Saturday, 3 June 2017

Styles of Government..


I recently shared my thoughts on styles of Government.. I think I would like to go into more depth and build upon that.. using part of the article I wrote as a template.

I will include the 'evil' styles also for a broader understanding of what goes on.


Ah'm Left o' Center..but we'll get tæ that in a minute..

Right Wing


Fascism is when the government a.k.a 'The State' rules with an absolute iron fist. Usually one person is in charge but can be more. Civil rights and personal freedoms are non-existent, the worker is little more than a slave to 'The State'. During Adolf Hitler's fascist regime of the Nazi Party, he enacted a general marshall law, where people could be shot in their beds by the SS, the elite soldiers. This form of fascism came from racist beliefs, and so the people with the required gene's were elevated, and the people without cast down and used for cattle. 

There are other versions of fascism, like when an individual is given a 'god' like status, and people of that country are brainwashed from birth into believing this individual is 'good' no matter their actual morality. In a certain far eastern country, this rings true, it seems in this style of fascism the people are well looked after, or at least by this individual. The problem is the people have no choice, even if they are well looked after, whether poorly looked after or well looked after, they must 'worship' that individual regardless of their personal feelings, of which yes, they are denied because they are brainwashed. Fascism seeks to use propaganda to further brainwash it's people, book burning of contrary literature, viewpoints and criticisms. Censorship of opposing moral stances.

Many times the Military have 'cart'e blanch'e' to rule as they see fit, and it is not like in democracies where such behaviour is not only considered shameful, but punished with imprisonment. Soldiers are there to guard and protect, not to rule and judge.

Pro-isolation OR Pro-Country ownership.

Fascism can also be 'left-wing' but that's much rarer.


Much like fascism but with a slightly kinder face. An Empire begins when one country takes over other countries with hostility, they then 'buy out' that countries resources and employ that countries people, unifying the Empire as one peoples.. sounds like a good idea, but in practise what happens is exploitation of the lowest people in that Empire, the already obscenely rich become unflatteringly so and slavery, either physical or financial,  is common place, despite imperialism having human rights laws, these are mostly used to protect those with the most money.

English Tories are Imperialists, which is a system of exploitation of the poor. I don't know if the Scottish Tories are this too, they might just be Conservatists, to show deference to these systems, I'll explain..

Conservatists, believe in the work ethic 'if I earn it I own it, it is my right to keep it'

Imperialists believe in the work ethic 'If I can make someone else earn it for me, I have the right to it'

Imperialism includes using positions of power for profit, which is illegal in many countries.

When this style government is used: Food gets more expensive, they highly taxate the poor, they tax everything they can; including making new laws so they can tax the poor even more. They favor those who empowered them with rewards. They *sometimes* use fascist tactics to get what they want, using propaganda and censorship. They 'privatise' national assets for a personal profit, taking what does not belong to them, and selling it because they have the power to do so in government.

Pro-war - Pro-Country ownership.

Basically the English Conservatives are as I would put it are ..EVIL.
The Anti-robin hood of the political some crazy council of Bond villains.


Not solely capitalists but mostly so.

Now English Tories who invented a lot of this malarky, ironically don't count as Conservatists, as mentioned above they are Imperialists, which is a system of exploitation of the poor. 

Conservatism is different, and is a morally good system, here I'll explain how..

The Government, a Conservative one, opens dialogue with big business, has universal low tax, for both big business and everyone,they encourage jobs by bringing whole industries to a country.

What this means practically is.. food is very cheap, jobs are plentiful, no duty or import taxes but sometimes these CAN be increased with the desire to encourage home market products purchasing instead of importing, but this is a fallacy, as most countries don't make every kind of everything and so it increases the cost of things, giving people less to spend which defeats the purpose.

