Saturday, 8 December 2018

Scotland in the EU..

June 2018


What I want to share is *my own thoughts* on what Scotland should be inside the EU, what the EU should be to Scots, and further afield member states.

I am pro-Scotland in the EU, freedom of movement, freedom of trade, and I am willing to sacrifice a few laws to make this greatly beneficial and peaceful system happen. I have *some* caveats though..

Firstly, I don't believe the EU should have any sort of army/navy/airforce.. each individual country should protect themselves and, if need be, ask our neighbours in the EU for help. The whole idea of the EU is peace.. having any kind of military force destroys that idea with hypocrisy.

I do not wish the EU to grow in power, grow in member states, yes, but the control the EU council had for some 20 years was fine, I see no reason to increase it.

Yes, I will miss the old light bulbs.. but the new ones are getting better and cheaper.

In the event of more member states joining from all around the world, I honestly don't mind people living here, in fact I would really like it. My (now ex) fiancee is a Filipina and it has been a nightmare getting her into the country, obviously I would like the Philippines to join the EU, this would mean all Ruthy would have to do is board a flight and come here. I enjoy the idea of an 'open world'.. people can live and work where they please, I am disabled and would like to spend more time with Ruthy, I am allowed 4 weeks every 6 months or I lose my benefits, it would be nice to be able to keep my benefits and perhaps live with Ruthy for a while and then she could live here.. or whatever as adults suits us.

I would like this for everyone.. and if a country that usually gets financial aid joined the EU then instead that money could go towards providing, regulating and administrating for the people directly. 'Universal Health Care and Disability' would be a peaceful way to distribute the money instead of it going to politicians.. some of whom are known to keep the money for themselves.

I feel Scotland should be somewhere in between the 'Norway Arrangement' and a full member state, 111 laws the EU had controlled, well that sounds good to me. Giving us enough autonomy and returning the laws we know the EU can be trusted with.. they earned it, they can keep it.

Tax.. everyone hates tax when you buy online.. it's awful, the thing you bought shows up like some sort of present but then BAM.. you're not allowed it because you need to pay tax for it. Seems a bit evil to just tax the private buyer.. I know why it happens, they are trying to encourage you buy from your own country..but imagine this:

I play guitar.. I enjoy guitars and have been known as a guitar enthusiast at times. America invented the electric guitar.. two famous companies after its invention became super popular brands, Fender and Gibson. Now.. let's say I am shopping for a guitar.. it's unlikely to be a Scottish mass manufactured guitar.. in Scotland we have ZERO guitar manuf. facilities. Wales has ZERO, Northern Ireland has ZERO.. England has ONE. Now, that company is called Gordon Smith Guitars.. the lowest priced model they do NEW is around £700. I can buy a guitar at the same quality OR BETTER with a second hand japanese... for £150. And.. I have. I own a 'Hondo II' which is basically both companies copying the same model (LP Double Cut).

Slim is one way to describe my option IF I wanted an English guitar.. unless I was rich rich rich.. then I could buy from a Scottish or English boutique builder for £2000. but really I wouldn't pay 2k for a guitar.. it's insulting.

overtaxing is insulting. I don't mind paying a little to offset some of the cost to the local industry..but really it should be capped worldwide to £30.

I digress..

I saw a thing on my router saying that for 60 seconds my router would be monitored to check it wasn't attached to a radar.. and this was in compliance with EU regulations. I disagree with this.. stay out of my router! Don't need anyone invading my privacy..

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