Monday, 9 January 2023

Thoughts Oan Indyref2..

Thoughts Oan Indyref2..

Ah wis hinkin ..

Æoer we win mær seats iyn the next General Election an/oar vote share..

Noo winnin a majority o' seats iys the sensible wæy tæ go, ays its a mathematical impossibility fur wan pærty tæ win a majority o' yon vote share, iyn fact iyn 2015 wæ oor landslide victory o' 56 seats, we only won 49.97% o' the vote share. Add tæ thys iyn yon next General Election Scotland'll go doon fæ 59 seats tæ 57.. then we huv some hinkin tæ dæ.

Ah wid sæy.. General Election> Majority Seats> Declare Independence> Withdraw fæ Westminster>Abstentionism o' Seats (returning the money fur the joab tæ Westminster, lit Ireland)

Thys pits pressure oan hInglund tæ recognise oor independence, while we git oan wæ the joab o ruling oor æn country.


I was thinking..

Either we win more seats in the next General Election and/or vote share..

Now winning a majority of seats is the sensible way to go, as its a mathematical impossibility for one party to win a majority of vote share, in fact in 2015 with our landslide victory of 56 seats, we only won 49.97% of the vote share. Add to this in the next General Election Scotland will go down from 59 seats to 57.. then we have some thinking to do.

I would say..General Election> Majority Seats> Declare Independence> Withdraw from Westminster>Abstentionism of Seats (returning the money for the job to Westminster, like Ireland)

This puts pressure on England to recognise our independence, while we get on with the job of ruling our own country. 

An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..

 Ahoyhoy Internet! I was thinking.. with countries going more regularly to Luna with their own experiments.. Wouldn't it make sense if a...