Saturday, 23 October 2021

Energy, Climate and the Future..

(hInglish below)


 Hullo WWW

Wæ COP26 takin place affy soon iyn Glæsga, this is opportune time tæ share ma thoughts oan energy generation.

Climate change iys the biggest problem humankind hus hud tæ face since the Biblical Flood.. carbon burning is oot an green energy is in! Bit wit dæ those options look lit an how kin Scotlund become a leading titan o' green energy?

Short Term

We need tæ switch noo.. no next year oar 2030, noo. First step wid bæ set up ays miny green power stations ays possible, wind, wave and solar.. well mibe no solar fur Scotland bit ye get wit Ah mean.. iyf it's green lets dæ it noo.

Ye mibe huv heard we dinnæ hæ a large enough capacity tæ store excess energy, Ah sæy diffuse hydrogen through electrolysis fæ wa'ter (which we hæ iyn abundance iyn Scotlund).. iyn the future technologies 'll allow awe peoples tæ dæ this fæ the oceans, bit fur noo sea salt is a major problem.. bit no wan we share in Scotland ays we hæ much much fresh wa'ter.

Hydrogen fæ energy generation tæ the door loses some 70% of its efficiency, a grand number Ah'll grant ye, bit sa lang ays it iys only used a replacement fur petrol, diesel and gas, it's mær thun worth losing oot iyn exchange fur a drap-in replacement. Hydrogen works lit petrol, we fuel up the car wæ it, it costs aboot the same, takes the same time tæ fuel, wance the fuel stations provide a pump we will get it at the fuel station lit we did wæ petrol. It truly iys a drap-in replacement fur petrol.

This is ideal fur bæth haulage, transport companies an regular consumers alit. We DÆ lose a skeen 70% efficiency, bit we git tæ continue oor lives iyn a wæy thyt is familiar tæ oorsels.

Power grids Ah wid sæy should bæ fed wæ Hydro (no hydrogen) power during the night thyt wis saved up during the dæy (Hollow Mountain style).

Ban awe burning o carbon, Replace carbon burning based vehicles wæ Hydrogen Fuel Cells based vehicles. Personally Ah wid like tæ see thys ban iyn place bi 2023/24.


Start banning energy companies. Awe utilities should bæ (Scottish) government controlled.. Ah wid even extend thys tæ free electricity fur awe private citizens except businesses which wid still bæ metered. Private citizens payin a wance a year maintenance chærge.

Expand the hydrogen production an attempt tæ increase efficiency ays much ays possible. Except grid energy, use awe excess energy tæ diffuse hydrogen fur storage.

Begin selling Hydrogen wance oor stockpile reaches maximum.

Require awe new hames tæ hæ large garages, sa hameowners kin hæ; 

1. a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car fur lang journeys.

2. a Electric Battery car fur everydæy local use.

3. a electric bike o some description.

Require awe new hames tæ huv;

vertical wind turbines (as mock chimneys)

Solar panel roofing. (aye it's Scotlund bit every wee bit helps)

Geothermal electricity generation.

Look intæ 'Green Nuclear Energy.'

Right noo, ays far ays nuclear energy goes its ultra toxic, bit we ur using atoms lit plutonium an uranium.. this is lit ram raiding wæ a transit van tæ swat a fly. 

Bit theres o'er materials, Thorium reactors ur mær lit usin a baseball bat tæ swat thyt aforementioned fly. Thorium waste hus a life o aroon 500 years, not 10,000. We used Plutonium an Uranium acause iyn the 50s they were weaponizable, Thorium iys no weaponizable an so didnæ git the money put intæ it to expand the research.

Using Thorium reactors tæ generate even mær hydrogen expands oor ability tæ use it ays a general fuel source an ays we did wance wæ oil, export it tæ o'er countries an chærge fur it.

Long Term

Energy demand iys set tæ increase exponentially ower the coming decades, Ah hæ heard o a 'green nuclear material' called Helium 3 oar 'H3' ays Ah like tæ cry it.

H3 is affy scarce oan the earth (Terra), bit it wis discovered thyt oor moon (Luna) hus possibly the highest concentration o H3 in oor solar system.

Helium 3 is withoot a doubt the future o oor energy production.. it is 100% green, 100% safe.. it iys lit swatting thyt aforementioned fly wæ a laser.  

Iyn the lang lang term Ah hope we will bæ mining oor solar system responsibly fur oor energy needs, wance we kin mine Jupiter we'll hæ næ need fur energy worries ever again.

Hanks fur readin ma screevin :)




With COP26 taking place very soon in Glasgow, this is opportune time to share my thoughts on energy generation.

Climate change is the biggest problem humankind has had to face since the Biblical Flood.. carbon burning is out and green energy is in! But what do those options look like and how can Scotland become a leading titan of green energy?

Short Term

We need to switch now.. not next year or 2030, now. First step would be set up as many green power stations as possible, wind, wave and solar.. well maybe not solar for Scotland but you get what I mean.. if it's green lets do it now.

You may have heard we do not have a large enough capacity to store excess energy, I say diffuse hydrogen through electrolysis from water (which we have in abundance in Scotland).. in the future technologies will allow all peoples to do this from the oceans, but for now sea salt is a major problem, but not a problem we share in Scotland as we have much much fresh water.

Hydrogen from energy generation to the door loses some 70% of its efficiency, a grand number I'll grant you, but so long as it is only used a replacement for petrol, diesel and gas, it's more than worth losing out in exchange for a drop-in replacement. Hydrogen works like petrol, we fuel up the car with it, it costs about the same, takes the same time to fuel, once the fuel stations provide a pump we will get it at the fuel station like we did with petrol. It truly is a drop-in replacement for petrol.

This is ideal for both haulage, transport companies and regular consumers alike. We DO lose a whopping 70% efficiency, but we get to continue our lives in a way that is familiar to us.

Power grids I would say should be fed with Hydro power during the night that was saved up during the day (Hollow Mountain style).

Ban all burning of carbon, Replace carbon burning based vehicles with Hydrogen Fuel Cells based vehicles. Personally I would like to see this ban in place by 2023/24.


Start banning energy companies. All utilities should be (Scottish) government controlled.. I would even extend this to free electricity for all private citizens except businesses which would still be metered. Private citizens paying a once a year maintenance charge.

Expand the hydrogen production and attempt to increase efficiency as much as possible. Except grid energy, use all excess energy to diffuse hydrogen for storage.

Begin selling Hydrogen once our stockpile reaches maximum.

Require all new homes to have large garages, so homeowners can have; 

1. a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car for long journeys.

2. a Electric Battery car for everyday local use.

3. a electric bike of some description.

Require all new homes to have;

vertical wind turbines (as mock chimneys)

Solar panel roofing. (yes it's Scotland but every little helps)

Geothermal electricity generation.

Look into 'Green Nuclear Energy.'

Right now, as far as nuclear energy goes its ultra toxic, but we are using atoms such as plutonium and uranium.. this is like ram raiding with a transit van to swat a fly. 

But there other materials, Thorium reactors are more like using a baseball bat to swat that aforementioned fly. Thorium waste has a has a life of around 500 years, not 10,000. We used Plutonium and Uranium because in the 50s they were weaponizable, Thorium is not weaponizable and so did not get the money put into it to expand the research.

Using Thorium reactors to generate even more hydrogen expands our ability to use it as a general fuel source and as we did once with oil, export it to other countries and charge for it.

