Saturday, 10 April 2021

Racial or Cultural or What?

Racial or Cultural or What?

Something has been bothering me for a very long time about the ‘racial issue’.. firstly, I admit I straight up loathe hate and have contempt for English Culture, or the rebranding trick of ‘British Culture’ that really is just English Culture by another name.. why? because a very large component of English culture, is eradicating other cultures.. this has gotten better in the last 50 or so years with the breakup of the empire, but then Boris Johnson, is trying to do this again with Scotland.. for those English who do not follow Scottish news.. he is removing Saltires from government buildings and replacing them with Union Jacks.. not the first time either as the Tories have been doing this with Scottish exports for the last 5 years.

Union flag to be flown on all UK Government buildings in Scotland

Scottish produce is being labelled with the Union Flag - and people are not happy

Union Jacks and Scottish accents

So the question for me.. is when someone says they hate a country.. who are they saying they are hating?

I am genuinely asking myself that question more and more.. are they hating the civilians? surely not.. I don’t want to hate any English people. The politicians? more likely.. but to judge a howle society based on a handful of people can’t be right.. but then again, these were the people elected to represent the masses of that society and so I suppose you could judge that society on those they elect.. Military? Very unlikely.. as the military generally do what the politicians instruct, except with dictators..

and that’s another thing the casual way some people call politicians dictators.. but then again Boris Johnson (Covid laws) and Theresa May (breaking of the Scotland Act 1998) broke Scottish law to get their way.. and isn’t that at least partially the definition of a ‘dictator’. T. May’s one was much more serious.. but then again B.Johnson had just visited a hospital full of covid patients and shook their hands.. then came to Scotland under a travel ban. charming!

But I digress.. who are they saying they are hating?

The English are often oblivious to other countries hating them.. and just ignore tensions.. the English public have no clue why a Scottish person would be instantly angry with them.. because they don’t care to check the recent events between the two countries and just tell themselves (I assume) ‘ it’s the same country.. so we are fine with them’ .. but that’s just not true.. look at Ireland, 80 years of war because the English just ignore the feelings of.. indeed another country.

If a Scottish person is shouting/being aggressive towards you (an English person) over the internet.. might be time to check the news before you reply.

Like right now.. I AM RAGING Priti Patel spent 77k on eyebrows a month of public money.. I am from one of the poorest places in Scotland (Strathclyde) on the West Coast.. I grew up in poverty and know what it's like, I know what it's like to have to wait 30 years before anyone spends any money on your poverty stricken suburb.. in 1986 I lived in Bierley Bradford, equally as poor as Bellsmyre where I had came from.. in 1986 they were rejuvenating the place knocking down the old buildings.. much to Bradford City Councils credit.. Bellsmyre had to wait until 2015.. 77k on eyebrows per month!? B.Johnson allegedly giving J.Arcuri 126k public money for him to get in about her..

Patel’s £77,269 expenses on ‘Beautiful Brows’

Boris Johnson grilled over £126,000 of public cash handed to ex-model pal

Now imagine what I am thinking about those English people.. the politicians.. and the people who voted them in.. while my people wait decades for even a little public money to be spent on them.. between the two of them they blow 200k on personal pleasures..

Fellow Quorans are quite lucky with me, but also unlucky.. I don’t just let all my emotions out, that I have valid reasons for feeling.. but also unlucky, that I will back up what I say with facts.. and in a way that is much a colder dish to serve.. but I see no reason to either hold back on facts or dilute the truth for my vindication.

So.. is that hatred of a peoples? .. is it racial? .. I don’t know.. all I can say is what I said at the start.. I loathe English Culture, some people are Anglophiles and if that’s what they love.. I’m not going to do anything about that (unless your brainwashed and Scottish.. I *may* try to wake you up).. but am I Anglohostis? yes, straight up I am.. hostis is latin.. its means foreigner, enemy.. in other words Anglo hostile, as a opposite to an Anglophile. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Enhancing our Governmental System in an Independent Scotland.. 05/April/2021 Redux

 Hullo WWW

Ah realized Ah did a awful joab o' thys afore.

Sa.. Ah'm gauny try again.. Ah HATE the idea o' dæn it in hInglish an sa, increasin hInglish cultural brainwa'shin an hInglish prestige vælyas (values).

However.. that said I will write this in English as people in Scotland have not yet woken from the sleep that is English reverence and unconscious Anglophilia.

One day I hope.. thyt wi escape thys hoose oar mirrors an thoughts o mirrors.. tæ fun oor true sels, oor true voice, wæoot shame.. awe yon shame forgotten thyt we are oorsels an no a shada o' the hInglish!


 Once, God Willing, Independence is achieved I have a new style of governance I would like to introduce to you, it borrows from another system, specifically the USA, but I have expanded and leveled it, integrating our system with theirs.