Basically everything gets cheaper to buy. But spending on public services gets less, as obviously, there is less money.  It's very much a philosophy, of self-determination through personal achievement, however it does lead to denial of public funds to help the most vulnerable, which is much more like fascism. A 'good' Conservatist realizes the need for 'some sort' of social care, even protecting the NHS and humanising public services for the vulnerable.. a great example of a what I a socialist, would term a 'true' conservatist is John Major, a great man in his own right, non-imperialist, with a responsible outlook  on social care. Whereas Margaret Thatcher was out for war upon opposing ideologies and philosophies, that opposed Imperialism and Conservatism.  

The best answer is.. to create so many jobs, that people who *can* work will work, because they see the huge profit of it; large houses, quality of life, increased purchasing power, which the income tax in turn pays for social care. quantity vs quality, why do so many other countries have a 'boom' in their job markets.. well because their economies are weak and their jobs low paid, many conservatists believe in 'bring the jobs home' however, if you have people willing to work for such low pay, these jobs are gone and cannot return unless that government *seriously* funds industrialization in an industry, this is why I believe in the European Socialist tactic of strong pro-immigration to bring industries and exchange jobs, I am not saying it could *never* work, but whilst we have Imperialists in England at the helm, the idea of 'home industries returning' is a sinking ship, as Imperialists will *always* do whatever is the more profitable for themselves at that particular time, including selling-out industries to other markets.

They also need to be mediator between workers and management, should a dispute break out. Many governments have failed at this, not just conservative ones either*. The power of the bosses is much greater than the power of the worker for Imperialists, it's less so with Conservatists, but still they want a good outcome for both sides, or they will lose the next election.

Conservatists also 'privatize' national assets, but do so with the idea of reducing public costs which they return to the people, via drastically lowering property tax, mortgage payments, housing costs, making new housing at high quality but at a very low price. The idea being, they just created a load of jobs and now need to house the people who have a job. The victorian era, is a good example of Conservatists housing, huge houses as rewards for hard working, the English tories, don't give a toffee fig if you live in a cave or a cardboard box as long as you pay your taxes.

Right of Center

The little wandered 'Right of Center'.. am næ expert, but these seem tæ be Libertarian parties. Low taxation, low public spend, .. and here's a new one, they will refuse to make laws that interfere with your daily life, in other words, they will accept things like legalization of certain drugs for consumption, legalization of firearms. you want tæ homeschool yur kid?.. that's fine! They put a high value on personal liberty.

Think aboot the movie 'The Purge' as an extremist right of center party, who got control and took their desire for personal freedom to insane levels. No modern Right of Center party wants this, they don''t condone murder or theft.

They are both anti-war and anti-immigration, the conservatives being pro-war and anti-immigration,
They enjoy encouraging small business and big business alike, and will give tax breaks to banks who will loan out money to small businesses.For them it's all about enabling the individual to do whatever it is they want to do*.


Here in the middle, we have a start to social care..

These parties, have moderate taxation across the board, offer free higher education, heavy focus on financially helping small to medium businesses, medium public spend, little to no co-operation with trade unions.

What does this practically mean? They are trying to stem inflation so they can spend more, they are trying to increase the middle class by this system, but personally I have yet to see it work. What *should* happen: prices for goods stay the same, but jobs increase, the moderate tax is funnelled in to banks, and the welfare requirees 'live' off the interest. What *does* happen:Well they can support a stop on inflation, many projects have to be scrapped due to not enough funding, usually because they didn't create enough jobs to support social care/welfare.


Left of Center


Here's me :)

The Left is called Socialism.. but the brand we use is European Socialism, which is a much watered down but still valid style of government.

Low tax for the poorest, moderate tax for the average worker, low to moderate tax on small and medium businesses, high tax for big business, take from the rich to give to the poor. High public spend, including free higher education, free medical and dental, free housing to those who cannot afford it or cheap housing to those who cannot afford to be on the housing ladder. Using the country's resources to achieve higher cash reserves for spending. Pro-immigration anti-war.

What does this practically mean? While the quality of food, *may* decline slightly, prices will be low and food plentiful,  jobs can be stifled unless that government is smart about the given resources, trade is paramount to good fiscal standing (see next paragraph) so this ties in with good immigration policies, so people are free to find jobs elsewhere and even to here from abroad. 