Long Term

Energy demand is set to increase exponentially over the coming decades, I have heard of a 'green nuclear material' called Helium 3 or 'H3' as I like to call it.

H3 is very scarce on the earth (Terra), but it was discovered that our moon (Luna) has possibly the highest concentration of H3 in our solar system.

Helium 3 is without a doubt the future of our energy production.. it is 100% green, 100% safe.. it is like swatting that aforementioned fly with a laser.  

In the long long term I hope we will be mining our solar system responsibly for our energy needs, once we can mine Jupiter we will have no need for energy worries ever again.

Thanks for reading :)


Friday, 30 July 2021

Why Domestic Energy Should Be a Governmental Utility...

Why Domestic Energy Should Be a Governmental Utility... 


Ah'll screve thys in Scots first then iyn hInglish. Totally done wæ usin' hInglish tæ prove Ah'm intelligent.
I'll write this in Scots first then in English (see below). Totally done with using English to prove I'm intelligent.


Folk/companies cannæ bæ trust'yt wæ energy.

We ur burnin the planet wæ oor need fur energy.

If yon energy is controlled bæ yon Government, then it kin awe bæ controlled fæ wan source. Wan source tæ sæy wits wit.. wan goal o' usin' only clean energy, green energy.

Bit yon is a trade aff.. coz noo, iyn thyt scenario we næ langer hæ access tæ a market an choice o' energy companies.. sa.. then the electric must bæ free.

Thys wid bæ fur the hæl planet.. bit let's gie a swatch ayt Scotlund specifically:

Scotlund hus a silly amoont o' hydro power.. we hæ 30,000 lochs, each wan able tæ bæ convert'yt tæ generate oan average a affy spry 300 MWh.. thys means we kin generate;

300 MWh

x 30,000

= 9,000,000 MWh

oar 9 thousand GWh

oar 9 TWh

Scotlund's annual usage fur electricity is 160 TWh .. bit yon is YEARLY.. sa let's dæ yearly then as the above is potentially HOURLY.. gien awe perfect conditions..

IF oan average each wan put oot hauf a TWh..

30,000 1/2 = 15,000 = 15,000 TWh

Thys wid mean we wid hæ 93.75 times the total power we need'yt.
Iyn o'er words.. we wid generate oor YEARS need o' power in wan WEEK an still hæ an'oer 4/5ths o' oor annual electricity needs left ower per week..

WAN MAJOR PROBLEM.. The Tories selt awe the hydro rights tæ companies in the late 80s early 90s.

Ah wid sæy jist pass a law takin thum back fur the people. Wæ the intention tæ gie awe the peoples free electricity.

Awe motors.. electric.. motors become free tæ run, if yon power is free, the motor is free runin. Then who gies twa hoots if there's chærgin ports everywhere? Næwan kin steal leccy coz it's no gettin chærged!

Næ weans freezin iyn the cauld!.. mær money tæ spend oan feedin the weans an clæs an educatin thum ayt hame.

we could jist pass a law sæyin; gies it back!


Only wæy Ah see is.. tak it aff the people.. stop production o' fossil fuel motors, ban thum, except fur hauls bit wæy a time limit (sæy 5 years, then gone a'naw).. switch everyhin tæ electric. Use the surplus leccy tæ pay fur itsel.. miby hæ a yearly bill fur maintenance.. bit noo Ah swatch the maths.. aye thys kin pæy fur itsel!

Joabs ur transferable.

Let's git thys done in thys term! Why wait? Sa the earth kin burn some mær? Naw.. næ wæy. 


People/companies cannot be trusted with energy.

We are burning the planet with our need for energy.

If this energy was controlled by the Government, then it can all be controlled from one source. One source to dictate what is what. with one goal of only using clean energy, green energy.

But this is a trade off, if we take away peoples choice for a free market in energy supplier, we then must compensate then by making it free. 

This would suit the whole planet, but let's look at Scotland specifically:

Scotland's has excessive amounts of hydro power.. we have 30,000 lakes, each one with the ability to be converted to generate on average a very conservative estimate of 300 MWh.. which also means we can generate: 

300 MWh

x 30,000

= 9,000,000 MWh

oar 9 thousand GWh

oar 9 TWh

Scotland's annual usage for electricity is 160 TWh, so let's calculate with yearly in mind as the above is hourly (given all perfect conditions) 

IF on average each one put out half a TWh..

30,000 1/2 = 15,000 = 15,000 TWh

This would mean we would have 93.75 times the total we needed.
In other words.. we would generate our YEARS power needs in one WEEK and still have have another 4/5ths of our annual electricity needs left over per week.

ONE MAJOR PROBLEM.. The Tories sold all Scotland's hydro rights to companies in the late 80s early 90s.

I would strongly suggest we just pass a law returning these rights to the people, with the intention of providing free electricity.

All (new) vehicles should be mandatorily made electric and so they become free to run, because the electricity is free. Then no one will care if there is charging ports everywhere because no one can steal electricity if its already free.

This also means a quality of life improvement for all children across the board, no child freezing to death for the sake of a few pennies in the meter, more money spent on clothes and feeding the child, more effort can be made in educating them at home.

The Scottish Parliament could pass law returning the rights to the people.
We are sovereign in Scotland and it was sold without our consent.


The only way forward I can see is to take away the ability for everyday people to be producing large amounts a carbon. With no new fossil fuel vehicles except for haulage, and even giving haulage a time limit of 5 years than they too will be banned. Switching everything to electric so it can be controlled at the source how the power is generated.

Using the surplus to generate cash so the system can pay for itself.
With transferable jobs. A straight transition.

Let's get this done within this term! Why wait? So the earth can burn some more? No.. no way.



Excess power should bæ fur hydrogen generation:

Fossil Fuel/Petrol

To fill an average tank is 65 liters
£1.80 per liter.
A Full Tank would cost you £177, and you
would get 780 miles per tank.


To fill an average is 5KG
at £$/15 per KG.
A full tank would cost you £$/75 and you would
get 2000 miles per tank.

15,000 TWh = 1.5e+13 KWh

1KG of hydrogen costs 55 KWh of electricity 

1.5e+13 divided by 55 = 272,727,272,727 Kilos of Hydrogen per year from just this one source.

272 Billion KG's of Hydrogen per year.

Scotland has on average 2.4 million cars on the road.

The average car in Scotland does 7,400 miles per year.

Totalling 17.76 billion miles combined.

And for Hydrogen as per the above graphics..

272,000,000,000 divided by 5 (for a full tank) = 54.4 billion x 2000 (miles per full tank)

.. meaning we would have access to 108,800,000,000,000 or 108 TRILLION miles of fuel.

We lose 60 to 80% efficiency, but that was already factored in with the 55 KWh.

However  petrol provides a certain freedom, which hydrogen does also and we NEED that freedom.

We can have small electric vehicles, little run about.. but the large long haul household car should be hydrogen.


Hydrogen stockpiling..

Who is going to buy a hydro car if they know there's no fuel; waiting at the local pump??

A: no one!

The Government should stockpile a years worth of hydrogen and have our own 'Gas Stations' aka Garages owned by the government and fully automated. Set them next to the grounds of Police Stations and Fire Stations.. so no one will tamper with them. Cashless, card only.

If all petrol and diesel vehicles are banned over the course of a year and petrol and diesel were phased out over that year. All new cars hydrogen or electric or hybrid hydrogen & electric. Petrol and diesel engines are scrapped but the chassis/frame and the rest is fine to keep in case conversion of classic cars is desired.