Holyrood                                                    Upper House (Parliament) (4 or so years)
Holyrood/Inverness                                    Lower House (State Commissary) (3 years)
State Capitals                                             The Public Assembly (2 years)
County Council (Local)                              (5 years)

The Upper House

The Upper House as it is now, except the additional members are there to represent their States. Commissioners do not sit in the Upper House, only AMS MSP's vote in both houses.

States & Capitals:



Na h-Eileanan Siar/Iar (Eileanan Hebrides, Western Isles)



Tayside and Angus





Newtown Saint Boswells

Dumfries and Galloway

The Lower House

The Lower House comprises of 10 Commissioners per state plus the AMS MSPs, so 12 states x 10 = 120 + 12 x 4 = 48.. with 4 additional commissioners for Strathclyde* 2 for Tayside and Angus and 1 each for Grampian and Highland. Making the normal 56.

* (due to the population of Glasgow City. Paisley City, Dumbartonshire) same for Dundee, Inverness, Aberdeen.

In total that makes 176 seats of the Lower House.

Commissioners are not allowed to be members or represent major parties of the Upper House, only AMS members may do this. Commissioners are encouraged to choose an unrepresented but registered party.. for me I'd probably vote Scottish Libertarian especially for the Strathclyde Land and Housing Commissioner! remove planning permission, reduce the cost of owning your own land.. do what you want.. I digress. AMS members vote by remote when they are in Inverness. They catch up on National laws by watching the Parliament Channel on laws they wish to support. They must also write a short letter, min 200 words, on why they are supporting this law which they read out over video call to the Upper House.

The Lower Houses job is financial scrutiny of all monies. all monies. They investigate Councils and why they spend or overspend (money wasted so the next year the budget is not lowered) and take measures to mitigate this, like having a common council fund and instead of wasting money the councils can simply apply for more.

The Lower House appeals for money from the Upper House, this is extra money such as the fund mentioned before.

Commissioners come from the field they are a commissioner in.. NHS, Police.. Military:

Roads and Transport.

Land and Housing.

Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)




Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)

Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)

Green Energy and Waste.


The Lower House has its own otherwise unrepresented parties. Meaning commissioners can be party partisan if they wish, but that party cannot be controlled by a party of the upper house.

This also means that candidates for the Lower House are there for merit only. To hold to account the councils and not be ruled by parties of the Upper House. It is the privilege of the Lower House to at any time launch an investigation in the dealings of the Upper House even the Government, even the First Minister should any solid piece of evidence be found to support such a thing, 

It is reputed that Kezia Dugdale encouraged her Labour campaigners to encourage Labour voters to vote Tory, with the sole view of pushing the SNP out,, this was the first case of tactical voting in the Scottish Parliament. She took something elegant and beautiful and bend it to her own will of supporting the evil Union. Now we independence supporters are using this tactical voting advantage for ourselves.. which I now support for the cause of independence. Once this cause os completed I would like to see a return to our elegant system, but now the public know we can beat it by tactical voting.. we need a new system which cannot be beaten. This is the Lower House.

The Peoples Assembly

16 is the age of Majority in Scotland.. it is our adulthood. I propose that from 16 to 18 we have mandatory conscription to the People's Assembly. Second mandatory conscription 30 to 32.Third mandatory conscription 44 to 46. Fourth  56 to 58. Fifth 68 to 70.  

A one week course on parliamentary etiquette with a qualification for passing. 

The People's Assembly's job is to create and pass state laws but not national laws. Creation of laws show what kind of society people want to build and live in One term is 2 years.The first term would be the 16 to 18 years olds, then the second would be the 30 to 32 year old and so on.

Having approximately 4000 seats in 8 Halls of 500 seats, all interconnected via video calling.  Each based in their state captials.

In the People's Assembly all party combinations are allowed.

If a person is unable to attend, they are disabled, they are self employed, they are a boss and cannot be replaced, medical reasons as long as they can prove this to be true they can be excused. If not they receive a fine.

State Legislature

State legislature is divided up thusly.. Council regulatory laws by the Council, new laws come from the People's Assembly. 

The Council are allowed to create laws that involve: city/town ordinance, mainly roads and refuse collection, green means, internet utilities, public lighting, public gathering spaces. They can also repeal laws the state has created.

The People's Assembly are allowed to create laws for the common benefit of all, new laws to enhance our civilization, They cannot repeal laws, but can make counter-amendments to laws past in their Assembly which are judged by the Upper House as valid or invalid.

No law either makes can countermand the National Law, but the People's Assembly can issue 'An Edict of the People' to the Upper House, this is an indication that 60% or more of the people have agreed, if the Upper House ignore the Edict it is the duty of the Lower House to scrutinize the current policy and ask why it is being kept when the people have spoken.

