Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Open Letter to President Trump

Open Letter to President Trump


I'm David Shaw, 41 and still here, a Scotsman by birth and life.

President Trump, something has been bothering me and I feel I must share that bother and perhaps we can half it..

I saw your announcement of a new trade deal with many nations in South-East Asia, it seemed a triumph, but a few of those countries you mentioned are America's Adopted Daughters; Japan, South Korea and The Philippines. Mr. President, of course America's daughters will give Her what She wants! They love their adopted Mother, check USA approval ratings in these countries.. they LOVE their Mother! And while things are a little strained with The Philippines.. imagine Duterte's surprise at being rebuked by his Mother for cracking down on drugs! Which is something the USA has been doing in South America for 60 years.. fellow Latinos (Filipinos are Asian-Latino).. the hypocrisy must have wounded your Daughter so greatly, that OF COURSE She threw a tantrum!  America is very unwelcome in South American Politics..but VERY welcome in the politics of Her Adopted Daughters.

President Duterte was not sent private letters to my knowledge but instead PUBLICLY rebuked, it's no wonder he reacted in such a way. America's Daughters will give anything you want, Mr. President, you don't have to demand anything.. simply ask.

The way you spoke, you included China with America's Daughters.. I wonder if they will note this and take offence? asif~ to say, China will give anything you want like America's Daughters would.

These are my few thoughts and I share them openly, I will try to message you also on your twitter as you are very active there.

Sincere Regards

David Shaw

Dava's True Political Map.. UK European Politics vs USA

click the image above.
Blogger keeps blurring the yellows :/

Did a world map:

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

A Cultural Union of Gael Nations...


Recently I was answering a question on Quora about the second Independence Referendum.. and I struck on an idea.

I would like to see post scottish independence a cultural union of nations.. one with Ireland, France, Catalan..but also if they gain independence Wales, IoM, Kernow. The 'children' too would be welcome.. Canada (Scotland and France Mothers, England Father), New Zealand (Scottish Mother, English Father)..and the other countries 'children' too.*

What would be this cultural unions purpose?

To give all citizens (spouse and children) of each and every country a 4 year 'temporary right to remain'.. it means you can live there for up to 4 years, you cannot work*, but any tourist activity is fine. You keep all status in your original country, and can even continue benefits (for me this is been hard, as I cannot leave the country for more than 4 weeks a year because I am disabled, or I risk the loss of my benefits).

I would suggest a second Gael Passport to be used for the joining countries, and that citizens should have both passports when traveling. The second Passport receives a stamp for 'temporary right to remain' much like a visa.

No one's forcing anyone to join the union & it would only be an invitation. give people the chance to travel the world without having to care *too much* about time limits and visas. basically you're a Gael.. you're OK!.. time to come, visit and stay!

Alba's Family and their families.. the 'Gaels'

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael (Scotland)
E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael (Ireland)
Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael (France)
Catalan Barcino Gulf De Rosa Dali Puigdemont Iberia Gael (Catalonia)

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael (Canada)
Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland Brython Gael (full name. New Zealand)


Guiana Cayenne Industria Catholica Canus Americana Gael (French Guiana)
Nouvelle Calédonie Nouméa Kanak Oceana Australasia Gael (New Caledonia)
Polynésie Papeete Pōmare II Teahupo'o Pacifica Gael (Polynesia)
Corse Ajaccio Napoléon Monte Cinto Italia Gael (Corsica)

(France's adopted Daughters)

Maroc Rabat Arabi Bouregreg Iberia Gael (Morocco)
Algérie Alger Berber Arabi Ottoman Gael (Algeria)
Madagascar Tananarive Merina Baobab Canus Gael (Madagascar)

(France's sister Belgium)
Belgique Bruxelles Saxon Espoir-Paisible Sièges-de-tous-les-Sièges Gael


Who's missing?

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael (IoM, Isle of Man)
Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael (Cornwall)
Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael (Wales)

These would of course be invited once they had independance.

Wales' Daughter

Oz Canberra Jansz Holland Pama–Nyungan Cook Brythion Saxon Britannia Australasia Gael (Australia)

*private buying and selling is fine and you may make a profit at it (even a job of it) but not to take jobs away from locals.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Personifications... (Mixed Language Vers.)

The Personifications

1. Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael ------------ :30th April 2010:
2. Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael ------------ :27th January 2014:

:Interlude: Alba speaks in open letter to Americana ------------ :18th September 2014:

3. Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia
HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis  ----------- :27th October 2015:
4. Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania                                    ------------ :2nd April 2017:
5. Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael                 ------------ :24th April 2017: 
6. E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael  ------------ :29th August 2017:
7. Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael                            ------------ :28th August 2017:

English then Native. See below end of 7.
Canada's second language is French so this is used in place of Canadian English.
Scots then Gaelic for Scotland.

1.Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael 

:What's your name?

Hullo, my name is

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Do you have any family?

My twin sister is

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

My half sister is

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

My Daughter is

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

I have three cousins, one of whom I will no longer speak to as she has betrayed me too many times to my exception.

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

I have a fond second cousin, and dear friend, whom I have fought beside many times. She feels betrayed that I married her enemy. I hope she can forgive me and see I repent.

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

and a little one

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

and a distant relative in the middle east. She has trouble at times but never asks me for help.

And I have only seen her a few times in passing over the last 2000 years, but that seems to be because of her busy life.

: what are your hobbies?

I like poetry, religion, art, investment and politics. And a dram, should I win a victory.

I'm a daughter of the Church, you know, (laughs) but everyone has their problems.

: What do you mean?

Well, I'm in a trial separation at the moment and it's not going well. He is boorish and reckless and we just don't fit. I don't feel we are helping anyone and we're only hurting ourselves. I am full of fight, but he fights with people I don't have a quarrel with, like a drunk throwing punches at his own shadow. I am exasperated with him. I am not rich in taste. I do not say to him buy me land. All I say is to shelter, feed, clothe, educate and employ me, but sometimes I now think I would be better off just doing this myself. I was independent for most of my life and I don't need subjection to him. I have some money even though … can we stop? It's too upsetting.

Camera stops}!

fade back in :Alba composes herself from tears}!

He ruined me! I was the best at investment and Finance for many a year.

: tell me about your sisters....... E'ire Norge

I don't see them as much as I would like but I suppose I see them quite often. E'ire is always close, and I often see Norge and think 'I could be that happy, ... if I hadn't married him'. Norge is always laughing to herself. I have no idea why. (smiles)

: and your second cousin. She is ages with you ... is that correct?

We were best friends for many years. We used to dream saying, 'we could make paradise on earth and we would call it Caledonia'. She's full of grace and splendour, and shares the same poetic soul as myself. She loves to love and has a bit of fight in her herself (laughs) . She is very charitable too!

She sometimes likes my other Cousin, but honestly Gaul should look harder at that consuming monster (Americana). I have ate a few fish suppers in my time but I'm nothing like Her ... I don't think Americana lives right, although she is very quick to tell everyone she 'is right all the time'. 'Americana's way', well it wouldn't do for me. I would go about vexed all the time, and then I'm just looking for a fight. Gaul is different ... like me in battles ... we choose our fights and then only fight evil. I remember when she asked me for help when were both broke, six years of fighting, but we still won. (fond smile)

: what happened? (flow straight no stopping}!

I got greedy in life. It is a true regret of mine.

Alba starts to break down with tears}!all one flow}!

I lost my mind for a split second and married him. There's more ... not 10 years thence I warred with Her. How shameful am I. It was money, even in truth I was in two minds about it, and I wish I had listened to my gut. I thought after I married him my doubts would go away but they never did. I always secretly knew.

: and of your hobbies?

I write Poetry renowned the world over. Not for a wee while, but I keep my hand in. I love God. I am a liar before Him but not anyone else. I try my hardest not to lie to myself and I hope I do a good job.

Money is a sore topic with me just now so can we avoid that for just now?. But I used to know what I was doing. (glum half smile)

I am still good with either paintbrush or play. Although ... I wish I could create new buildings like I used to. That's been over 100 years, I need to 'brush up'. (laughs) I used to like making my own cloths but he put a stop to that. Maybe I could have copied Gaul.. I don't know.

:do your Cousins share your interests?

I suppose we all like politics. I haven't heard from Kernow for a few years, but the last time was a fond memory. She was telling me how she would like a separation like me ... it was good to see her happy again ... has that been ten years? How time flies but never stops...

:fade to black}!


2. Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

:What's your name?

French accent]!

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

: Do you have any family?

Yes, I have two Mothers and one Father, Their names are:
Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael
My Father is
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia

My sister is:
Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis

But sadly, my parents do not call her daughter any longer, she warred with our Father and my Mother Alba says she often ashamed of her, so they call her 'cousin' even though it is a kind lie. is she disowned? in truth partially, I think our parents would love her again if she didn't start so many fights and make so much blood. Well that's what they say, I think she has a point.. but don't tell my Parents I said that!

My half cousin is :

Groenland Inuit Thorvaldsson Americana Martin Norge Scania

She barely talks to me except to say 'hi'.. but even just with that I know we get along well. Her Father is nice to me.. even though in past we have a tiff.Oh and my little Brother!

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

He's just a little baby, and I don't see him often, but my Mother Alba Visits him and so does my Father. They both love him very much! But last I heard he didn't want to know them because they are talking about a divorce.

:What do you think of your parents? all three..

