Thursday, 17 August 2017

Center-Left, Alt-Right.. and me..

Hi www

I want to talk about where I fit in politically with the strange current global political landscape. But first let's talk about that particular landscape.

Center-Left is an all encompassing milieu of political ideals, including everyone to be treated fairly, but not just fairly, fringe minorities seem to come to great attention by center-left, while the majority is most definitely overlooked. I'm no racist, Ruthy (my fiancee) is Asian-Latino, I love her very much and hope our children will arrive in good time knowing they will be mixed, this also bolsters their immune system.. I like that. I'm Catholic and don't really care about LGBT rights, I don't want any of these people harmed.. I leave it up to the saints who will 'judge the world'. Do I want Center-Left to further their cause.. not really.

Alt-Right was the nomenclature of the anti-SJW.. but this.. no. Too many of them are racists..

I mean I do think there is predilection in genes for physical and mental capacity.. Scots will *most likely* be at least someway good at basic engineering even if they haven't experienced it before, and the same for many other countries what you find people doing for tens of generations their children will be most likely good at. But for every rule there is one who breaks that rule.

I support independence for Scotland and due to recent uncovering of scandalous transactions by English Tories, I think I may start to support reparations for oil stolen.

I believe feminism has over-run it's course, in the 1980s women got what the men had, the right to equal pay. It's not my fault if they don't take people to court for underpaying them or signing contracts agreeing to lower pay. To any woman reading this in this situation.. either take them to court or be a coward. The second gen feminists who WON you this right were NOT cowards.. how little you have to do but are so weak.

I am disabled, I rely totally on the state to keep me alive, I cannot work, I am in agony for 90% of my day and find it hard to concentrate. BUT even before all this I believed in Socialism.. it sounded the closest to what Lord Jesus said 'if someone wants your shirt from you give them your cloak also' and 'give to the needy'. I liked that.

What does all this mean?

Welp, it means no political side represents me, and I feel that is the heart of the article, that so many are disenfranchised around the world. That NO political ideology represents them, they have been stuck choosing the closest one and going with that.. I feel that's why there is so much conservatist backlash and swing voting globally, people are looking for something different.

You *could* say '70 years of the English Tories being evil to Scotland has coloured your view David' and while I couldn't prove you wrong.. I would be doubtful. Center-Left is the way to go for me.. even if they push their supporters out of the limelight to focus on people I don't really have concern any with..why? because out of:

'The worker gets his wages'
'Give to those who ask it of you'

EVEN if we are all wrong.. we didn't starve and punish anyone. The imperialist propaganda Tories who call themselves that.. well.. they don't care, they will starve and kill their way into every bank balance they can. So I think that's worth putting up with little to no attention from the side that is meant to represent me.




I'm a Christian traditionalist, a reluctant supporter of first gen feminists, a supporter and admirer of second gen feminists and anti-3gen feminism. I enjoy the company of women who care if their man is alive or dead in a ditch. which in my experience I think I have only met less than five women like this my whole life in the west, and met a constant stream of them in Asia.

The western male is a dead dog in a mcdonald's dumpster.. throw away disposable and his psyche is treated by western women with the same amount of respect. .. 'go on belittle my hobby, that means i'm not out cheating on you or getting drunk.. talk to me again like i'm nothing but a joke! talk to your friends behind my back about your sex life and dress like a slut.. you don't have to respect me, western men are like horny dogs and when you are finished; dispose and get another'. Gender balance has skewed the other way.. and the women are blind to it. To any man reading.. *do not marry the women here, they are spoiled beyond repair*.. find a nice asian woman, a second generation feminist who will be kind to you, want to both work and have a family, doesn't mind doing traditionally female jobs and likes it when you do traditionally male jobs.

*To any woman wondering what to do and what not to do*

Don't belittle him. talk to him with respect.

He has earned it by providing for you financially, you see it's an inescapable part of the male psyche, every 'gift' is an emotionally charged transaction, he is giving up his self-respect and jeopardizing his humiliation for you, in exchange for respect and faithfulness. .. This is why you get cuckold males now, it is a form of sexual psychotic break, where they allow their wives to become impregnated by random men. These men actively refuse respect from their wives because deep down they are feminists and have been indoctrinated since childhood into believing their dominant sexual desires are evil, and so it breaks them inside, pushing them the opposite way into total worthless submission.

Don't criticize him, talk to him with words of encouragement and happiness.
Everything he says to you about his emotions is pretty much a secret. Everytime he opens his heart to you, even if he does not say so, it is a secret.
Your body is his realize it or not; HIS secret, flashing your body around is like telling his secret and you have now shamed him. Some guys don't mind, but if you catch a glimpse of it bothering him, cover up and don't say anything.. keep your cleavage for the bedroom or livingroom. For him only.

Don't talk back to him in front of the kids. Yes couples fight.. but at least wait until you are both alone to have the fight. A stern look will give him something to think about.. and is enough until you have the fight.

DO NOT talk in way other than respectfully about him behind his back. in fact probably avoid talking about him to your friends at all. Instead talk to your sister-in-law about any issues you have with him.. she loves him and hates him all at the same time, she is the perfect family/friend to discuss matters that should be KEPT INSIDE THE FAMILY.

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