All the current forms of racing can continue with Hydrogen, simply needing adjustment to the new fuel.. and would not have to stop as a sport completely.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Import tax.. the daft wæy aroon..


Noo wer post brexit an everyhin comin in fæ Europe hus 20% import tax oan it. Ah git thyt import tax hus an important joab tæ dæ, wan surprisingly Ah support.

Import tax is there tæ protect oor businesses.. bit Ah ken thyt there is isnæ a business fur each business equivalent.. sa then wit ur we protectin?

Seems tæ mæ thyt there shouldn't bæ any import tax.. and thyt Westminster ur jits coinin it in fur næ effort!

Thys awe comes tæ mind oan acoont o' mæ bein a guitarist.. in yon so cawed 'UK' there is wan hInglish guitar manufacturer.. and thyt wan's value fur money is a joke!

The English Government's joab is tæ use the tax they get fæ imports tæ support an industry.. but ur they dæn thyt wæ guitar buildin.. naw, certainly no thyt Ah kin see!

Deal wæ Japan a'naw! (Liz Truss: Tory).  Japan hus loads o high quality bit cheap guitars, they dinnæ like it coz o' a stigma o' they dinnæ like Japanese guitars coz American wans ur cool tæ thum, an their wages ur aroon four grand a month (iirc) coz o minimum wage. Sa foreign goods ur affy cheap tæ thum. Did she care enough tæ include ony deal aboot free import o' guitars.. naw! Bit Scots goods.. wæ whisky aye!

No tæ mention the robbin blind bunch o' Dick Turpins the HMRC is.. chærges 'whatever they feel like on the day' should bæ yon's slogan!

Fur musical instruments (this *should* include musical paraphernalia, nuts, tremolo etc) if it's unner £35 there's tæ bæ næ chærges.

Aye riȝht!

Ah digress..

Spent last twa dæys fancin a Fender Jaguar fæ Japan.. but £210 oan import tax.. thats even IF.. HMRC gets it riȝht! naw...

Surprisingly aye.. Ah um fur Import Tax tæ protect oor (Scottish mind!) businesses.. bit no when there is næ business tæ protect an its jist an excuse tæ hoover up some money!

Yon Japan deal wit a rumdo thyt wis!


Now that we are post brexit and everything coming in from Europe has 20% import tax on it. I get that import tax has an important job to do, one surprisingly I support.

Import tax is there to protect our businesses.. but I am aware that there isn't a business for each business equivalent.. so then what are we protecting?

This is prominent to me due to me being a guitarist.. in the so called 'UK' there is merely one (English) guitar manufacturer, and that companies idea of value for money is a joke!

The English Government's job is to use the import tax gained to build up an industry, but are they doing that with the guitar building industry? Certainly not that I can see!

Liz Truss' deal with Japan also. Japan has many high quality but affordable guitars, the Japanese have a stigma about their own guitars, they aren't cool. And their salaries are high enough that they can afford American guitars. Did L.Truss include any provision for free import of Japanese guitars? no! But Scottish goods such as whisky yes!

Not to mention the thieves in control of the import tax system; HMRC. Dick Turpins! Their slogan should be; 'charging people whatever they feel like on that day!'

For musical instruments which should include musical paraphernalia (nuts, tremolo etc) if it's under £35 there's to be no charges.

This doesn't happen; HMRC has no idea what something is worth and just charges whatever they feel like.

I have recently been looking at Japanese Fender Jaguars.. but £210 on Import Tax alone.. and that's even IF.. HMRC gets it right! no..

Surprisingly yes, I support Import Tax to support Scottish businesses, but not when there is no business to protect and it's just an excuse to pocket some money! 

The Japan deal was worthless to consumers in every respect.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Racial or Cultural or What?

Racial or Cultural or What?

Something has been bothering me for a very long time about the ‘racial issue’.. firstly, I admit I straight up loathe hate and have contempt for English Culture, or the rebranding trick of ‘British Culture’ that really is just English Culture by another name.. why? because a very large component of English culture, is eradicating other cultures.. this has gotten better in the last 50 or so years with the breakup of the empire, but then Boris Johnson, is trying to do this again with Scotland.. for those English who do not follow Scottish news.. he is removing Saltires from government buildings and replacing them with Union Jacks.. not the first time either as the Tories have been doing this with Scottish exports for the last 5 years.

Union flag to be flown on all UK Government buildings in Scotland

Scottish produce is being labelled with the Union Flag - and people are not happy

Union Jacks and Scottish accents

So the question for me.. is when someone says they hate a country.. who are they saying they are hating?

I am genuinely asking myself that question more and more.. are they hating the civilians? surely not.. I don’t want to hate any English people. The politicians? more likely.. but to judge a howle society based on a handful of people can’t be right.. but then again, these were the people elected to represent the masses of that society and so I suppose you could judge that society on those they elect.. Military? Very unlikely.. as the military generally do what the politicians instruct, except with dictators..

and that’s another thing the casual way some people call politicians dictators.. but then again Boris Johnson (Covid laws) and Theresa May (breaking of the Scotland Act 1998) broke Scottish law to get their way.. and isn’t that at least partially the definition of a ‘dictator’. T. May’s one was much more serious.. but then again B.Johnson had just visited a hospital full of covid patients and shook their hands.. then came to Scotland under a travel ban. charming!

But I digress.. who are they saying they are hating?

The English are often oblivious to other countries hating them.. and just ignore tensions.. the English public have no clue why a Scottish person would be instantly angry with them.. because they don’t care to check the recent events between the two countries and just tell themselves (I assume) ‘ it’s the same country.. so we are fine with them’ .. but that’s just not true.. look at Ireland, 80 years of war because the English just ignore the feelings of.. indeed another country.

If a Scottish person is shouting/being aggressive towards you (an English person) over the internet.. might be time to check the news before you reply.

Like right now.. I AM RAGING Priti Patel spent 77k on eyebrows a month of public money.. I am from one of the poorest places in Scotland (Strathclyde) on the West Coast.. I grew up in poverty and know what it's like, I know what it's like to have to wait 30 years before anyone spends any money on your poverty stricken suburb.. in 1986 I lived in Bierley Bradford, equally as poor as Bellsmyre where I had came from.. in 1986 they were rejuvenating the place knocking down the old buildings.. much to Bradford City Councils credit.. Bellsmyre had to wait until 2015.. 77k on eyebrows per month!? B.Johnson allegedly giving J.Arcuri 126k public money for him to get in about her..

Patel’s £77,269 expenses on ‘Beautiful Brows’

Boris Johnson grilled over £126,000 of public cash handed to ex-model pal

Now imagine what I am thinking about those English people.. the politicians.. and the people who voted them in.. while my people wait decades for even a little public money to be spent on them.. between the two of them they blow 200k on personal pleasures..

Fellow Quorans are quite lucky with me, but also unlucky.. I don’t just let all my emotions out, that I have valid reasons for feeling.. but also unlucky, that I will back up what I say with facts.. and in a way that is much a colder dish to serve.. but I see no reason to either hold back on facts or dilute the truth for my vindication.