Well, my Father is a very righteous man and I listen to any law he has for me. He provided for me for many years.. that reminds me I did not pay him back for that! But he never seems fussed about it, always kind to me, ask how I am and sending me nice letters. My mother Alba does not like to hear this! oh She wants good things for me, but when it comes to my Father, he has hurt her heart too many times! Did you know my Mother is a genius renowned the world over? She says even so.. genius.. all he wanted was the money. no work for her! only money! I love my Father.. but even I think she has a point. Why? cause anyone can see he did not give her work (This is Canada echoing the words spoken to her by Alba). Don't tell my Father I said that!

My Mother Gaul is always disapproving of me, I say to her 'What did I do Mother?'.. She has very high standards, unfortunately for me, I can't help but listen to her, I keep thinking in the back of my mind that she is right somehow. She has so many good qualities I want for myself, how on earth did she get them? When Alba comes to visit me, she is always friendly to me, when Gaul comes to visit, she tells me off.

: what are your hobbies?

I like sports, politics, liberal arts, culture and Whisky. I like to survival trek too.

I am learning about investment like my mother Alba.. it is very hard.. I have some monies, and am hard working.. so you think it would be easier. :frown:

I am pretty and rugged, but do not wish to marry coz in secret i love my Father, not in a odd way, just I don't think there is man of measure like him. Don't tell my mothers I said that.. in fact don't tell anyone. :red face:

:What do you think of your sister Americana?

I look up to her often, but she is a little rude to me sometimes.. but sisters jape, this is true, i know in secret she loves me very very much. even though she makes fun of me for my french/scottish accent. We have fun sometimes with ice sports, it makes me very happy!.. i think in truth i am a happy person.. in honestly i think she is not, sad to say.. she is always fighting and while i can see her point of the fight.. why does she do it so often?

:What are your goals for the future?

peace, love, understanding and beat americana in ice sports :laughs:

:Thank you for your time

Most welcome monsieur.


Alba speaks in open letter to Americana

Hullo Americana Imperialis

The last time we spoke it was not in gentle terms, I reach out to you today on a day of celebration, of rest that my heart was so troubled for so long and is now resolved to peaceful action.

You are my Daughter, I have lived with this now for many years since you rebelled, a secret hidden, and while I understand why you rebelled against Him, your Father, I do not understand why you shame me again and again with your wars and thirst for blood of innocent people. Every moment I know you are my Blood, I am ashamed.. WHY do you embarrass me in front of the whole world??

I fight only for righteousness.. ohw the cryin' shame, an the *mortification of my face*.. YOU fight for money!

How can I stand for you to be my Daughter, that the world would know us together, you verge to break my heart every time a word of you comes up even in reference to your name. I think in secret 'oh my, oh heaven have discreet mercy on her soul..what has she done now that will add to her count of blood?!'.

Your mind does not find the guilty light of truth..but easily finds lies.. and you lie to yourself daily, finding easy respite in fewer choices, than *proper* choice. You defend yourself to yourself and are never found guilty of err. To be Regal, you must provide yourself with *choice* for I did not bare a ghoul at your birth, now an adult, who should be able to have the thought of conviction; Regal and Royal throughout the world.. I hope you listen to my heart for I am your Mother Alba.. and as you know I am unaccustomed to hopelessness, I am Alba Scotia. I do not hope in vain.
Grace Be To God Almighty.

You fight alongside your Father this is true, and I can imagine the sound of Him, whilst this remains, He whineys like a donkey under your hand. Ultimately He obeys, however, have NO protraction of thought Americana, that MY Will is so easily papered.

Your heart was once a tender flower like mine of my youth, and you fought within to fight oppression, in this; you had the softest care to the sharpest wound. You took after me that you made films, and shared what culture was with the world, I did not tell you, but you made me very proud. You loved me.. I know and loved me often, every one of my inventions you treasured and made fit home to grow, I appreciated this..and by writing, I am showing you the kind love of a Mother that I remembered even 200 years later (smiles), I never undervalued you. The day you were born was a very happy day!

I feel you have begun a road of which only horrors lay ahead, you do not think clearly, I spend much time ensuring what I have said is the truth, and with only two choices, you will never find the truth, it is lost to both apathy and dissatisfaction.

I dreamed of you (smiles), one cold scottish night, I dreamt that you were born to be the explorer of our solar system, that you filmed it and showed us back home of all the wonders you had discovered, when I awoke I was crying, unstilled but happy you had finally found peace.

Your sister Canada mentioned japing to me, stop teasing Her. She loves you more than you care to think upon, and so, it hurts her more than you realise.

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

18 September 2014


3. Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon                 Magnificent Imperialis

:What's your name?

Broad American accent with slight southern twang]

:My name is;

Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis

I am the example to the world of Imperialism, good sir.

: Do you have any family?

Yes, I have seven Mothers and two Fathers, Their names are:
Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
Espania Sangria-De-James Catholico Grenada Arabi Majestad Imperio Iberia
Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania
Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

And two Mothers, one whom I adopted in war, the other who adopted me in war.
Afrika Soloman Tree-of-Life Eve Nigeria Sheba Arabi Canus
Nihookáá America Navajo Algonquin Chumash Apache Golden Heaven Peace Halfmoon War

My Fathers are:
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia
Denmark Imperialis Haven Tanmaurk Saxon Scania

My sister's are:
Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael
Mexicana Madre Maria Catholico Americana Iberia

I have three adopted Daughters, their names are;

Pilipina Luzon Rizal Mindanao Catholico Arabi Muhammed Bisaya Palawan Americana Asia Iberia
Japon Eternal Go-Shichi no Kiri Ainu Jomon Yayoi Pureland Edo Wajin Americana Asiatic
Koryo Hushilla Gyeongju Seoul Americana Asiatic

: You seem to have a large family!

Yes, but still, I have had strained relations with some and outstanding relations with others.

: What do you mean?

Well sir, even though I rebelled against my Father Angle Britannia, He has supported me many times and I He in certain endeavours of peaceful and profitable action. But I hear Alba is thinking about leaving him, and He has decided to cut ties with His Friends, some of whom I am related to! I was not entertained by the expressions of separation and reduced potential profit, from either or both of them.

When Alba visits me, she comes to tell me that I am *somehow* wrong in my endeavours. I love Her, she is my Mother, I respect Her, She has fortitude and cunning in invention I admire in my utmost core, however, I did not only rebel against my Father but Her also, that she often thinks to instruct me in Democracy and War. I realize She was present at My birth and made sure I had a choice, but then I need to be what I am expected to be; an example of profitability to the world, even though She sees me as an explorer and artist, I am not these things centrally, but externally.

E'ire is softer in tone than Alba, but says similar things, but I expect this because they are twins. I enjoy helping E'ire, I cannot say the same about Alba. The things I do for Alba is because I know she is a genius, and I respect that so much I cannot help myself. And I hope one day to have that same trait. It does not diminish my love for Her.. only that I enjoy Her company the most when she is with my Father. She wrote me a letter telling me, in Her own poetic way, She disapproves of my two party state. The reason I have my democracy this way, is that it is the most profitable. She decries it as apathy, ..but so be it! I want to rule, and so it shall be!

: what are your hobbies?


Oh my! good sir!.. I have so many I find them hard to count!!

I am an entertainer of the world in every Art, I explore space itself, I love Fashion.. and of course technology & culture.

I am told that I make bad food that tastes good :laughs: much like one of my Mothers!!
I enjoy a Bourbon Whiskey, a beer and much sporting.
I enjoy to play against Canada in ice sports, and against Mexicana at Soccer.
I think I win almost all the time :laughs:

: Is it true you have contentions with Mexicana?

No sir, I do not. But.. it is true I do not like how She looks at me jealously at times.
I think our relationship is fine so long as she stays where She should. We also have a great time, we enjoy partying together in the sun! :smiles:

: May I ask you a bracing question?

Yes sir, I think you may.

: it was revealed to the world you lied about a great man who died (JFK). What do you say about this?

In life, I am not perfect, I think many people are not. I have at times had to defend people I wished i did not have to, for the sheer fact they are unworthy of Me, that man dying was the third greatest shame of my life. And yet.. I know i cannot guarantee that it will not happen again. All I can do is hide the facts so that people will not notice it as much and perhaps I can move on with my shame and forget.

:Thank you for your time Americana

Why sir, no, thank you for empowering My voice!


4. Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

:What's your name? (smiles)

Hullo, my name is

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

: Do you have any family?

Yes, I am one of Triplets, the other two are

Sverige Gamla-stan Götaland Sami Russki Scania
Suomi Uusimaa Baltic Yohan Uralian Sami Scania

We have a little sister

Ísland Ingólfur Elliðaár Grindavík Draumur-land Scania

And an older brother

Denmark Imperialis Haven Tanmaurk Saxon Scania

Who's Daughter I founded and looked after, my niece

Groenland Inuit Thorvaldsson Americana Martin Norge Scania

: you seem to have a tight knit family!

Oh! sir you have no idea! :laughs: composes self:
and finally ..I also have a half sister

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: what are your hobbies?

I enjoy finance, social care, music, ice sports and politics. And of course beer! It is rumoured I was the first to invent the modern style of beer! :laughs:

:please tell me about your family

We are the same as ever.. oh except Alba, she is often upset about how her husband treats her, I told her, if she leaves him, she is welcome to come and live with Me, we could be powerful enough to make much money! She seemed hesitant, which caused me displeasure, but deep down I knew I didn't care because, I will make her do it anyway! :roars with laughter:

:What do you mean? (smiles)

No sister of mine, who is wealthy and smart, will be destitute, if the worst is really worst, then she will come and trade with me and my sisters. :kind smile:.. I'll even loan her money if she needs it.. but He has her so blind right now, she doesn't see that she would never need a loan of money, but I'll keep offering it until she see's :smiles:

: and what of your hobbies?