But the important factor here is that if we have strong immigrationary relations with other countries, such as having a percentage of our populus from that countries people who have immigrated here and are happy, those countries are likely to share their businesses with us, and have workers plants here. It's just a different solution to the same problem, of lack of jobs. European Socialism.. gives tax breaks for such companies for idk the first 4 years under contact then resumes normal taxation, with the contract lasting..anywhere from (10 years?) upwards depending on how much money the company initially saved. 

Ye'll never starve or see yur weans die in a hospital because ye didnay huv the money tæ pay them. The Tories accuse this of being the 'welfare state'.. but really its a lack of effort on England's part to replace jobs they squandered in Scotland. European Socialism.. is kind. It's fair. And most importantly, it's morally justifiable. Much of Conservatism *can* be justified, it makes sense, that; 'the worker is entitled to their wages', however, I am fairly sure, if I, personally, lived in a Conservatist society, I would be dead.

The SNP are Left of Center, meaning we believe in taking care of our poorest and most vulnerable, but also we strongly encourage small to medium businesses. Our housing is livable, it's not great, but to a 'human standard' I would like to see Scottish houses being build be much larger, as many houses I feel in Scotland are 'rabbit hutches' due to Imperialism of the past decades, I feel even European Socialists in this Kingdom do not realize we 'have gotten used to' the small houses so much so, we have stop realizing how small these houses are. If jobs are planned then the middle class should increase and deserve 4 times the size of house we currently offer. I lived in America for a short time, even people who work in semi-low paying jobs can buy a huge prefab house for £120k, here for a 1 bedroom rabbit hutch people are paying £60k at least. it's shocking!

Labour of modern days has been known to both adopt fully, and to mix Left and Left of Center style policies.

Scottish Greens are Left of Center, with the English Greens seeming more Center to me.
Green policies are; dependency on green energy, lower cost of everything, using national resources to create cheaper living.

I like the above, but I don't want them to waste money to not get a return, they should be careful what they do. Most 'green parties' of the past have been money wasting hippies, this is why they didn't get elected.. until Patrick Harvie came along, he looked and spoke like a lawyer, and that give people cause to trust him.


The full 'Marx mile'.

A welfare state, where everything is free, but your work is sanctioned by the government. Takes care of children and the elderly, resources are used for profit, nationalization of companies, also standardizing them. The power of the worker is much greater than the men with money because of trade unions.

Inclusionary immigration but if a party has the above and is anti-immigration, they *can* become fascist. Anti-immigration is the cornerstone of fascism, this is why the English tories are accused of this at present, with the above power over everyone and anti-immigration it can become inevitable.

There are a lot of pro's to this style of government, like ensuring you children are fed, educated and will be safe from destitution their whole life. The con's are the power the state has is absolute.

Tommy Sheridan, and the Solidarity Party are the only Scottish fully Left party of note. Tommy seems like a good guy imho, but he again imho, needs more lawyers in the Solidarity Party, people that can be trusted by the Scottish people. But then again, I wouldn't like to see Scotland become fully Left and Marxist.


In theory, a great system, everyone is equal, no one is above anyone, but I will say the caveat of 'no religion' stings me, I am Catholic and enjoy my faith, I wouldn't give it up for Communism. But I digress..

A system where: everything is free, the government gives grants to people, much like Socialism, money is pretty much useless, you receive coupons from the government, food is pretty much free, work is allocated by your skill level which was assessed in school and university by the state.  You have personal but not professional autonomy.

In practise, corruption.

The selfish nature of human beings ruins communism, the 'one upmanship'  beats out the 'common good'. Communism by its very nature is SUPER anti-war, as it breaks the ideals of equality, but in practise, no country can remain untouched by the world, and by the above token of corruption and self interest, war is inevitable.

Modern Russia, is no longer communist, its mixes traits of all the above styles, but especially, Marxist Socialism, European Socialism, Monarchy and Capitalism.