So.. is that hatred of a peoples? .. is it racial? .. I don’t know.. all I can say is what I said at the start.. I loathe English Culture, some people are Anglophiles and if that’s what they love.. I’m not going to do anything about that (unless your brainwashed and Scottish.. I *may* try to wake you up).. but am I Anglohostis? yes, straight up I am.. hostis is latin.. its means foreigner, enemy.. in other words Anglo hostile, as a opposite to an Anglophile. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Enhancing our Governmental System in an Independent Scotland.. 05/April/2021 Redux

 Hullo WWW

Ah realized Ah did a awful joab o' thys afore.

Sa.. Ah'm gauny try again.. Ah HATE the idea o' dæn it in hInglish an sa, increasin hInglish cultural brainwa'shin an hInglish prestige vælyas (values).

However.. that said I will write this in English as people in Scotland have not yet woken from the sleep that is English reverence and unconscious Anglophilia.

One day I hope.. thyt wi escape thys hoose oar mirrors an thoughts o mirrors.. tæ fun oor true sels, oor true voice, wæoot shame.. awe yon shame forgotten thyt we are oorsels an no a shada o' the hInglish!


 Once, God Willing, Independence is achieved I have a new style of governance I would like to introduce to you, it borrows from another system, specifically the USA, but I have expanded and leveled it, integrating our system with theirs.

Holyrood                                                    Upper House (Parliament) (4 or so years)
Holyrood/Inverness                                    Lower House (State Commissary) (3 years)
State Capitals                                             The Public Assembly (2 years)
County Council (Local)                              (5 years)

The Upper House

The Upper House as it is now, except the additional members are there to represent their States. Commissioners do not sit in the Upper House, only AMS MSP's vote in both houses.

States & Capitals:



Na h-Eileanan Siar/Iar (Eileanan Hebrides, Western Isles)



Tayside and Angus





Newtown Saint Boswells

Dumfries and Galloway

The Lower House

The Lower House comprises of 10 Commissioners per state plus the AMS MSPs, so 12 states x 10 = 120 + 12 x 4 = 48.. with 4 additional commissioners for Strathclyde* 2 for Tayside and Angus and 1 each for Grampian and Highland. Making the normal 56.

* (due to the population of Glasgow City. Paisley City, Dumbartonshire) same for Dundee, Inverness, Aberdeen.

In total that makes 176 seats of the Lower House.

Commissioners are not allowed to be members or represent major parties of the Upper House, only AMS members may do this. Commissioners are encouraged to choose an unrepresented but registered party.. for me I'd probably vote Scottish Libertarian especially for the Strathclyde Land and Housing Commissioner! remove planning permission, reduce the cost of owning your own land.. do what you want.. I digress. AMS members vote by remote when they are in Inverness. They catch up on National laws by watching the Parliament Channel on laws they wish to support. They must also write a short letter, min 200 words, on why they are supporting this law which they read out over video call to the Upper House.

The Lower Houses job is financial scrutiny of all monies. all monies. They investigate Councils and why they spend or overspend (money wasted so the next year the budget is not lowered) and take measures to mitigate this, like having a common council fund and instead of wasting money the councils can simply apply for more.

The Lower House appeals for money from the Upper House, this is extra money such as the fund mentioned before.

Commissioners come from the field they are a commissioner in.. NHS, Police.. Military:

Roads and Transport.

Land and Housing.

Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)




Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)

Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)

Green Energy and Waste.


The Lower House has its own otherwise unrepresented parties. Meaning commissioners can be party partisan if they wish, but that party cannot be controlled by a party of the upper house.

This also means that candidates for the Lower House are there for merit only. To hold to account the councils and not be ruled by parties of the Upper House. It is the privilege of the Lower House to at any time launch an investigation in the dealings of the Upper House even the Government, even the First Minister should any solid piece of evidence be found to support such a thing, 

It is reputed that Kezia Dugdale encouraged her Labour campaigners to encourage Labour voters to vote Tory, with the sole view of pushing the SNP out,, this was the first case of tactical voting in the Scottish Parliament. She took something elegant and beautiful and bend it to her own will of supporting the evil Union. Now we independence supporters are using this tactical voting advantage for ourselves.. which I now support for the cause of independence. Once this cause os completed I would like to see a return to our elegant system, but now the public know we can beat it by tactical voting.. we need a new system which cannot be beaten. This is the Lower House.

The Peoples Assembly

16 is the age of Majority in Scotland.. it is our adulthood. I propose that from 16 to 18 we have mandatory conscription to the People's Assembly. Second mandatory conscription 30 to 32.Third mandatory conscription 44 to 46. Fourth  56 to 58. Fifth 68 to 70.  

A one week course on parliamentary etiquette with a qualification for passing. 

The People's Assembly's job is to create and pass state laws but not national laws. Creation of laws show what kind of society people want to build and live in One term is 2 years.The first term would be the 16 to 18 years olds, then the second would be the 30 to 32 year old and so on.

Having approximately 4000 seats in 8 Halls of 500 seats, all interconnected via video calling.  Each based in their state captials.

In the People's Assembly all party combinations are allowed.

If a person is unable to attend, they are disabled, they are self employed, they are a boss and cannot be replaced, medical reasons as long as they can prove this to be true they can be excused. If not they receive a fine.

State Legislature

State legislature is divided up thusly.. Council regulatory laws by the Council, new laws come from the People's Assembly. 

The Council are allowed to create laws that involve: city/town ordinance, mainly roads and refuse collection, green means, internet utilities, public lighting, public gathering spaces. They can also repeal laws the state has created.

The People's Assembly are allowed to create laws for the common benefit of all, new laws to enhance our civilization, They cannot repeal laws, but can make counter-amendments to laws past in their Assembly which are judged by the Upper House as valid or invalid.

No law either makes can countermand the National Law, but the People's Assembly can issue 'An Edict of the People' to the Upper House, this is an indication that 60% or more of the people have agreed, if the Upper House ignore the Edict it is the duty of the Lower House to scrutinize the current policy and ask why it is being kept when the people have spoken.

This all works together to make a finely tuned elegant system.. may God have grace, may it be that I have created in His Glory an incorruptible system.

It has built in redundancy for local laws, accountability, anti-tactical voting, inclusive, engaging.. there to serve the people, not any politician or cult of celebrity. You see, even in State elections can we change the balance of power forcing parties to work together and so another way cancel out the second vote tactical voting.



Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Wrote an ærticle/QA oan ma Quora, wa'nt tæ share it here: Q: What do you think of Alex Salmond’s new Scottish political party Alba?


Q: What do you think of Alex Salmond’s new Scottish political party Alba? 

A: This is a bees hive and a mess.. but not 100% so.