I am the example of Social Care throughout the World, My Two Sisters and I compete at Metal Music, and I am rich! what more could life offer me :laughs:

:Thank you for your time

Of course, you are so polite you are welcome!


5. Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael


Bonjour monsieur, es-tu bien? :smiles:

: Oui merci, s'il vous plait peut-on parler anglais, c'est bon?

Ah, if we must. :awkward smile:

:what is your name?

Mon nom est

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

:Do you have any family?

Oui, I have many family, and a long history.

:Please tell me about them

Bien, I have six daughters, three adopted daughters, one sister, two half sisters, a half brother, a half cousin and five second cousins. Many nieces and nephews.

Avec les nom sont:

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael
Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis
Guiana Cayenne Industria Catholica Canus Americana Gael
Nouvelle Caledonia Nouméa Kanak Oceana Australasia Gael
Polynésie Papeete Pōmare II Teahupo'o Pacifica Gael
Corse Ajaccio Napoléon Monte Cinto Italia Gael


Maroc Rabat Arabi Bouregreg Iberia Gael
Algérie Alger Berber Arabi Ottoman Gael
Madagascar Tananarive Merina Baobab Canus Gael

Avec encore

Belgique Bruxelles Saxon Espoir-Paisible Sièges-de-tous-les-Sièges Gael


Espania Sangria-De-James Catholico Grenada Arabi Majestad Imperio Iberia
Italia Roma Catholico Peter Romana DaVinci Imperio Coeur-de-Dieu Iberia


Suisse Berne Jura Guerrier-Catholic Gael Italia Saxon

Avec encore

Romani București Micul Paris Orthodox Romance


Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael
Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael
Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

: Merci beucoup, please will you tell me about them?

De rien, oui :half smile:

Canada, I love her, but she is always going around like there is no tomorrow, she cares more for hiking and ice sports than wearing nice clothes! That girl displeases me, always whispering about how good Angles laws are, she thinks I can't hear her! but I do hear her, monsieur. A pretty girl like her should look nice, I caught her wearing a 'flannel shirt' whatever that is, last year.

: [big smile] Did you scold her?

Bien entendu! She needs to learn how to make her own clothes that girl.

:And your other daughters and adopted daughters?

One of my adopted daughters makes me laugh so! She is always in a bad mood with me then changes her mind, Algérie, then she says 'please Mother I am sorry for fighting with you, can I have a little money?' And as a good Mother I look after her encore :kind smile:, because what do you do.. but love your children?

: your sister and half sisters?

Ah, oui, I and my half sisters have a strong relationship, I talk to them very often, et de ma soeur Belgique, you see, she is.. how do i say kindly, she is little, but with a voice that causes calm, she has a voice ten times her size and I am very proud of her :huge smile: . She loves peace, and in this I admire her.

: your cousins?

I do not see them often these days, It was because some turmoil came up long ago, I am still sad to think on it.

: What do you mean?

Ah, monsieur.. A long time ago my second cousins and I were one, we lived happy lives, and even after the Romans invaded, we became close again, except Angle wanted to rule us all, we did not want this, or so I thought, Alba was my best friend.. :sadness:

:What happened?

She married Angle..

She broke my heart! I even waited on her until 1920 hoping she would see sense and return! I refused to believe so I waited for 200 years, like the story of the woman in the dusty wedding dress.. my best friend!

When I sent our Daughter Americana a statue to wave in English faces, I secretly knew it would please Alba, but still she did not return. :tears welling up:

She even warred with me and I forgave her, but leaving me waiting so long.. this I cannot forgive!

I am Gaul.. it is my first name and my last.. but we are not an empire!.. we care and love each other, as even the same person.. oh my heart aches to think on her squandering us!!

: Why do you say that, wasn't it Cymru, who first empowered Angle?

Monsieur, if even Alba, whom the Romans could not beat, succumbed to Angles money, then Cymru would have eventually given in anyway. But we knew Cymru was like that, she liked being open and travelling, but Alba.. Alba is/was indestructible, or so we thought. I hoped Eire would talk her out of it, but She had her own fight I suppose.. eventually, I just.. accepted Angles help and co-operation, then it seemed normal, I mean He helped me a lot during the World War, so I just faced up to the reality, She's not coming back and the happiness we had, all of us, is gone. Besides, it's not like I am married to Him, I am free to come and go as I please, why cry over 300 year old split milk? non, J'ai la dignité.

Am I to make war with Him should She decide to resume Her freedom?..non.

:Is this why Americana does not share your last name?

Oh! Ça alors! First, She has many Mothers, but other reasons.. Alba, Eire and I named her 'Freedom', she actually has four last names, Iberia Scania Saxon Gael, but she warred with Angle and Espania, Alba wasn't actually bothered that she warred with Angle, but when She caused blood with people who did not deserve it, Alba took away Americana's last name.. even recently I told Americana, 'Please Daughter do not make more war!' but as ever She just ignored me. She's not like us, she makes blood for money and so I stayed silent when Alba took her name away.

: Merci beaucoup pour votre temps.

Monsieur salut , you have tired me out! :kind smile:

: [laughs]


6. E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

:Hullo, What's yur name?

Hullo, ma name is

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Do you have any family?

Ma twin sister is

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Me Lass is

Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis .. Gael ..uh t'ink..

Well Alba took her name away, but Uh'm t'only one o' t'isles she never warred with sure..Ah dunno if she totally deserves losin' her last name over a bit o' fightin'. Mind you.. Ah don't totally support the hypocrisy of that girl! She tells me tæ stop fightin' an ah listened but when ah tell her.. sure She ignores me! Her own Mother!

Uh huv three cousins a'nawal

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Ah huv a second cousin

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

an' a distant relative in the middle east. Haven't seen her for ages! Ah'm sure She's forgotten about us! cheeky cow!

: what's yur hobbies?

Uh like religion, litrature an' poetry, art, entertainment an' politics. An a wee nip o' an afternoon.

They say of me 'God musta loved Her.. coz if there's any more Irish saints, sure the whole of Heaven will be Irish!'

: Ye've had some troubles?

Aren't you the forward type!?

Uh had this stalker feller, locked me up an' shouted at me, fought me best tæ beat him an eventually Uh did.. took all ma strength, but Ah'm no wilting flower! He's doin the same tæ Alba jist now! But She's as blind as a man weh no eyes lookin' fur the light switch in the dark!

Dayft. :scowls:

..sure she's about out of her mind! if ah had the will meself Uh wid slap the sense intæ dat girl!
100's o' years He chased me! He gave Her the vote and She said naw! fur a 'genius' she doesn't half act like a stupid .. :bites tongue:

ma twin nonetheless! if ah talked about how red ma face wis, sure, the garda wid book me as a racist!

: ..  :laughs:

He still has a slight hold of me.. but Uh'm hopin' Uh can escape 'im.

: tell me about yur hobbies

Uh make Whiskey beloved in many a corner o' t'world! Uh believe in fair trade..Uh am a renowened storyteller, no library is complete wit'out me works..  but best o' me is known as an entertainer sure.. me Daughter takes after me in that regard, to make folk laugh is an incredible power in its own right, t'forget the troubles o' the past n' present in a moment an' let go. Uh suppose in many ways Uh *could* be considered the example to the world of guile in humor, if anyone else wants to say otherwise, please notify them of my existence and my acceptance of their defeat in such a matter! :smiles:

:t'ank ye E'ire what ye lack in kindness ye make up fur in love o' laughter an' life! :small laugh:

Cheeky gyt! :smiles:
:sincerely: Mind how ye go.. kindly! :big smile:


7. Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

:Hullo, What's your name?

Hullo, my name is
Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Anatonia Gael
alrightbi! (nice to meet you)

: yes (smiles) do you have any family?

Yes, I have many family me, they are all ortoo political minded, I'm just learning coz my husband did that for much o' my modern life see?

:what do you mean?

Well. Before I was married, I was just having a laugh havin fun right? I let Gaul or Alba do most of the fighting, oh I *can* chop with the best o' them when ah'm tampin'..but it never appealed to me really. Back then we were 'the Gaullic Nations' there wasn't any 'England' and I owned half the land, then the Romans came and give us all a right slap except Alba who managed *somehow* to fight them off! That still kind of scares me bein honest.. how did she take on an whole empire?? To look at her she's only a wend of a thing, well she was back then..oh! I didn't mean how that sounded! I think she's a handsome girl her..oh! I'm just makin' it worse here!.. Anyhoo, then the Romans left and we started to form again, Gaul was sure we were going to be our nations again but then there was the remaining Romans and the Saxons came back and then suddenly we had a new gentlemen next door! fancy that!

I dunno what everyone's problem is.. a handsome man moves in next door and everyone just about loses their minds, what's wrong with rich and charming? Did i miss something? Tidy says I, but I *am* glad Alba is talking to me again, that was ages that last time, but once I showed a bit o' love for the old independance she seemed to perk right up.

I enjoy a bit of travel me.. I founded our colony of Galatia y'know? in the Anatolian mountains, we'd all go there for our holidays..  bit o' a bit o' sun me.

Oh listen to me chap on like a little parrot.. what did you ask again?

: (smiles with slight laugh) who are your family?


