably be the last house to be seated, because IF we were in an independent Scotland to restore a purely Scottish house, that house would most likely marry into the house of Hanover and we would be back where we started.

I can daydream without harm to others though.. I mean my own clan, 'the Shaws' had *some* problems and we lost our royal seat, would I like to see my clan restored, yes that would be nice, and we DO have the Tordarroch Shaws who carry our banner proudly, and rightly so. But I digress.. I would have liked to have seen the MacDonalds considered as a royal house or restore the Bruces..

Why have a house represent Scotland as Monarch? I am Catholic, and having a king or queen who could be catholic or protestant and pretty much only marry other Celts/Gaels would make me feel great! The English live in England with their Queen.. I actually kind of like her, but it doesn't matter, because she only stands for England, and the rest is just a fantasy, the rest being that she stands for Scotland or any other country.. I mean I think the commonwealth is a great idea, and I feel she's done a great job with it, but she will always be a English Queen sitting on Scottish Throne, not her fault, but she can never shed the ideals of her people, the English, and she HAS to represent those ideals in the embodiment of a person.. Scottish ideals I have found are VERY different than English ideals, our values and loves.. and the way the English treat us is unfair. .. is that a bit vague? okay.. our money is not accepted in England, when I go to England they have this strange look at me behind their eyes, at the very least if it not contempt, it is a knowledge that I am fundamentally different to them. Which is the correct way to think.

I see the SNP fighting and fighting against the English hatred (english tories) without reward of acknowledgement but only scorn from the English people.. and more and ore English move here's miserable.

So IF the Queen of England was also the spiritual Queen of Scotland.. she would stand up to Theresa May and tell her she is fired. Tell her 'you cannot overrule the decisions of the Scottish people because it is inconvenient for your political ambitions.' The Queen would tell her 'You cannot lie to my people 'The Scots' and think you will not go to jail for fraud.' IF the Queen ever reads this.. The English Tories have been manipulating the media to brainwash people into Theresa May's political standpoint.

I'm tired of all this.. I want to GO!! I want independance to have already happened and to be as happy as the English seem to be.. daily it nags me 'you are a second class citizen, the english can come here if they like and ruin your dream, avoid going to england or interacting with English officials.'

Ruthy and I have had 3 visa refusals.. 2 with NO REASON..I can only guess it was because I am Scottish, that seems reason enough.


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