Let’s dive into the Salmond Inquiry..
People just don’t read the small print.. they only read the headlines. Alec was accused of.. kissing women hello on the cheek (one on the lips) for too long, hugging one woman for too long and having one civil servant overnight and they drunk wine and fell asleep on the carpet and he decided instead of prodding/shaking her like people normally do, he decided to brush the side of her cheek.
So let’s be clear.. he wasn’t walking about Bute House in the buff saying ‘come and get it ladies!’
On the other side.. NONE of this should have happened, these women were civil servants and he was as First Minister in charge of them and effectively their boss. At all times he should have been above reproach.
Also there is when the Court found out one of the women had organised a Whatsapp for all the women so they could get their stories straight.. WOW, this is HIGHLY ILLEGAL.. you are not allowed to do this as it is conspiracy and brings you in to contempt of court.. NO WAY she should have organised this!
I have a theory.. back after Alec Salmond announced he wanted to return to office in 2015, I remember the sheer surprise in the FM Sturgeon’s voice. At that moment I thought: ohw man.. I hope no one tries to stop him. Shortly after this the accusations came.. I in no way believe the FM was involved in this, but maybe some civil servants thought it was good way to derail Alec’s ambitions.
More recently.. he has been playing with fire.. jeopardizing/putting the independence movement in harm's way, that so many people have so worked hard on. This is the hard pill for me to swallow.. I am upset and offended he would do anything to harm us. Anything to harm the FM.. she has outperformed on all fronts in a time where just performing is a struggle. I am thankful we have a statesperson of such caliber at the helm.
I have heard a rumor the AFI and AOUB have thrown their support behind the Alba Party.. they easily have a few thousand members and in turn this could lead to a seat for the Alba Party.
For me.. I will be voting SNP 1 Green 2 as I planned (where I live is a Indy heartland and my vote will be wasted otherwise.)
We need more range in parties.. so far we have Left to Right:
Solidarity (Tommy Sheridan) Left/Marxist Socialist,
Green Center Left, SNP Center Left European Socialist
and the Scottish Libertarians (Center Right)..
we have no Conservatist Capitalist Right wing party and no Centrist Liberal party.
UPDATE: Two days ago Tommy Sheridan joined the Alba Party, making it likely it is a left wing marxist socialist mix with center left european socialist.
We need a range of parties so when we are independent we have balance.. I mean the Tories will collapse in Scotland after independence so we need a electable right wing party.
Could The Alba Party fill one of those two slots?
The decades of shame and corruption.. pointed hatred of the Tories and all they stand for.. if you are Conservatist right wing in Scotland, wouldn’t you just love a right wing party you could vote for and no one hates you for it? One not steeped in child abuse and crony corruption? Killing the poor to profit the already obscenely rich?
Imagine having conversations with fellow Scots from all backgrounds about the pluses of a right wing party and not only do they agree with you they are already voting alongside you..
This can never happen with the evil Tories.. I am pretty sure heaven has a no Tory policy.. as you dip your hand in the blood/death they generate daily..
(see update above.. Alba is not a right wing party, but if you are right wing and support independence, you can vote for the Scottish Libertarians, who are center right)
Don’t believe me? see link to full QA below.
So back on topic.. so far as I have heard.. The Alba Party seem to be a mix of right and left wing.. a party that reports a desire to look after the needy but also be very fiscally responsible. Is this a Right wing party people could vote for without fear of it killing them if they gain office?*
I don’t know and much has to be discovered.. possibly by the party themselves, they may not know who they are yet.
I’m Center Left European Socialist with a few Center Right Libertarian views.. like land ownership and planning permission, no intervention without provocation money on troops, industry and banking not on weapons of war.


 The first witness was "Woman H", who gave an account of how Salmond allegedly tried to rape her in Bute House after a private dinner in June 2014.[10][11] She had not mentioned this incident when she first talked to police in 2018. The defence suggested that she fabricated the allegations, which the witness rejected.[10] A second witness present at the dinner in question gave evidence stating that "Woman H" was not even present at Bute House on the night in question. 

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Letter to Ross Greer of Scottish Greens (twitter wouldn't let me send privately)

Hullo Ross

Ah'm a fellow supporter o' independence an Green voter.. Ah'm fæ Dumbarton sa 'Scotland West' which yursel is tæ represent mæ.. glady :).. Ah huv two points Ah wid like tæ share wæ ye an Ah hope ye dinnæ mind mæ dæn it here.


If awe electricity wis free fur domestic residents (no business) the Scottish people *stop* gettin a sæy in how that electricity is generate'yt. Sa then it kin bæ bi Green means. If we hud a system where.. folk hud tæ pæy a wan aff bill a year fur maintenance.. sæy.. £100/200 a year tæ pæy fur the wages o' the folk that maintain the 'green machines'.. this wid bæ doon fæ ma yearly bill o' aboot £1500.

Tories unner Thatcher selt aff awe oor Hydro power fur pennies. In an independent Scotland Ah wid love tæ see the Greens hæ a law o' reclamation o' oor resources. Scotlund hus 30,000 loȝhs.. 30,000! awe o' thum ready tæ power a generator tæ provide 100% green power! Bit we need tæ git rid o' the rights selt oot bi the Tories in 1989.

Imagine the byline!

'Greens will give FREE electricity to all of Scotland's private citizens!'

Thyt wid stir up a few votes fæ folk thyt widnæ normally bæ interest'yt!


EV motors o' 250w ur a total joke! Thys is Scotlund! huv ye seen the hills? Næ badness Ross.. and it wis an EU law.. bit there's a big difference atween the sooth o' France and hills o' Scotlund.. Ah'm pro-EU masel.. bit Ah wa'nt thyt law wæ us. 250w.. ye wa'nt tæ bæ mad! Ah need 500w-750w bike jist tæ git aboot Dumbarton.

Problem is the EU didnæ acoont fur Power to Weight ratio.. Ah'm a big lad (6'4'') and Ah'm disabled wæ sleep apnoea.. sa Ah'm knackered awe the time. There is næ wæy.. Ah kin lift a heavy EV up an doon the stairs tæ ma flat.. an leen it ootside is the quickest wæy tæ git it nicked. If it wis a car it's less likely tæ git nicked. An yon mobility vehicles ur a pure beamer unless ye ur 70yo +.. Ah'm 45yo. A EV car Ah step oot wæ ma dignity intact.

It wid bæ better fur masel if Ah hud an EV car that wis limited tæ 15.5mph* (næ licence oar insurance oar road tax need'yt) that Ah could drive oan A roads (single) and B roads.. and cycle paths.. aboot cycle paths:

It wid bæ great if these were 'C roads' fur bæth pedal and EV bikes, trikes and velociped cars.. China does wans fur wan and hauf grand. The West Cycle Path is a joke.. it is cut up an næwan hus thought aboot it since the 90s (it hus bits o' 70s and 90s an big bits cut oot it.. due tæ new developments) 

Ah suggest a new West Cycle Path.. which hus a pavement side walk fur pedestrians.. bit a road fur pedal and EV vehicles a'naw.. wæ cut ins tæ let o'er traffic by. A smaller version fur wan oar two person vehicles thyt ur limited tæ 15.5mph electronically.. done wæ the code and no the stupyt motor.

Here is a picture o a remnant o' the plans left ower fæ the 70s.. it wis fur pedal vehicles an pedestrians.

Ah suggest.. a new West Cycle Path build fæ scratch tæ look lit thys. Aye we kin use the areas that ur still workin'.. sa when Ah sæy 'fæ scratch' wit Ah really mean is.. theres loads o' places thyt urnæ fit fur use anymær.

Anyhoo.. afore Ah talk yur ear aff..

Hanks fur readin' Ross and GL wæ the upcomin election.. an yur stint oan Taggart as a villain ;) .. Ah mind thyt pic.. thyt wis too funny!

fur realz.. cheers mate :)


If ye need thys in hInglish.. jist sæy an Ah'll dæ it again, næ worries.
If you need this in English, just say and I will do it again, no worries.

Tories break the law.. nothing happened..