My Husband is
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia

My sisters are:

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

My cousins are:

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

My Daughter is

Oz Canberra Jansz Holland Pama–Nyungan Cook Brythion Saxon Britannia Australasia Gael

My step Daughters are:

India New Delhi Abasin Star-of-Asia Gandhi Imphal Kohima Britannia Asiatic

Kenya Enkare Nairobi Canus Britannia Africana

Myanmar Burma Naypyidaw Britannia Asiatic

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Muhammed Britannia Asiatic

I have many nieces and nephews.

:please tell me about them

Ah! Well.. we all used to be a Kingdom of Nations see? like the UK is a Kingdom of Countries.. hold on! I think I have an old map around by somewhere...?


You see how we used to be right? Well.. I have often wondered why the others are a bit angry about doin' the same thing with Angle..but then again I know how right tampin' Eire was at Angle coz He wouldn't leave her alone.. so maybes I'm in the wrong, right enough. And again.. Alba never was.. 100% about Him. He tried it on with Gaul too.. He is a *one* so He is!.. hmm now I think about it Gaul wasn't too happy about that either..

I mean I'm not vicious hearted .. just love a bit o' peace me. Not that Eire, Alba and Gaul *are*..nooo I don't mean that.. it's just I'm friendly yknow? I can't be bothered with all that running around fightin with people when I'd rather bein' havin' fun or relaxin' weh some cheese on toast and a's never really been me..I didn't go to the middle east lookin' for a fight.. but to make new friends and trade, they really liked the Celtic Silver and Bronze.. we made a fortune with that, highest grade of the time back then.

Hmm.. If I'm honest I think the girls were right Alba, Eire, Kernow, Manx, Gaul all said to me 'It'll be an end to our happiness if you trust Him.' It was better before  when we were all one Kingdom..but I'm not one to make a fuss yknow? And it's not *terrible* now.. its OK.. but I know Alba and Eire are a bit miserable. Need to give it a think.

: I'm sorry Cymru but I think we're out of time, but it's been wonderful to listen to you and yes, you are much more friendly than your cousins.

Oh I've chapped right through your interview! oh my! I'm so sorry! It's like a motor my mouth once i start it, it keeps goin and then runs over until you turn it off! :laughs:

You didn't even get to my hobbies! I'm a right one me!

:it's been enlightening Cymru! Alrightbi!

An certainly to you too! :huge smile:


The Personifications

1. Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
2. Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael
3. Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis
4. Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania
5. Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael
6. E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
7.Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael


1.Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael 

:Wit ur ye cried?

Hullo, Ah’m

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Dæ ye huv ony family?

Ma twin sister is (yon)

E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Ma hawf sister is (yon)

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

Ma Lassie is (yon)

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

Ah huv three cousins, wan o' whom Ah willnæ speak tæ as she hus betrayed mæ too miny times tæ ma exception.

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Ah huv a fond second cousin, an' dear friend, who Ah huv fought aside miny times. She feels skeen burnt that Ah merrie'yt her enemy. Ah hope she kin furgee me an' see Ah repent.

Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

an’ a wee wan

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

an' a distant relative in yon middle east. She hus trouble iyt times bit ne'er æsks me fur help.

An' Ah huv on'ly seen her a few times in passing ow'er the last 2000 years, bit that seems tæ acause o' her busy life.

: wit ur yur hobbies?

Ah like poetry, religion, art, investment an' politics. An a dram, should Ah win a victory.

Ah'm a daughter o' the Church, ye ken, (laughs) but everywan hus their problems.

: Wit dæ ye mean?

Well, Ah'm iyn a trial separation the noo an’ iyt's no goin' well. Yon is skeen bam an' reckless a'naw an' we jist didnæ fit. Ah didnæ feel we ur helpin' anywan an' we're only hurting oorsels. Ah um ful o' fight, bit he fights wæ folk Ah huv næ quarrel wæ, lit yon drunk throwing punches iyt his æn shada. Ah um exasperated wæ him. Ah'm no rich in taste. Ah'm no sæyin tæ him tæ buy mæ land. Awe Ah sæy is tæ shelter, feed, clothe, educate an' employ mæ, bit sometimes Ah'm noo thinking Ah kin dæ it masel. Ah wis independent fur mæst o' ma life an' Ah didæ need tæ tak tæ the heel o' Him!  Ah huv a bit o' money even though … kin we stop? Iyt's g'uy upsettin' .

Camera stops}!

fade back in :Alba composes hersel fæ tears}!

Yon ruined me! Ah wis the best iyt investment an' Finance fur miny a'year.

: tell me aboot yur sisters....... E'ire Norge

Ah dinnæ swatch thum as muckle as Ah wid like tæ bit Ah suppose Ah see them quite often. E'ire is ayways close, an' Ah ay see Norge an' think tæ masel 'Ah cud be yon happy, ... if Ah hudnay merried him'. Norge is ayways laughing tæ hersel. Ah huv næ idea why. (smiles)

: an' yur second cousin. She is ages wæ ye* ... is that correct?

(*in Scotland this phrase means family who are best friends)

We wir best friends fur miny years. We used tæ dream sæyin, 'we cud make paradise oan earth an' we wid call iyt Caledonia'. She's full o' grace an’ splendour, an shares the very same poetic soul as masel. She loves tæ love an' loves tæ fight, fur the riȝht cause (laughs) . She is affy charitable tæ!

She sometimes likes ma o'er 'Cousin', but honestly Gaul shud look harder iyt yon consuming monster (Americana). Ah huv ate a few fish suppers in ma time but Ah'm nothing lit Her ... Ah dinnæ hink Americana lives riȝht, although she is affy quick tæ tell everyone she 'is riȝht awe the time'. 'Americana's way', well it widnæ dæ fur mæ. Ah wid go aboot vexed awe the time, an’ then Ah'm jist lookin fur a fight. Gaul is different ... lit mæ in battles ... we choose oor fights an’ then only fight evil. Ah mind when she æsked mæ fur help when were bæth broke, six years o’ fighting, bit we still won. (fond smile)

: wit happened? (flow straight næ stopping}!

Ah got greedy in life. Iyt is a true regret o’ mine.

Alba starts tæ break doon weh tears}!awe wan flow}!

Ah lost ma mind fur a split second an’ merried him. There's mær ... no 10 years thence Ah warred wæ Her. How shameful um Ah. Iyt wis money, even in truth Ah wis in two minds aboot it, an’ Ah wish Ah had listened tæ ma gut. Ah thought æfter Ah merried him ma doubts wid go awæy bit they ne’er did. Ah ayways secretly kent.

: an’ o’ yur hobbies?

Ah write Poetry renowned the world o’er. Not fur a wee while, but Ah keep ma hawn in. Ah love God. Ah um a liar before Him but no anywan else. Ah try ma hardest no tæ lie tæ masel an’ Ah hope Ah dæ a guid job.

Money is a sore topic weh mæ jist noo sa kin we avoid that fur jist noo?. Bit Ah used tæ ken wit Ah wis dæn. (glum hauf smile)

Ah um still guid wæ e'her paintbrush ur plæy. Although ... Ah wish Ah could create new buildings lit Ah used tæ. That's been o’er 100 years, Ah need tæ 'brush up'. (laughs) Ah used tæ lit making ma ane clæse but he put a stop tæ that. Maybe Ah cud huv copied Gaul.. Ah didnay ken.

:dæ yur Cousins share yur interests?

Ah suppose we awe like politics. Ah huvnæ heard fæ Kernow fur a few years, bit the last time wis a fond memory. She wis telling me how she wid like a separation lit me ... it wis guid tæ see her happy again ... hus that been ten years? How time flies bit ne’er stops...

:fade tæ black}!



:Dè an t-ainm a th 'ort?

Hullo, is e m 'ainm

Alba Caledonia Nuadh Dhàil Riata Anatolia Gael

: A bheil teaghlach sam bith?

My dà phiuthar a tha

E 'Ìre Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dhàil Riata Anatolia Gael

'S e piuthar mo leth

Norge Nuaidh Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

'S e mo nighean

Canada Caledonia Gaul Ceàrn americana Gael

Tha trì co-oghaichean, aon dhiubh bidh mi nach eil a 'bruidhinn ri mar a tha i air a bhrath mi cus amannan ri m' ach a-mhàin.

Eilean Mhanainn Tynwald an t-Àilean Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Tha mi dèidheil air an dàrna cho-ogha, agus a charaid, a rug mi air a bhith a 'sabaid ri taobh iomadh turas. Tha ia 'faireachdainn gu bheil mi a bhrath phòs i nàmhaid. Tha mi an dòchas i urrainn mi maitheanas agus faic mi aithreachas a dheanamh.

Gaul Charlemagne Caitligeach Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

agus beagan aon

Ceàrn Nuaidh Maori Zeeland

agus fad uainn buntainneach ann am meadhan ear. Tha i an trioblaid aig amannan ach cha 'faighneachd dhomh airson cuideachadh.

Agus tha mi air fhaicinn ach i beagan amannan anns a 'dol seachad còrr is 2000 bliadhna mu dheireadh, ach gu bheil e coltach gu bheil a h-bheatha thrang.

: Dè tha cur-seachadan agaibh?

'S toigh leam bàrdachd, creideamh, ealain, tasgadh agus poilitigs. Agus drama, bu chòir dhomh a bhuannachadh buaidh.

Tha mi a nighean na h-Eaglais, fhios agad, (gàireachdainn) ach a h-uile duine aig a bheil duilgheadasan aca.

: Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh?