This all works together to make a finely tuned elegant system.. may God have grace, may it be that I have created in His Glory an incorruptible system.

It has built in redundancy for local laws, accountability, anti-tactical voting, inclusive, engaging.. there to serve the people, not any politician or cult of celebrity. You see, even in State elections can we change the balance of power forcing parties to work together and so another way cancel out the second vote tactical voting.



Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Wrote an ærticle/QA oan ma Quora, wa'nt tæ share it here: Q: What do you think of Alex Salmond’s new Scottish political party Alba?


Q: What do you think of Alex Salmond’s new Scottish political party Alba? 

A: This is a bees hive and a mess.. but not 100% so.

Let’s dive into the Salmond Inquiry..
People just don’t read the small print.. they only read the headlines. Alec was accused of.. kissing women hello on the cheek (one on the lips) for too long, hugging one woman for too long and having one civil servant overnight and they drunk wine and fell asleep on the carpet and he decided instead of prodding/shaking her like people normally do, he decided to brush the side of her cheek.
So let’s be clear.. he wasn’t walking about Bute House in the buff saying ‘come and get it ladies!’
On the other side.. NONE of this should have happened, these women were civil servants and he was as First Minister in charge of them and effectively their boss. At all times he should have been above reproach.
Also there is when the Court found out one of the women had organised a Whatsapp for all the women so they could get their stories straight.. WOW, this is HIGHLY ILLEGAL.. you are not allowed to do this as it is conspiracy and brings you in to contempt of court.. NO WAY she should have organised this!
I have a theory.. back after Alec Salmond announced he wanted to return to office in 2015, I remember the sheer surprise in the FM Sturgeon’s voice. At that moment I thought: ohw man.. I hope no one tries to stop him. Shortly after this the accusations came.. I in no way believe the FM was involved in this, but maybe some civil servants thought it was good way to derail Alec’s ambitions.
More recently.. he has been playing with fire.. jeopardizing/putting the independence movement in harm's way, that so many people have so worked hard on. This is the hard pill for me to swallow.. I am upset and offended he would do anything to harm us. Anything to harm the FM.. she has outperformed on all fronts in a time where just performing is a struggle. I am thankful we have a statesperson of such caliber at the helm.
I have heard a rumor the AFI and AOUB have thrown their support behind the Alba Party.. they easily have a few thousand members and in turn this could lead to a seat for the Alba Party.
For me.. I will be voting SNP 1 Green 2 as I planned (where I live is a Indy heartland and my vote will be wasted otherwise.)
We need more range in parties.. so far we have Left to Right:
Solidarity (Tommy Sheridan) Left/Marxist Socialist,
Green Center Left, SNP Center Left European Socialist
and the Scottish Libertarians (Center Right)..
we have no Conservatist Capitalist Right wing party and no Centrist Liberal party.
UPDATE: Two days ago Tommy Sheridan joined the Alba Party, making it likely it is a left wing marxist socialist mix with center left european socialist.
We need a range of parties so when we are independent we have balance.. I mean the Tories will collapse in Scotland after independence so we need a electable right wing party.
Could The Alba Party fill one of those two slots?
The decades of shame and corruption.. pointed hatred of the Tories and all they stand for.. if you are Conservatist right wing in Scotland, wouldn’t you just love a right wing party you could vote for and no one hates you for it? One not steeped in child abuse and crony corruption? Killing the poor to profit the already obscenely rich?
Imagine having conversations with fellow Scots from all backgrounds about the pluses of a right wing party and not only do they agree with you they are already voting alongside you..
This can never happen with the evil Tories.. I am pretty sure heaven has a no Tory policy.. as you dip your hand in the blood/death they generate daily..
(see update above.. Alba is not a right wing party, but if you are right wing and support independence, you can vote for the Scottish Libertarians, who are center right)
Don’t believe me? see link to full QA below.
So back on topic.. so far as I have heard.. The Alba Party seem to be a mix of right and left wing.. a party that reports a desire to look after the needy but also be very fiscally responsible. Is this a Right wing party people could vote for without fear of it killing them if they gain office?*
I don’t know and much has to be discovered.. possibly by the party themselves, they may not know who they are yet.
I’m Center Left European Socialist with a few Center Right Libertarian views.. like land ownership and planning permission, no intervention without provocation money on troops, industry and banking not on weapons of war.


 The first witness was "Woman H", who gave an account of how Salmond allegedly tried to rape her in Bute House after a private dinner in June 2014.[10][11] She had not mentioned this incident when she first talked to police in 2018. The defence suggested that she fabricated the allegations, which the witness rejected.[10] A second witness present at the dinner in question gave evidence stating that "Woman H" was not even present at Bute House on the night in question. 

An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..

 Ahoyhoy Internet! I was thinking.. with countries going more regularly to Luna with their own experiments.. Wouldn't it make sense if a...