19th March 2021 03:07am.
The Forty Five Group on Facebook
I wrote and article:

@ FM Sturgeon

Tæ bæ honest.. Ah'm no caring aboot some daft meetin'.. look how much heat the FM goat fur wit? Meanwhile at Westminster: 1. In 2017 the English Tories had those leaked documents about: 1a. who was sleeping with civil servants.. nothing happened. 1.b who was cheating the system to profit themselves.. nothing happened! 2. The English Tories broke the Scotland Act 1998 under Theresa May.. nothing happened. 3.Theresa May's husband gets billion pound government contracts for the Capital Group.. nothing happened. 4. B.Johnson illegally prorogued Westminster.. nothing happened. 5. Not to mention the English Tories covering up pedophilia at the BBC.. nothing happened. 6. 2 Billion on crony PPE contracts to friends*.. nothing happened. 7. 11 million to Ferry Companies with no ferries.. nothing happened. 8. don't I remember there being an article about B.Johnson paying £126,000 of public money to a 'lady friend' to be his mistress.. Sa iyn short.. Ah applaud the efforts o' the Scottish Pairliment tæ haud tæ acoont.. however.. if it goes any further.. it wis a hatched joab oan the FM imho.. JIST LOOK AYT WIT THEY UNIONISTS DÆ TÆ FOLK FUR A MEETIN.. AND SEE WIT THEY DÆ TÆ THUMSELS! NUHIN! NÆ BAD OAR PRISON FUR THE TORIES! NUHIN! FM RAKED OWER THE COALS.. B.JOHNSON HUVIN HIS END AWÆY.. PÆID BÆ YOU!.. YOU PÆID £126,000 FUR HIM TÆ GIT IN ABOOT SOME LASSIE! Mind thyt when yer asked aboot votin fur independence! Ah sæy thys: " It is charged of the SNP they are incompetent.. I do not believe this.. however if.. IF.. it was true.. I would take incompetent over deliberately corrupt 100 times out of 100" -------- Proof: 1. 2. (click more + watch video) 3. 4. 5. "“ .. was in trouble would come to the whips. And tell them the truth. And now this.. ‘I’m in a jam.. can you help?’. It might be debt. It might be erm.. a scandal involving small boys.. or any kind of scandal.. which a member seemed likely to be mixed up in. They’d come and ask if we could help and if we could; we did. We would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points .. If.. I mean… that sounds a pretty pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons that if we could get a chap out of trouble then he’ll do as we ask forever more.” T.Fortescue Conservative Whip 1970–1973" 6. 7. 8.

Monday, 22 March 2021

How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

Originally answered: How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?
(Quora Aug 2019  Folla mæ on ma Quora ) 


To answer, The Scottish Government gets a bloc grant of 28.8 billion per year, they also ‘borrow’ a further 7 billion from the tax raised in Scotland of 68.6 billion. Westminster spends the rest ‘on Scotland’s behalf’.. which means Westminster spends 32.8 billion pounds of Scotland’s taxes.

On what exactly?.. it certainly isn’t on Scotland or for Scotland’s benefit, that I can see. In fact I can say whatever I like.. because Westminster refuses to publish any figures.. let alone detailed figures on what Scotland’s money is spent on. The GERS figures are generated by the Scottish Government, who have to take on good faith what Westminster are telling them.

Never.. NEVER have Westminster divulged what they spend that money on.. except former civil servants talking about how Scotland’s oil money went to refurbish London in the 1970s.

So London then?..

‘My argument to the Chancellor, my argument to the treasury, is that a pound spent in Croydon, is *far more* of value to the country, from a strict utilitarian calculus than a pound spent in Strathclyde, indeed, you will generate jobs and growth in Strathclyde far more effectively if you invest in Hackney or in Croydon or in other parts of London..’Boris Johnson while the mayor of the English capital:

So the poorest constituent country of the ‘UK’ goes to feed the already wealthy English capital? Imperialists at it again.


How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

Norway (with less of the North Sea than Scotland) has a £300-600 Billion oil fund.. Scotland has £0. Where did it go? similar population as Scotland.. but £300–600 Billion put away for a rainy day.

Decade after decade of all Scotland.. yes Scotland’s oil being pumped into London.. just look how small a section Norway has.. and they have the above..

With (educated guess) 1/20th the amount of resources. Norway has a 1 Trillion Dollar Public Fund. And Scotland has severe poverty.

The ONS has shown Scotland is the poorest constituent country of the UK:

“Q: Which country of the Kingdom has the most resources per head of population?

A : Scotland

Q: Which country of the Kingdom is the poorest?

A: Scotland

Q: Which area of the Kingdom has the least resources per head of population?

A: London and the South East

Q: Which area of the Kingdom is the richest?

A: London and the South East

So where does the money go?

A: London to pay for the 10 times wages of everyone there. To feed already wealthy upper class Imperialists. Don't believe me?.. just look at the graphic!


The above equals £68,614,000,000 (per year)

The Scottish Government get a bloc grant of 28.8 Billion and ‘borrow’ a further 7 Billion.. but this is from the tax we already generate. The Scottish Government publishes papers showing where the money went.. so far that’s 35.8 Billion accounted for. Westminster spends the rest on Scotland’s behalf.. Scotland’s behalf.. however there is no figures by Westminster saying what on earth they spend that 32.8 Billion generated by Scotland.. Westminster refuses to publish an account of what they spend it on..I’m guessing ferry companies with no ferries, giving out beefy billion pound contracts to weapons manufacturers and feeding London ten times the wages for the same job as elsewhere in this [sarcasm] totally believable ..equal union.

The Barnett formula sounds fair.. until you find out the Barnett Formula only takes account of allocated spending budget. This ‘budget’ is a made up figure.. it could be anything as it is not based on incoming tax only the allocation that the English Government gives it.. they could take in 1 Trillion and allocate three toffees and a pack of crisps..The thought we get 75 Billion in taxes spent on us.. I find preposterous.. but since no one not even the Scottish Government know what Westminster spend our money on (or can prove it in court).. it’s a kind of thing.. to take your aggressor at their word and overcome them despite our suspicion of their lies.The max spent on our share of defense should be 3% of GDP, as this is the rate for all western countries and is normal.. around 2 Billion.

Unaccounted money. A country in poverty. SAOR ALBA.



Scotland also has just under 1/3rd of Europe’s Green Energy.. not just the Kingdom’s but the whole continent’s Green Energy. This is a commodity and can be sold like any other such as oil, but will never run out.



Saturday, 20 March 2021

Votin' wan an twa


The Scottish Electoral System in Action.

Ays the guy tæ first draw attention tæ oor elegant votin' system some years ago.. see link above .. Ah wa'nt tæ draw attention tæ oor votin system wance mær. Ah huv seen folk talkin aboot SNP1&2 oar SNP1 Green2. Ah hope tæ share a few thoughts here.. as no everywan is familiar wæ oor version o' the D'Hondt AMS.

*(An dæ yez mind o' Kezia Dugdale introducin tactical votin in the first place? flip! )

Wi huv 4 indy hærtlunds..Dundee, West Dunbartonshire, Glæsga an' North Lanarkshire. These ur safe seats fur the SNP.. but mind if yur a Nationalist campaigner, it jist takes no carin' tæ turn it aboot.

Afore anywan sæys yur bein' officious an presumptuous..these ur SUGGESTIONS ONLY.. dæ wit ye wa'nt! Noo masel.. Ah like tæ caw oor regions 'states' coz jist drap the pretense o' wit they wir.. coz thyt's wit they wir afore they goat bunked in 2014. 

Sa we huv 12 states each wæ their æn capital city..