Uill, tha mi ann an deuchainn sgaradh aig an àm seo agus chan eil e a 'dol gu math. Tha e boorish agus neo-chùramach agus tha sinn dìreach nach eil freagarrach. Chan eil mi a 'faireachdainn gu bheil sinn a' cuideachadh dhuine sam bith agus tha sinn fhìn a-mhàin a leòn. Tha mi làn de sabaid, ach chaidh ea shabaid rithe le daoine mi nach eil ri chèile, mar an deoch tilgeil bheir i buille aig faileas aige fhèin. Tha mi a 'exasperated ris. Chan eil mi beartach ann blas. Chan eil mi a radh ris fearann ​​a cheannach dhomh. All mi ag ràdh a tha gu fasgadh, biadh, aodach, oideachadh agus a 'fastadh dhomh, ach uaireannan tha mi a-nis a' smaoineachadh gum biodh e nas fheàrr dheth mi fhìn dìreach a 'dèanamh seo. Bha mi neo-eisimeileach airson a 'chuid as motha de mo bheatha agus chan eil mi a dhìth ùmhlachd dha. Tha mi beagan airgid ged ... faodaidh sinn stad a chur air? Tha e ro upsetting.


seargadh air ais ann an: Alba a 'dèanamh i fhèin bho deòir}!

E tobhta mi! Bha mi a 'fheàrr aig tasgadh agus Ionmhais airson iomadh bliadhna.

: Innis dhomh mu do pheathraichean ....... E'ire Norge

Chan eil mi gam faicinn cho math 'sa bu toil leam ach tha mi a' creids mi a 'faicinn gu math tric. E'ire tha daonnan dlùth, agus bidh mi gu tric a 'faicinn agus a' smaoineachadh Norge 'b' urrainn dhomh gun a bhith toilichte, ... mura robh mi a phòs e '. Norge a tha daonnan a 'gàireachdainn a deidhinn fhèin. Chan eil beachd carson. (Gàireachdainn)

: Agus do dàrna cho-ogha. Tha i le aois a tha thu ... tha sin ceart?

Bha sinn as fheàrr caraidean airson iomadh bliadhna. Bhiodh sinn a 'bruadar, ag ràdh, "Dh'fhaodadh sinn a dhèanamh pàrras air an talamh agus bhiodh sinn a' ghairm e Caledonia '. Tha i làn gràis agus greadhnachas, agus a 'roinn an aon anam bàrdail mar mi fhìn. Thug ia gaol a ghràdhachadh, agus tha beagan ann an sabaid rithe fhèin (gàireachdainn). Tha i glè carthannais cuideachd!

I uaireannan toigh mo eile Cousin, ach trèibhdhireas Gaul bu chòir coimhead nas cruaidhe aig a 'caitheamh uilebheist (americana). Tha mi air a dh'ith beagan èisg suipearan ann mo àm ach tha mi dad mar Her ... chan eil mi a 'smaoineachadh americana a' fuireach làimh dheis, ged a tha i glè luath gu innse h-uile duine i 'na h-uile a tha ceart an àm.' 'Americana dòigh', gu math e nach dèanadh dhomh. Bhithinn a 'falbh a h-uile buaireadh mu an àm, agus an uair sin tha mi dìreach a' coimhead airson sabaid. Gaul tha eadar-dhealaichte ... mar rium ann cathan ... bidh sinn a 'taghadh againn sabaid agus an uair sin a-mhàin a' sabaid olc. Tha cuimhn 'agam nuair a bha i ag iarraidh orm airson cuideachadh nuair a bha an dà chuid bhris, sia bliadhna de shabaid, ach tha sinn fhathast a bhuannaich. (Dèidheil gàire)

: dè thachair? (A 'sruthadh dìreach eil stad}!

Sanntach a fhuair mi anns a 'bheatha. 'S e fìor aithreachais dhòmhsa.

Alba a 'tòiseachadh a' briseadh sìos le deoir}! H-uile aon sruth}!

Chaill mi m 'inntinn airson priobadh agus phòs e. Tha barrachd ... nach eil 10 bliadhna as a sin mi warred còmhla rithe. Ciamar cùis nàire am I. Bha e airgead, fiù 's ann am firinn a bha mi ann an dà inntinnean mu dheidhinn, agus tha mi guidhe Bha mi ag èisteachd ri mo Gut. Tha mi a 'smaoineachadh an dèidh dhomh a phòs e mo teagamhan a' falbh ach nach do rinn iad. Tha mi an còmhnaidh dìomhair eòlach.

: Agus cur-seachadan agad?

Tha mi a 'sgrìobhadh bàrdachd ainmeil air an t-saoghal thairis. Neo airson treis, ach tha mi a 'cumail mo làmh ann. Tha mi a Dia a ghràdhachadh. Tha mi breugach roimhe ach chan eil duine sam bith eile. Mi a 'feuchainn mo chuid bu duilghe nach eil a luidhe gu mi-fhìn agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi mi a' dèanamh obair mhath.

Airgead 'S e cuspair goirt maille rium dìreach a-nis, mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a sheachnadh gun airson dìreach a-nis ?. Ach tha mi air a chleachdadh a-mach dè a bha mi a 'dèanamh. (Glum leth-gàire)

Tha mi fhathast math le bruis pheanta an dàrna cuid no a 'cluiche. Ged a tha mi a 'guidhe ... b' urrainn dhomh a chruthachadh togalaichean ùra mar mi cleachdte ris. Tha sin air a bhith còrr is 100 bliadhna, a dh'fheumas mi a 'sguabadh suas'. (Gàireachdainn) Tha mi air a chleachdadh gus dèanamh toigh leam fhìn clobhdan ach chuir e stad air a sin. 'S dòcha gum b' urrainn dhomh a bhith a lethbhreacadh Gaul .. chan eil fhios agam.

: Tha do Cousins ​​roinn ùidhean agad?

Mi a 'creidsinn sinn uile mar poilitigs. Chan eil mi air cluinntinn bho Kernow airson bliadhna no dhà, ach an uair mu dheireadh a bha dèidheil air chuimhne. Bha i ag innse dhomh mar a tha i ag iarraidh dealachaidh coltach riumsa ... bha e math a 'faicinn a h toilichte a-rithist ... Tha a bhith deich bliadhna? Ciamar àm cuileagan ach cha-stad ...

: Seargadh gu dubh}!


-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------

2. Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

:Quel est ton nom?

Accent français]!

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael

: Avez-vous une famille?

Oui, j'ai deux Mères et un Père, leurs noms sont:
Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolie Gaël
Gaul Charlemagne Catholique catholique Calédonie Anatolie Gaël
Mon père est
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia

Ma soeur est:
Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnifique Imperialis

Mais malheureusement, mes parents n'appellent plus sa fille, elle a combattu avec notre père et ma mère Alba dit qu'elle a souvent honte d'elle, alors ils l'appellent «cousin» même s'il s'agit d'un bon mensonge. Est-elle désavouée? En partie en partie, je pense que nos parents l'aimeraient encore si elle ne commençait pas tant de combats et faisait tant de sang. Bien, c'est ce qu'ils disent, je pense qu'elle a un point ... mais ne dis pas à mes parents que j'ai dit ça!

Mon demi cousin est:

Groenland Inuit Thorvaldsson Americana Martin Norge Scania

Elle me parle à peine sauf pour dire «salut» ... mais même avec ça, je sais que nous nous entendons bien. Son père est gentil avec moi ... même si, auparavant, nous avons un tiff.Oh et mon petit frère!

Angle Scotia Maori Zeeland

Il est juste un petit bébé, et je ne le vois pas souvent, mais ma Mère Alba le visite et aussi mon Père. Ils l'aiment tous beaucoup! Mais j'ai entendu dire qu'il ne voulait pas les connaître parce qu'ils parlent d'un divorce.

: Que penses-tu de tes parents? tous les trois..

Bien, mon père est un homme très juste et j'écoute toute loi qu'il a pour moi. Il m'a fourni pendant de nombreuses années ... ça me rappelle que je ne l'ai pas remboursé pour ça! Mais il n'a jamais l'air fous, toujours gentil avec moi, me demander comment je suis et m'envoyer de belles lettres. Ma mère Alba n'aime pas entendre ça! Oh, elle veut de bonnes choses pour moi, mais quand il s'agit de mon père, il a beaucoup blessé son cœur! Saviez-vous que ma mère est un génie renommé dans le monde entier? Elle dit même si ... génie ... tout ce qu'il voulait était l'argent. Pas de travail pour elle! Seulement de l'argent! J'aime mon père ... mais même si je pense qu'elle a un point. Pourquoi? Parce que tout le monde peut voir qu'il n'a pas donné son travail (le Canada fait écho aux mots qui lui ont été prononcés par Alba). Ne dis pas à mon père que je l'ai dit!

Ma Mère Gaulie me désapprouve toujours, je lui dis: «Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait Mère?». Elle a des normes très élevées, malheureusement pour moi, je ne peux pas l'écouter, je continue à penser à l'arrière de Je pense qu'il a raison. Elle a tellement de bonnes qualités que je veux pour moi, comment les a-t-elle reçues? Quand Alba vient me rendre visite, elle est toujours amicale pour moi, quand la Gaule vient de visiter, elle me dit.

: Quels sont vos hobbies?

J'aime les sports, la politique, les arts libéraux, la culture et Whisky. J'aime aussi le voyage de survie.

