Tuesday, 21 February 2023

The Fermi Paradox; The Horrors and Delights of Free-Will

Hi .. 

Scottish Politics : Politics. Peace. Intersolar Travel. (scotspol.blogspot.com)

I'll write this in English as to reach out to a wider audience. (Although my first language is Scots) I also have a faith based slant, so that is in there too. I am Catholic and Abrahamic.

Why are humans the only civilization.. forgoing ecumenical spiritual beings*.. why are humans the only civilization we are aware of?

Shouldn't we have already made contact if an alien civilization exists? I believe that alien life exists, such as fish-like, plant-like, insect-like and cow-like.. but I do not believe that any alien civilization exists.. the Bible does not mention alien life, however omission is not a proof of a fact. And just because I suppose something; does not make it fact.. The Lord said He repented making Man.. but we are creating a '4th kind' in AI &  robot-kind. 

Now that's out of the way.. lets discuss why we don't have aliens summer vacationing in Florida.

The Horrors of Free-Will

As humans spread out and become more and more frontiers people.. law will recede and people will be more and more free to do whatever they want as there will be no one around to stop them.

Imagine something that would seems Sci-Fi to us just now but in 2000 years.. born on Earth, then buy a ship with the ability to go anywhere in the universe, own a galaxy/solar system where no other human will ever come as space is so vast; no one will ever find you.

Acting out forbidden horrors like Genetic Engineering and manipulation.. a reasonably intelligent human could create beings and rule over them.. making them slaves and making them worship that human.

Every evil we could imagine..

Now put this into the context of an authoritarian civilization.. an alien one.. imagine random aliens with alien morality coming and experimenting on life here.

Well.. if their government at least have the morality that those alien citizens shouldn't be doing that, they will keep those citizens most likely in places they control, such as their own solar system.

Prose: If aliens exist it is unlikely they allow their kind outside of their reach.

Everything is Trying to Kill Us

Everything from the radiation to the distances involved.. but even if we overcome these things, I posit even on arrival of an earth-like twin.. everything would try to kill us.

Basic biology of two system in hostility, we would be entering a literally an alien environment never designed for us.

Remember what killed the aliens in War of the Worlds? That's right.. Terran bacteria.

If we blindly go to other planets.. that planet will kills us. And likewise the though occurs to me, if a alien civilization went to another planet.. it would, I think, mostly likely kill them too.

Remember when Australia was overrun with rabbits?.. now imagine that but in an alien body with our bacteria.. or vice versa alien bacteria and our body.

The common cold could easily wipe an alien planet out.

Max Capacity 1600KG or 21 Persons

Staying in the solar system means you get to have children.. going off in to the unknown, means you are  unlikely to ever meet another.. you will be alone for the rest of your life, unless you take humans with you.

This is the same for an alien civilization.

Our solar system will be packed full of humans.. 10's of trillions of humans, on every moon and major planet and dwarf planet and asteroid giant.. in the solar system, in the Oort Cloud.. but outside endless space and self reliance and loneliness.

That loneliness can lead to madness.

Cheer Up And I'll Buy You An Ice Cream

To get to this point we would have had to solved all the worlds problems.. and that is a remarkable achievement. 

Humans are a mix of good and evil.. if we express goodness with consistency and teach our children to do the same .. then they are more likely to be good to any creatures they come across.

As we become spacial frontiers folk and resource mining based.. we become free and so long as we do not degenerate.. we are fit to inherit this Galaxy and all Galaxies.

The Delights of Free-Will

A life devoted to your own pursuits.
Never breaking another persons rules as you are always alone.
Robot-kind companionship.
You-do-you without interference.




*Angels & spirits.

*what if aliens have their equivalent of the common cold that would kills us etc.. if they are civilized they would not go to other worlds for fear of the chance of spreading the bacteria and killing whole planets

*4th kind.. either way you look at it.. Spirits, Angels, Man and Robotkind.. or Man, Woman, something inbetween, like Eunuch (trans) and then 4th kind AI/Robot

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Scottish State Licence Plates

Scottish State Licence Plates (Originally: 22 June 2022)


Made thys masel, jist fur fun 🙂 .. lit the American wans. 🤔Wonderin if Ah shoulda done it in Scots..

An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..

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