Which would Ah recommend coz no every horse is the horse ye rode iyn oan.. horses fur courses..
Gaun wæ the facts no the fantasies:

North tæ Sooth:

Shetland SNP 1&2

Orkney SNP 1&2

Na h-Eileanan Siar/Iar (Eileanan Hebrides, Western Isles) SNP1&2

Highland SNP1&2

Grampian SNP1 Green2

Tayside and Angus SNP1 Green2

Strathclyde SNP1&2 (coz somewan stupytly absorbed a loada Strathclyde intæ 'South Scotland' if yur 'West Scotland' North Strathclyde SNP1 Green2)

Central SNP1 Green2

Fife SNP1 Green2

Lothian SNP1 Green2

Borders SNP 1&2

Dumfries and Galloway SNP 1&2


Orkney,  Shetland, Aberdeen City, Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Edinburȝh right need yon SNP 1&2.

Sa apært fæ the changes in regional member zonin' Ah obviously support tæ go bi state and no wit crazy hing's bin cooked up here.. there's a general rule: IF YE KEN WELL where ye yur an' ken SNP regional is a wast'yt vote (ays per the pic above).. then dæ SNP1 Green 2. IF YE URNÆ SURE.. dæ SNP1&2!

In the regional right picture: 
If ye see Green and næ SNP.. vote Green fur the regional!  If ye see næ Green and næ SNP.. vote Green fur the regional! An ayt *awe* times vote SNP 1!

If anywan spots a mistake.. coz Ah'm only human.. an Ah DÆ mean mistake.. no 'jist awe dæ SNP1&2!' patter.. gee mæ a heids up.. Ah'd appreciate it.


Honestly wi hud states fur years! An næwan thought tæ make the AMS state based?? doolally! Needs fixed.

Need tæ oust Jackie Baillie here in Dumbarton.. loada folk here support independence an she couldnæ gee a toffee fig! SNP 1 tæ oust her and Green 2 tæ no waste ma vote but.. Ah really like the Greens a'naw especially Patrig Hærvie.. he seems lit a guid guy. Allies iyn the fight! Gettin oor budget ower the finish line tæ.. dinnæ forget thyt!

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Enhancing our Governmental System in an Independent Scotland.. Update: (05/April/2021 Redux)

Hullo WWW

Ah realized Ah did a awful joab o' thys.

Sa.. Ah'm gauny try again.. Ah HATE the idea o' dæn it in hInglish an sa, increasein hInglish cultural brainwa'shin an hInglish prestige vælyas (values).

However.. that said I will write this in English as people in Scotland have not yet woken from the sleep that is English reverence and unconscious Anglophilia.

One day I hope.. thyt wi escape thys hoose oar mirrors an thoughts o mirrors.. tæ fun oor true sels, oor true voice, wæoot shame.. awe yon shame forgotten thyt we are oorsels an no a shada o' the hInglish!


 Once, God Willing, Independence is achieved I have a new style of governance I would like to introduce to you, it borrows from another system, specifically the USA, but I have expanded and leveled it, integrating our system with theirs.

Holyrood                                                    Upper House (Parliament) (4 or so years)
Holyrood/Inverness                                    Lower House (State Commissary) (3 years)
State Capitals                                             The Public Assembly (2 years)
County Council (Local)                              (5 years)

The Upper House

The Upper House as it is now, except the additional members are there to represent their States. Commissioners do not sit in the Upper House, only MSP's sit in both houses.

The Lower House

The Lower House comprises of 10 Commissioners per state plus the AMS MSPs, so 12 states x 10 = 120 + 12 x 4 = 48.. with 4 additional commissioners for Strathclyde* 2 for Tayside and Angus and 1 each for Grampian and Highland. Making the normal 56.

* (due to the population of Glasgow City. Paisley City, Dumbartonshire) same for Dundee, Inverness, Aberdeen.

In total that makes 176 seats of the Lower House.

Commissioners are not allowed to be members or represent major parties of the Upper House, only AMS members may do this. Commissioners are encouraged to choose an unrepresented but registered party.. for me I'd probably vote Scottish Libertarian especially for the Strathclyde Land and Housing Commissioner! remove planning permission, reduce the cost of owning your own land.. do what you want.. I digress. AMS members vote by remote when they are in Inverness. They catch up on National laws by watching the Parliament Channel on laws they wish to support. They must also write a short letter, min 200 words, on why they are supporting this law which they read out over video call to the Upper House.

The Lower Houses job is financial scrutiny of all monies. all monies. They investigate Councils and why they spend or overspend (money wasted so the next year the budget is not lowered) and take measures to mitigate this, like having a common council fund and instead of wasting money the councils can simply apply for more.

The Lower House appeals for money from the Upper House, this is extra money such as the fund mentioned before.

Commissioners come from the field they are a commissioner in.. NHS, Police.. Military:

Roads and Transport.

Land and Housing.

Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)




Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)

Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)

Green Energy and Waste.


The Lower House has its own otherwise unrepresented parties. Meaning commissioners can be party partisan if they wish, but that party cannot be controlled by a party of the upper house.

This also means that candidates for the Lower House are there for merit only. To hold to account the councils and not be ruled by parties of the Upper House. It is the privilege of the Lower House to at any time launch an investigation in the dealings of the Upper House even the Government, even the First Minister should any solid piece of evidence be found to support such a thing, 

It is reputed that Kezia Dugdale encouraged her Labour campaigners to encourage Labour voters to vote Tory, with the sole view of pushing the SNP out,, this was the first case of tactical voting in the Scottish Parliament. She took something elegant and beautiful and bend it to her own will of supporting the evil Union. Now we independence supporters are using this tactical voting advantage for ourselves.. which I now support for the cause of independence. Once this cause os completed I would like to see a return to our elegant system, but now the public know we can beat it by tactical voting.. we need a new system which cannot be beaten. This is the Lower House.

The Peoples Assembly

16 is the age of Majority in Scotland.. it is our adulthood. I propose that from 16 to 18 we have mandatory conscription to the People's Assembly. Second mandatory conscription 30 to 32.Third mandatory conscription 44 to 46. Fourth  56 to 58. Fifth 68 to 70.  

A one week course on parliamentary etiquette with a qualification for passing. 

The People's Assembly's job is to create and pass state laws but not national laws. Creation of laws show what kind of society people want to build and live in One term is 2 years.The first term would be the 16 to 18 years olds, then the second would be the 30 to 32 year old and so on.

Having approximately 4000 seats in 8 Halls of 500 seats, all interconnected via video calling.  

In the People's Assembly all party combinations are allowed.

If a person is unable to attend, they are disabled, they are self employed, they are a boss and cannot be replaced, medical reasons as long as they can prove this to be true they can be excused. If not they receive a fine.

State Legislature

State legislature is divided up thusly.. Council regulatory laws by the Council, new laws come from the People's Assembly. 

The Council are allowed to create laws that involve: city/town ordinance, mainly roads and refuse collection, green means, internet utilities, public lighting, public gathering spaces. They can also repeal laws the state has created.

The People's Assembly are allowed to create laws for the common benefit of all, new laws to enhance our civilization, They cannot repeal laws, but can make counter-amendments to laws past in their Assembly which are judged by the Upper House as valid or invalid.

No law either makes can countermand the National Law, but the People's Assembly can issue 'An Edict of the People' to the Upper House, this is an indication that 60% or more of the people have agreed, if the Upper House ignore the Edict it is the duty of the Lower House to scrutinize the current policy and ask why it is being kept when the people have spoken.