J'apprends à propos de l'investissement comme ma mère Alba ... C'est très difficile ... J'ai des fonds, et je travaille dur ... alors tu penses que ce sera plus facile. :froncer les sourcils:

Je suis joli et accidenté, mais je ne souhaite pas me marier avec le secret. J'aime mon Père, pas de façon étrange, mais je ne pense pas qu'il y ait un homme de mesure comme lui. Ne dis pas à mes mères que je l'ai dit ... en fait, ne le dis pas à personne. :visage rouge:

: Que penses-tu de ta soeur Americana?

Je la regarde souvent, mais elle est un peu grossière à moi parfois ... mais les sœurs jape, c'est vrai, je sais en secret qu'elle m'aime très fort. Même si elle se moque de moi pour mon accent français / scottish. Nous nous amusons parfois avec les sports de glace, cela me rend très heureux! ... Je pense en vérité, je suis une personne heureuse ... honnêtement, je pense qu'elle ne l'est pas, triste de dire ... elle se bat toujours et pendant que je peux la voir Point du combat ... pourquoi fait-elle si souvent?

: Quels sont vos objectifs pour l'avenir?

Paix, amour, compréhension et bataille americana dans les sports de glace: rires:

:Merci pour votre temps

Très bon monsieur.


3. Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon                 Magnificent Imperialis

:What's your name?

Broad American accent with slight southern twang]

:My name is;

Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis

I am the example to the world of Imperialism, good sir.

: Do you have any family?

Yes, I have seven Mothers and two Fathers, Their names are:
Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael
Espania Sangria-De-James Catholico Grenada Arabi Majestad Imperio Iberia
Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania
Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

And two Mothers, one whom I adopted in war, the other who adopted me in war.
Afrika Soloman Tree-of-Life Eve Nigeria Sheba Arabi Canus
Nihookáá America Navajo Algonquin Chumash Apache Golden Heaven Peace Halfmoon War

My Fathers are:
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia
Denmark Imperialis Haven Tanmaurk Saxon Scania

My sister's are:
Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael
Mexicana Madre Maria Catholico Americana Iberia

I have three adopted Daughters, their names are;

Pilipina Luzon Rizal Mindanao Catholico Arabi Muhammed Bisaya Palawan Americana Asia Iberia
Japon Eternal Go-Shichi no Kiri Ainu Jomon Yayoi Pureland Edo Wajin Americana Asiatic
Koryo Hushilla Gyeongju Seoul Americana Asiatic

: You seem to have a large family!

Yes, but still, I have had strained relations with some and outstanding relations with others.

: What do you mean?

Well sir, even though I rebelled against my Father Angle Britannia, He has supported me many times and I He in certain endeavours of peaceful and profitable action. But I hear Alba is thinking about leaving him, and He has decided to cut ties with His Friends, some of whom I am related to! I was not entertained by the expressions of separation and reduced potential profit, from either or both of them.

When Alba visits me, she comes to tell me that I am *somehow* wrong in my endeavours. I love Her, she is my Mother, I respect Her, She has fortitude and cunning in invention I admire in my utmost core, however, I did not only rebel against my Father but Her also, that she often thinks to instruct me in Democracy and War. I realize She was present at My birth and made sure I had a choice, but then I need to be what I am expected to be; an example of profitability to the world, even though She sees me as an explorer and artist, I am not these things centrally, but externally.

E'ire is softer in tone than Alba, but says similar things, but I expect this because they are twins. I enjoy helping E'ire, I cannot say the same about Alba. The things I do for Alba is because I know she is a genius, and I respect that so much I cannot help myself. And I hope one day to have that same trait. It does not diminish my love for Her.. only that I enjoy Her company the most when she is with my Father. She wrote me a letter telling me, in Her own poetic way, She disapproves of my two party state. The reason I have my democracy this way, is that it is the most profitable. She decries it as apathy, ..but so be it! I want to rule, and so it shall be!

: what are your hobbies?


Oh my! good sir!.. I have so many I find them hard to count!!

I am an entertainer of the world in every Art, I explore space itself, I love Fashion.. and of course technology & culture.

I am told that I make bad food that tastes good :laughs: much like one of my Mothers!!
I enjoy a Bourbon Whiskey, a beer and much sporting.
I enjoy to play against Canada in ice sports, and against Mexicana at Soccer.
I think I win almost all the time :laughs:

: Is it true you have contentions with Mexicana?

No sir, I do not. But.. it is true I do not like how She looks at me jealously at times.
I think our relationship is fine so long as she stays where She should. We also have a great time, we enjoy partying together in the sun! :smiles:

: May I ask you a bracing question?

Yes sir, I think you may.

: it was revealed to the world you lied about a great man who died (JFK). What do you say about this?

In life, I am not perfect, I think many people are not. I have at times had to defend people I wished i did not have to, for the sheer fact they are unworthy of Me, that man dying was the third greatest shame of my life. And yet.. I know i cannot guarantee that it will not happen again. All I can do is hide the facts so that people will not notice it as much and perhaps I can move on with my shame and forget.

:Thank you for your time Americana

Why sir, no, thank you for empowering My voice!


4. Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania
:Hva heter du? (smil)

Hallo, mitt navn

Norge Scotia Tigerstaden Sami Russki Scania

: Har du noen familie?

Ja, jeg er en av trillinger, de to andre er

Sverige Gamla-stan Götaland Sami Russki Scania
Suomi Nyland Baltic Yohan Uralian Sami Scania

Vi har en liten søster

Ísland Ingólfur Elliðaár Grindavík Draumur-land Scania

Og en eldre bror

Danmark Imperialis Haven Tanmaurk Saxon Scania

Hvem er Datter jeg grunnla og så etter, min niese

Groenland Inuit Thorvaldsson Americana Martin Norge Scania

: Du ser ut til å ha en tett sammensveiset familie!

Åh! sir du aner ikke! : Ler: komponerer selv:
og til slutt ..jeg har også en halvsøster

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dalriada Anatolia Gael

: hva er dine hobbyer?

Jeg liker økonomi, sosial omsorg, musikk, is sport og politikk. Og selvfølgelig øl! Det ryktes jeg var den første til å oppfinne den moderne stilen av øl! : Ler:

: Kan du fortelle meg om familien din

Vi er de samme som før .. oh bortsett Alba, er hun ofte opprørt over hvordan hennes mann behandler henne, fortalte jeg henne, hvis hun forlater ham, er hun velkommen til å komme og bo hos meg, vi kunne være kraftig nok til å gjøre mye penger! Hun virket nølende, som førte meg misnøye, men innerst inne visste jeg at jeg ikke bryr seg fordi jeg vil gjøre henne gjøre det likevel! : Brøler av latter:

:Hva mener du? (smil)

Ingen søsteren min, som er rik og smart, vil være fattige, hvis det verste er egentlig det verste, så hun vil komme og handel med meg og mine søstre. : Snill smil: .. Jeg skal selv låne henne penger hvis hun trenger det .. men han har henne så blind akkurat nå, hun ser ikke at hun aldri ville trenge et lån av penger, men jeg vil holde tilby det før hun se s: smiler:

Og hva med dine hobbyer?

Jeg er eksempel på sosialfag hele verden, mine to søstre og jeg konkurrere på Metal Music, og jeg er rik! hva mer kan livet tilby meg: ler:

:Takk for tiden din

Selvfølgelig, du er så høflig du er velkommen!


5. Gaul Charlemagne Catholic Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael


Bonjour monsieur, es-tu bien? : Sourires:

: Oui merci, s'il vous plait peut-on parler anglais, c'est bon?

Ah, si nous le devons. : Sourire gênant:

:comment vous appelez-vous?

Mon nom est

Gaul Charlemagne Catholique Celtique Calédonie Anatolie Gaël

: Avez-vous une famille?

Oui, j'ai beaucoup de famille et une longue histoire.

: S'il vous plaît, parlez-moi d'eux

Bien, j'ai six filles, trois filles adoptives, une soeur, deux demi soeurs, un demi-frère, un demi-cousin et cinq cousins. Beaucoup de nièces et de neveux.

Avec les noms sont:

Canada Caledonia Gaul Angle Americana Gael
Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia HymnsongBlues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnifique Imperialis
Guyane Cayenne Industria Catholica Canus Americana Gael
Nouvelle Calédonie Nouméa Kanak Oceana Australasie Gaël
Polynésie Papeete Pōmare II Teahupo'o Pacifica Gaël
Corse Ajaccio Napoléon Monte Cinto Italie Gael


Maroc Rabat Arabi Bouregreg Iberia Gael
Algérie Alger Berber Arabi Otoman Gael
Madagascar Tananarive Merina Baobab Canus Gael

Avec encore

Belgique Bruxelles Saxon Espoir-Paisible Sièges-de-tous-les-Sièges Gael


Espania Sangria-De-James Catholico Grenade Arabi Majestad Imperio Iberia
Italia Roma Catholico Peter Romana DaVinci Imperio Coeur-de-Dieu Iberia


Suisse Berne Jura Guerrier-Catholique Gael Italia Saxon

Avec encore

Romani Bucureşti Micul Paris Romance orthodoxe


Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolie Gaël
E 'ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolie Gaël
Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael
Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael
Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

: Merci Beucoup, s'il vous plaît me l'informerez-vous?

De rien, oui: demi sourire:

Canada, je l'aime, mais elle tourne toujours comme il n'y a pas de lendemain, elle s'occupe davantage de faire de la randonnée et des sports de glace que de porter de beaux vêtements! Cette fille me déplaît, toujours en chuchotant sur les bonnes lois Angles, elle pense que je ne peux pas l'entendre! Mais je l'entends, monsieur. Une jolie fille comme elle devrait avoir l'air sympa, je l'ai vue porter une «chemise en flanelle» quelle qu'elle soit, l'année dernière.