'Czar Putin' seems like a good person to me, and what the world doesn't realize is, he is not setting himself up as a dictator .. but as the new defacto King of Russia, an 'Elected Monarch'. They killed their monarchy, now it seems a return is in order, perhaps to wash away the blood of the past..?

While I say Russia is no longer communist, the traits Russia use to govern are very complicated and could be considered a new political system in their own right, they even use parts of Imperialism and Communism, which are diametrically opposed philosophies. But none the less, the way Russia use it is quite clever. By having a an Elected Monarch, they have 'some' imperialism (attempted acquisition of the Ukraine, for example) , but by making sure that person is beneficent, they ensure a 'common good'. And of communism, I understand, but my info might be outdated, their housing system is still communist based.

The Russian parties allow religious freedom, and personal freedom is higher now, than it's been for a 100 years. The outside world, as you may understand are terrified of Vladimir Putin becoming a fascist dictator, because of the power he holds.. however as I've said, I think people have misunderstood what he is doing. I listened to him talk about his faith and his family, and it moved me. I *think* he is just setting up an elected monarchy.

I have a couple of Russian online friends, they say things like 'Russia is **** compared to the west, but it's better now than it's ever been, it's worth staying and trying to contribute, if people leave now they are just traitors' and 'getting a job in Russia now is pretty easy, but the wages are awful'. I guess my friends when comparing russia to the west, are referencing quality of life items.. like idk fitted kitchens and decent furniture.. I mean my friends have things like iPhones, I assume they mean household goods because I've seen pictures of russian houses where the furniture looks like it fell out of the 1970s.

In theory :   inclusionary immigration but controlled, anti-war.
In practise:  anti-immigration, secretive wars.


Is where religious tenants guide and rule the governing body.

I don't have as much objection to this as some do, but as a Catholic, I believe in separation of Church and State, but also DEEP cooperation of Church and State.

Many Islamic countries are theocracies, and while I endorse the rule of law given by God, I cannot agree with all the Islamic theocracies do. Such as capital punishment or maiming as punishment, but then again these countries are pretty young, and it was done throughout the English Empire for many years, even through the profession of being 'Christian' was near absolute.



This is a style of Government (LEFT or RIGHT wing, either or both) that those with highest IQ are chosen for government.


Government chosen on race and affluence. right wing, pretty much identical to Imperialism but also racist. The KKK are exceptionalists as well as religious extremists.


These are the extremist 'Right of Center', they do not make laws, but seek to abolish them, even making murder legal. The only law they respect is 'survival of the fittest/smartest'. This was the character 'Andrew Ryan's' beliefs in the game 'Bioshock', he took the ideas and made it a capitalists venture, building on Objectivism. As is the movie 'The Purge'.




*This is why Labour was so popular long ago, trade unions.
* (not crimes like theft or murder)

Hitler's Germany was a 'Conservative' style of Fascism and North Korea is a Socialist/Communists style of Fascism. Stalin's Russia was also a communist style of fascism. Japan's old regime was a style of Imperialist fascism.. England has never been fully fascist, but they came close a quite a few times, the lead up to the wars of independance, and English occupancy of Scotland Oliver Cromwell's England, while having many pro's and con's, one was that the state and his word was absolute.. Queen Elizabeth I's reign, Henry VII, William of Orange. Scotland meanwhile, has only came close once, during the highland clearances.

TBH there have been many Socialist/Communist Dictators esp. in South America..but when you consider they were manufactured by the USA, which is a conservatists country, you can see what happened to 'frame the picture'. The US itself has 'above the law people' .. such as Nixon and Bush Sr.. both war criminals by my estimation. I heard the tapes of Nixon laughing in the white house about sending more troops to vietnam.. it was disgusting, that he in his most honest thoughts, considered those lives as so disposable.. he should have gotten the jail! And Bush Sr.. who manufactured a war with Iraq so he and his Halliburton buddies could play golf while making money.. its awful.

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