This all works together to make a finely tuned elegant system.. may God have grace, may it be that I have created in His Glory an incorruptible system.

It has built in redundancy for local laws, accountability, anti-tactical voting, inclusive, engaging.. there to serve the people, not any politician or cult of celebrity. You see, even in State elections can we change the balance of power forcing parties to work together and so another way cancel out the second vote tactical voting.




Hi www

Been thinking this for around 6 months to a year now.. a new layer to hold local councils to account.

In an independent Scotland.. I would like to see the return of our states .. instead of 'regional' MSPs we would have the same system but done, state by state.

Not just that.. but a board of 10 commissioners for each state.


Roads and Transport.

Land and Housing.

Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)




Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)

Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)

Green Energy and Waste.


The job of these commissioners is not to spend money, but to make sure every last penny of public funds is accounted for, and properly used. With annual reports to the Government with recommendations.

It would be a 'Third Vote' in the Scottish Elections and the party who is in the most control of the state (my case Strathclyde and the SNP) would not be allowed on the ballot. Giving minor parties more scope and ensuring the party in charge is held to account. Of course it would be 10 extra votes and not a 'Third Vote'.. but a set of third votes.. you could ask for an individual ballot sheet for the commissioners, and choose commissioner by commissioner or have a single ballot with all the parties standing and just go with your party of choice.

Once a month for one week, the state MSPs meet with the commission board and discuss the local councils progress and spending.

Any one of the commissioners could lodge a complaint in their field with the Scottish Government over the behavior of a council and an inquiry would be carried out to the commissioner's satisfaction. But the monthly meeting as meant to avoid it getting to this stage. The commissioners office would also have the power to launch an inquiry in to any corruption and submit reports to the procurator fiscal.

I think that's it :) .. easy enough to understand.



Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Scottish Libertarianism.. more thoughts..

Scottish Libertarianism.. more thoughts..

 Hi www

Last month I wrote an article on my thoughts of Scottish Libertarianism (see here) 

I would like to expand on this, with an interpretation of what my brand (and hopefully yours after reading) .. my brand of Scottish Libertarianism is. 

I am a SNP lifelong voter, and have most of my life voted Green for my second vote. If in a independent Scotland, our states are reinstated.. with a commission board responsible for holding the councils to account, I would use my third vote for a Scottish Libertarian Commissioner to Strathclyde so long as they would assure the below. I may even switch my second vote to SLP, providing the Scottish people are allowed free electricity via green means.

I will vote SNP for my local council, as it is important that those who are in authority local (council) are in one mind with the government due to budget concerns and vice versa. But a Commision Board holding the local authorities to account and again, entrusted with value assurance.

Mission Statement

I posit, the worth and morality of Scottish Libertarianism is in value for money. That it is the righteous duty of every SLP officer in any style of governance, to take to task those who would abuse the consumer, that SLP officers are required, nay, honor bound, to defend the individual against such corporations and banks.

The Sick, Disabled and Elderly *must* be cared for, and cared for well with reimbursement, by this the SLP signal to the whole world, Scottish Libertarians too are moral.

No other party currently looks towards value for money.. come with me as I open your eyes:

The Right To A House of Usable Means

Housing is the single greatest purchase we will make in our entire lives, so then are we getting value for money? We are slaves to our debt and must maintain working until the debt is paid or forfeit our investment. Currently banks and property development companies treat the consumer as a walking wallet.. a fool. 

We are working to live to death in our own coffins, as house sizes are so insulting they may as well be showboxes with a lightbulb.

The SLP's duty should always be to provide value for money housing.. ensuring that we do not live in slums, but other parties ensure we do not live in slums, they provide clean affordable housing, but that housing is so small and expensive (in relation to value) those parties and not providing for the people and so not empowering the people. As a minimum I would like to see housing that has at least 1 half acre of land and the right to build as you please on your own land.

The Right To Afford A Suitable Bed

Before anyone says this is a frivolous addition, we spend 1/3rd of our lives in bed. It is important for humans to be able to rest.. take it from someone disabled with sleep apnoea, who is agony most if not all of the time. I struggle and struggle to afford a suitable bed. Most want £2000, although cheaper ones are available, they are not suitable.

 *(I am 6'4'', need a soft mattress with a interlocking spring base, tuned correctly.)

The Right to Transportation

Transportation is one of if not thee most important personal liberty in Scotland; Scotland has the vast Highlands and the Scottish people's right to be empowered to cross it.

I suggest EV roads, that run alongside cycle paths. Classed as 'C' roads, with their own speed limits. (max 15.5mph = 70mph motorway) and charge points.

I suggest that from 12 years old, EV (Electric Vehicles) limited to 15.5mph but unlimited in torq*  be availed to every school goer. The Vehicle, a mix between a car and bicycle can be purchased from the government via a layway scheme. Lo-Jacked (GPS Tracker chipped) and electronic clamped in case of theft.

From 14 years old, every pupil is expected to be taught and gain their driving licence. Americans called it 'Drivers Ed.' .

This is just one 'brick'.. a cornerstone in making sure the Scottish people are not poor. I need a garage to keep my EV in. Larger housing with more transportation.Multiple types of vehicle, one for each need and type.. the children need to visit a friend? they each have EVs (with passenger seat) and have specific C roads they can use and be safe. Need to go shopping? Use the EV car. Need to go out of town to another city? Use a Hydrogen based vehicle. 

So long as the initial energy to diffuse the hydrogen in the water is Green, the only waste by product is water.

The Scottish people need to be able to spread out, to have the homes we wish and deserve and for that.. we need transport. For every man,woman and child of Scotland.

*(so that hills greater than 45 degrees can be climbed)

The Right to Free Electricity

In my last article I said this:

"The Scottish Greens are I feel a moral party.. but they bang on about the environment, which is important, without thinking about the average person.

If the Scottish Green were to provide free electricity to all of Scotland's citizens via green means.. then who could care how the electricity is generated? We stop getting a say because we no longer pay for it.. and so then they could generate that electricity via green means and the average citizen wouldn't have to care.

This would be for private citizens only and not businesses."

Think how empowering it would be for the people of Scotland to benefit from our natural resources in such a personal way! Scotland has just under 1/3rd of all Europe's not just the Kingdom's.. but Europe's green energy. Each citizen is charged a year maintenance fee to pay for the workers that keep the green machines going.. imagine something like £100 per year at the start of February (Start of January is not a good time but the next month). £100 per household and each business keeping a meter as it is now.

For the SLP.. think on this.. no other party offers the Scottish people access to their own resources, it should be little more than a courtesy to do so.. but it seems no party has even thought of such a thing!

The rest of the energy, along with other natural resources is sold like any commodity and the money is used to look after the the sick, disabled and elderly. (except land.. land should always be only for the people of Scotland and should never be sold off again.. we are aware of our history and that we should never repeat it)

Taking Businesses To Task

Is the duty of the SLP to provide personal empowerment for each and every Scottish Citizen.. and to do this, those who would seek to empty the wallets of those citizens, unjustly and unfairly, it is the duty in my estimation for every SLP officer to take such businesses to task, ringing them short and I would hope you agree.



An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..

 Ahoyhoy Internet! I was thinking.. with countries going more regularly to Luna with their own experiments.. Wouldn't it make sense if a...