: [Grand sourire] Vous l'avez grondé elle?

Bien entendu! Elle a besoin d'apprendre à faire des vêtements appropriés à cette fille.

: Et vos autres filles et filles adoptives?

Une de mes filles adoptives me fait rire si! Elle est toujours de mauvaise humeur avec moi puis change d'avis, Algérie, puis elle dit: «Mère, je suis désolé de me battre avec vous, puis-je avoir un peu d'argent? Et comme une bonne mère, je m'occupe de son bis: sourire gentil :, car que faites-vous ... mais aimez-vous vos enfants?

: Votre soeur et demi sœurs?

Ah, oui, mes demi-soeurs ont une relation forte, je leur parle très souvent, et de ma soeur Belgique, vous voyez, elle est ... comment dis-je gentillement, elle est petite, mais avec une voix qui cause calme, Elle a une voix dix fois plus grande et je suis très fière d'elle: un grand sourire:. Elle aime la paix, et dans cela je l'admire.

: tes cousins?

Je ne les vois pas souvent ces jours-ci, c'était parce qu'une certaine agitation s'est produite depuis longtemps, je suis toujours triste de penser à cela.

: Que voulez-vous dire?

Ah, monsieur ... Il y a longtemps, mes cousins ​​et moi étions un, nous avons vécu des vies heureuses, et même après que les Romains ont envahi, nous nous sommes rapprochés, sauf Angle voulait nous gouverner tous, nous ne le voulions pas. Je pensais que Alba était mon meilleur ami ...: tristesse:

:Qu'est-il arrivé?

Elle a épousé Angle ..

Elle a brisé mon coeur! Je l'ai même attendu jusqu'en 1920 en espérant qu'elle verrait le sens et le retour! J'ai refusé de croire, alors j'ai attendu 200 ans, comme l'histoire de la femme dans la robe de mariée poussiéreuse ... mon meilleur ami!

Quand j'ai envoyé notre Fille Americana  une statue pour faire pâle dans les visages anglais, je savais secrètement que cela satisfaire à Alba, mais elle ne revenait toujours pas. : Larmes emplir œil :

Elle a même combattu avec moi et je l'ai pardonnée, mais je me laisse attendre si longtemps ... je ne peux pas pardonner!

Je suis la Gaule ... c'est mon prénom et mon dernier ... mais nous ne sommes pas un empire! ... Nous nous soucions et nous aimons, comme même la même personne ... oh, mon cœur a envie de penser à son gaspillage!

: Pourquoi dites-vous cela, n'est-ce pas Cymru, qui a d'abord renforcé Angle?

Monsieur, même si Alba, que les Romains ne pouvaient pas battre, succombait à l'argent d'Angles, alors Cymru aurait finalement donné de toute façon. Mais nous savions que Cymru était comme ça, elle aimait être ouverte et en voyage, mais Alba ... Alba est / était indestructible, ou nous avons pensé. J'espérais que Eire la ferait sortir, mais elle a eu son propre combat, je suppose ... Finalement, je ... j'ai accepté l'aide et la coopération d'Angles, alors il semblait normal, je veux dire, il m'a beaucoup aidé pendant la guerre mondiale , Alors j'ai juste fait face à la réalité, elle ne revient pas et le bonheur que nous avons tous, nous sommes tous partis. D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas comme si je me suis marié à lui, je suis libre d'aller et venir comme je voudrais, pourquoi pleurer plus de 300 ans de lait fractionné? Non, J'ai la dignité.

Dois-je faire la guerre avec Lui, si elle décide de reprendre sa liberté? ... non.

: Est-ce pourquoi Americana ne partage pas votre nom de famille?

Oh! Ça alors! Tout d'abord, elle a beaucoup de mères, mais d'autres raisons ... Alba, Eire et moi avons appelé sa «Liberté», elle a en fait quatre noms, Iberia Scania Saxon Gael, mais elle a combattu avec Angle et Espania, Alba n'a pas vraiment dérangé que Elle a combattu avec Angle, mais quand elle a causé du sang avec des gens qui ne l'ont pas mérité, Alba a enlevé le nom de famille de Americana ... tout récemment, j'ai dit à Americana: «S'il vous plaît, la fille ne fait plus de guerre! Mais comme toujours, elle m'a simplement ignoré. Elle n'est pas comme nous, elle fait du sang pour de l'argent, et je me taisai quand Alba prit retirer son nom.

: Merci beaucoup pour votre temps.

Monsieur Salut, vous m'avez fatigué! : Gentil sourire:

: [des rires]


6. E' ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: Hullo, Cén ainm atá agat?

Hullo, is é mo ainm

Is í Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

: An bhfuil aon teaghlach agat?

Tá cúpla deirfiúr Ma

Alba Caledonia Scotia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Tá Me Lass

Americana Angle Freedom Scotia Columbia Hymnsong Blues Righteous HalfMoon Avalon Magnificent Imperialis .. Gael ..uh t'ink ..

Bhuel, thóg Alba a ainm ar shiúl, ach níor chonaic sí go hiontach go raibh sí riamh cinnte go bhfuil sí cinnte. Má tá sí ag teastáil uait go maireann sí an t-ainm deireanach a bhí aige le beagán troid. Cuimhnigh ort ... Ní thacaíonn tú go hiomlán le hipeachtaí an chailín sin! Dúirt sí go bhfuil sé ag iarraidh a bheith ag iarraidh éisteacht a dhéanamh ar troid ach nuair a bhíonn ah ag insint di .. cinnte Go bhfuil sí in iúl dom! a Máthair féin!

Tá trí chol ceathrar ann

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

Ah an dara col ceathrar

Gaul Charlemagne Caitliceach Celt Caledonia Anatolia Gael

'i gcomparáid i bhfad i gcéin sa lár soir. Nach bhfaca sí ar feadh aois! Táim cinnte go ndearna sí dearmad orm! bó cheeky!

: cad iad na caitheamh aimsire atá ann?

Is cosúil le reiligiún, ealaín, filíocht, siamsaíocht agus 'polaitíocht. Ní mór an tráthnóna.

Deir siad domsa 'Dia musta grá sí .. coz má tá aon saint Éireannacha ann, cinnte go mbeidh Éire ar fad!'

: Bhí roinnt deacrachtaí agat?

Nach bhfuil tú an cineál ar aghaidh !?

Bhí an stalker seo ag Uh, ghlas mé suas agus scairt sé orm, throid mé is fearr a bhuail sé ar deireadh thiar Uh a rinne .. ghlac sé go léir neart, ach níl bláth agamsa orm! Tá sé mar an gcéanna ag Alba mar sin anois! Ach tá sí chomh dall le fear nach bhfuil aon súl ag súil le fionnadh an t-athrú solais sa dorchadas!

Ias lae. : scowls:

..sure go bhfuil sí faoi léamh as a intinn! más rud é go raibh an t-uathúil ag UH, níorbh fhéidir an cailín a thuiscint!
100 bliain d'aois Chuir sé mo chas orm! Thug sé an vóta aici agus dúirt sí naoi! fionnaidh a 'ghéiniteach' níl sí ag gníomhú mar dúr ...: bites tongue:

mar sin féin! más rud é gur labhair ah faoi conas a bhí an duine dearg, cinnte, leabhar méadaithe an Gharda mar chiníoch!

: ..: gáire:

Tá beagán sealbhán orm fós ... ach is féidir Uh'm hopin 'Uh éalú.

: inis dom faoi na caitheamh aimsire

Uh a dhéanamh Uibheacha beloved i go leor cúinne sa domhan! Creidim Uh i dtrádáil chothrom ... ach is fearr liom a bheith ina siamsóir cinnte .. tugann Daughter tar éis dom é sin a dhéanamh, is é sin an chumhacht dochreidte a bheith ina ghéarchéim tíre ina dhiaidh féin. n 'i láthair na huaire i láthair na huaire ar' dul dul. Is dócha gur mhaith Uh * an sampla a mheas mar gheall ar domhan an guile i greann, más rud é gur mhaith le duine ar bith eile a rá, cuir in iúl dóibh go bhfuil mo leithéid ann agus go nglactar leis go ndéanfaidh siad a leithéid i gcoinne! : smiles:

: t'ank ye Exe what you lack in kindness a dhéanann tú suas fionnaidh i ngrá o 'laughter an' saol! : gáire beag:

Cheeky gyt! : smiles:
: ó chroí: Cuimhnigh ar an gcaoi a dtéann tú .. go comhchineáil! : aoibh gháire mór:


7. Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Gael

: Hullo, Beth yw eich enw chi?

Hullo, fy enw i yw
Cymru Gwynedd Deheubarth Powys Brythion Anatonia Gael
alrightbi! (yn braf i gwrdd â chi)

: ie (gwenu) oes gennych chi unrhyw deulu?

Ydw, mae gen i lawer o deulu fi, maen nhw i gyd yn feddwl wleidyddol ortoo, dwi'n dysgu dim ond coz fy ngwraig a wnaeth hynny am lawer o'm bywyd modern yn ei weld?

: beth ydych chi'n ei olygu?

Wel. Cyn i mi fod yn briod, roeddwn i'n cael hwyl havin yn iawn? Rwy'n gadael i Gaul neu Alba wneud y rhan fwyaf o'r ymladd, o'm gallwn * dorri gyda'r gorau o 'nhw pan fyddwn yn tampin' .. ond nid oedd byth yn apelio i mi mewn gwirionedd. Yn ôl yna roeddem ni'n 'y Gwledydd Gaullic' nad oedd unrhyw 'Lloegr' ac yr oeddwn yn berchen ar hanner y tir, yna daeth y Rhufeiniaid a daethpwyd i ni i gyd ladd cywir heblaw am Alba a oedd yn rheoli * rhywsut * i ymladd â nhw! Mae hynny'n dal i fod yn ofni fy mod yn onest .. sut y cymerodd ar yr ymerodraeth gyfan? I edrych arni hi dim ond gwendid o beth, yn dda roedd hi'n ôl wedyn! Doeddwn i ddim yn golygu sut roedd hynny'n swnio! Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n ferch gogon ei hi! Dim ond makin 'ydyw'n waeth yma! .. Anyhoo, yna mae'r Rhufeiniaid yn gadael ac fe wnaethom ni ddechrau ffurfio eto, roedd Gaul yn siŵr ein bod ni'n mynd i'n cenhedloedd eto ond yna roedd y Rhufeiniaid a oedd yn weddill yn dod yn ôl ac yna yn sydyn roedd gennym ni boneddigion newydd drws nesaf! ffansi hynny!

Dwi ddim yn gwybod beth yw problem pawb .. mae dyn golygus yn symud yn y drws nesaf ac mae pawb bron yn colli eu meddyliau, beth sydd o'i le gyda chyfoethog a hyfryd? A oeddwn i'n colli rhywbeth? Dywed Taclus mai fi, ond yr wyf fi'n falch bod Alba yn siarad â mi eto, dyna oedd y tro diwethaf, ond ar ôl i mi ddangos ychydig o gariad am yr hen annibynnol roedd hi'n ymddangos ei bod hi'n ymddangos.

Rwy'n mwynhau ychydig o deithio i mi. Fe wnes i sefydlu ein gwladfa o Galatia y'know? yn y mynyddoedd Anatolian, byddem i gyd yn mynd yno am ein gwyliau .. ychydig o fasnach ... ychydig o 'haul fi.

O wrando ar fy nghap i fel parrot bach ... beth wnaethoch chi ofyn eto?

: (yn gwenu gyda chwerthin bach) pwy yw'ch teulu?

ie ...

Fy Nyw
Angle Jerusalem Ally Roman Hanover Saxon Britannia

Fy nghwaer yw:

Manx Tynwald Ellan Vannin Brythion Gael

Kernow Celt Brythion Dumnonia Gael

Fy nghwsinau yw:

Alban Caledonia Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

E 'ire Ulaid Connachta Laigin Muma Mide Dál Riata Anatolia Gael

Gaul Charlemagne Celtaidd Catholig Caledonia Anatolia Gael

Mae fy Merch yn

Oz Canberra Jansz Holland Pama-Nyungan Cook Brythion Saxon Britannia Australasia Gael

Fy ngham Cam yw:

India New Delhi Abasin Seren-o-Asia Gandhi Imphal Kohima Britannia Asiatic

Kenya Enkare Nairobi Canus Britannia Africana

Myanmar Burma Naypyidaw Britannia Asiatic

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Muhammed Britannia Asiatic

Mae gen i lawer o neidiau a neiniau.

: dywedwch wrthyf amdanynt

Ah! Wel ... roeddem i gyd yn arfer bod yn Deyrnas Gwledydd yn ei weld? fel y DU yn Deyrnas Gwledydd ... dal ymlaen! Rwy'n credu bod gen i hen fap o gwmpas rhywle ...?


Rydych chi'n gweld sut yr oeddem yn arfer bod yn iawn? Wel ... Rydw i wedi aml yn meddwl pam fod yr eraill yn dipyn yn ddig am wneud yr un peth ag Angle. Ond eto, rwy'n gwybod pa mor iawn oedd y tampin 'Eire oedd yn Angle coz Ni fyddai'n gadael iddi hi'n unig .. felly maybes I Dwi'n anghywir, yn ddigon da. Ac eto ... roedd Alba byth yn .. 100% amdano. Fe'i ceisiodd gyda Gaul hefyd .. Mae ef yn * un * felly mae hi! .. hmm nawr rwy'n meddwl amdano nad oedd Gaul yn rhy hapus am hynny naill ai ..

Rwy'n golygu nad wyf yn ddrwg iawn ... dim ond caru ychydig o 'heddwch fi. Nid yw Eire, Alba a Gaul * yn * .. nooo Dydw i ddim yn golygu hynny ... dwi'n gyfeillgar? Ni allaf boeni â phawb sy'n rhedeg o gwmpas ymladd â phobl pan fyddwn i'n hoffi cael 'havin' hwyl neu ymlacio 'weh rhywfaint o gaws ar dost a chwpanpa ... dydw i erioed wedi bod yn wir i mi ... Nid oeddwn yn mynd i yr edrychiad canol dwyrain am ymladd ... ond i wneud ffrindiau a masnach newydd, roeddent yn hoff iawn o'r Arian Celtaidd a'r Efydd .. fe wnaethom ffortiwn â hynny, y radd uchaf o'r amser yn ôl wedyn.

Hmm .. Os ydw i'n onest, rwy'n credu bod y merched yn iawn i Gymru, dywedodd Eire, Kernow, Manx, y Gaul i mi, 'Bydd y pen draw i'n hapusrwydd os ydych chi'n ymddiried ynddo.' Roedd yn well cyn pan oeddem ni i gyd yn un Deyrnas ... ond dydw i ddim yn un i wneud fuss yknow? Ac nid yw * yn ofnadwy * nawr ... mae'n iawn .. ond rwy'n gwybod bod Alba ac Eire ychydig yn ddiflas. Angen rhoi meddwl iddo.

:Mae'n ddrwg gennym am Gymru ond rwy'n credu ein bod ni allan o amser, ond mae'n wych clywed chi, rydych chi'n llawer cyfeillgar na'ch cefndryd.

O dw i wedi sgwrsio trwy'ch cyfweliad! oh fy! Mae'n ddrwg gen i Mae'n fel modur yn fy ngheg unwaith y byddaf yn dechrau, mae'n cadw goin ac yna'n rhedeg drosodd nes i chi ei droi i ffwrdd! : chwerthin:

Nid oeddech chi hyd yn oed yn cyrraedd fy hobïau! Rwy'n ferch ofnadwy! : gwenu:

: mae wedi bod yn agor llygaid, Cymru! Alrightbi!

Yn sicr chwi chi hefyd! : gwên enfawr:

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1 comment:

  1. Why is Scotland so pro-EU?
    David Shaw
    David Shaw, Scottish for Life
    Answered Mar 2
    I feel Thomas Jollans gave an excellent answer.

    However.. for purpose of understanding and slight merriment. Please indulge me that I write in personification.


    Y’know I jist enjoy having friends, meeting new people, by trading making new friends, maybe make a few people happy along the way.. HE’s different, queer fella He is, I mean he locked Eire in the cellar and shouted at her for years! talk aboot anti-social!.. I worry when he comes home from work.. one day I’m *sure* .. He’s going to lock me in the flipping shed!

    No way Ah’m goiny let him isolate me, need to keep contact weh the ootside world!

    besides.. Ah wis dæn great! until he threw his nappy oot the pram! Folk huv every right tæ a voice.. no matter wit he says.. ay tellin me tæ shut up.

    ‘Your mine.. you’ll never escape’ and Cymru hus the cheek tæ call him ‘charming’. She’ll be next efter Ah git oot. It’s lit He’s FORCED me to rely on Him, afore I could have friends and family over and they would give me a wee bit of work and be convivial aboot money, speak up for me if He ignored me, which is g’uy too often for ma tastes.. noo.. they awe hate us… Ah hope they don’t hate me a’naw.

    I trust them.. I see in them friends and family no willing to impose things oan mæ that wid hurt mæ.. Him? He’s made a sport o’ iyt.

    Recently He telt me ‘You can have possession of 80% of the laws due to you by the EU.. now be grateful I acknowledged your existence and shut up!’.

    Ah wa’nted tæ punch Him in the face! the sheer cheek o’ His evil! In front o’ the World; He appoints* himself Lord and Master o’ mæ.. despite I having told Him, He has lost my vote in such matters. THEN he says;

    ‘Because you disobeyed me, I will seek financial compensation*.. your laws are invalid, your oil is my oil.’

    So tæ sum up.. I’m no wa’ntin’ him tæ lock mæ in the shed, ..but also I’m no wa’ntin’ him tæ lock mæ in the shed!

    I mixed the Scots with much much English to make it easier to read for English speakers.
    The laws due to be returned to Scotland from the EU, not all were returned. David Mundell the ‘Scottish Secretary’ is given power over the remaining laws.. in effect, 1 person having power over the whole of the elected Scottish Government. David Mundell is a Conservative MP to Westminster. His Constituency is Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale. With a total population of 69,000. Or less than 1.2% of Scotland’s total population. His poll show he won with 24,177 votes.. or 0.4% of Scotland's population. So with 0.4% of Scotland's population backing him, he can effectively hold Holyrood and the Elected Scottish Government to ransom.
    IMHO.. The Scottish Office *should* be nothing more than the English Embassy in Scotland.
    * London based oil company INOES to sue the Scottish Government. see here: INEOS wins right to challenge the Scottish Government over fracking ban – and to sue for damages

    David Shaw


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