Monday, 4 April 2022

The Many Problems of the Isle of Skye DLC..

Dec 14, 2021, 11:08 PM  

Firstly.. thank you for taking me to my home, Scotland. I think I should thank you but as this post evolves you may see.. strike that.. you will see my anger and confusion.

The voice actress who plays Edyt.. is a Londoner. Are you trying to provoke me to hate you?? What is the meaning of this? I am very confused.. you include Scotland as a playable place and make a dream of mine come true.. but on the other hand you cast a person whose peoples entire history.. is to wipe my people out by any means.

I don't get it.. maybe it was a mistake.. you are not from here and misunderstood?.. however I find that a mystery as the NUMBER ONE cultural rule everyone knows about Scots: Don't call us English. And this example is exactly that.

The first settlement is populated with Anglo-Saxons.. not Pictish Scots and Pictish Gaels. Not only is this wrong.. Anglo-Saxons at this time would have been killed on sight. You have one tending the stables in the first settlement like its nothing!

No one is wearing kilts.. kilts were worn by both genders. All should have dirks (including the children) a small sharp knife in their sock. The women should carry short sword/long daggers as should the men but they also have a long sword. If they are a warrior the long sword is replaced by a claymore.

It seems the Animus has decided to lazily repopulate Skye with NPCs from England. Unless for a short time in the late 800s Skye relocated itself to The Thames.

Everyone I have spoken to has been.. English.. and that infuriates me. The English are known for culturally wiping people out.. it's there signature move. Either kill the population.. which they tried to do to us Scots (& any Gauls) for over a 1000 years.. or trick them into giving up their own culture and adopting English culture rebranded as 'British'.

Why would Ubisoft help them do that? I am so sad Ubi is helping that happen within this game world 😞 .. do you have lots of English staff who thought this would be funny?? To do the single most offensive thing you can do to a Scot.

As you can tell I'm pretty upset and a bit proud of myself that I wasn't as graphic as I wanted to be when I first found out.

Other mistakes..

There is phenomenon in Scotland (no where else in the world that I know of) .. at certain times.. everything goes purple.. not just the heather but the very fog and the trees and the wheat and the rock and all have a purple hue to them. We don't have that much of a mix of flowers as depicted.. but some in small crops along where the sea breeze blows. It rains a lot.. even on Skye.. in fact Skye is known like most of Scotland for it's rain.

Modern Scotland has three languages. Scottish Gaelic, Scots and Scottish Standard English.

Ancient Scotland had five languages. Pictish Gaelic, 'Island' Gaelic, Brythonic Gaelic, Norse and Scots.

I don't know if the NPCs are speaking Gaelic.. but I didn't recognise any of their speech but I admit my Gaelic is very very *very* limited.

Much like the Irish reaction to 'Danes'.. Scotland would have been identical, except on Shetland and Orkney which were Norse at that time.

I realize there is some poetical licence when writing a story to a game.. but making them English pales the blood to sickness. I also realize there is a pandemic going on, but I absolutely do not believe if you offered a Scottish Actress some money to be in such a prestigious game, that they would refuse.

I have been looking forward to this DLC for months.. no. years. .. A game I enjoy set in Scotland?.. yuess!

But then you tell me what.. we sometimes tell ourselves.. what the English have been telling us for generations.. wearing us down.. 'you are worthless. become us, so we can say we rightfully own this land.'
And even after 2000 years of enmity (Saxons then Anglo Saxons after the Romans left).. 50% of us buy into this.. so long as life is reasonably comfortable we are worthless to ourselves.

Last week an English ASDA delivery guy dropped off my food for a home shopping.. without skipping a beat he began speaking Scots with a English accent.. I thought to myself : 'what a truly great guy! .. he *gets* it!' .. meaning he gets that he is not here to culturally wipe us out.. he's moved here and he's integrating with us and not expecting us to act English around him. Wish there was 100 more like him.

I have written this in English as you would have a hard time understanding me in Scots. I don't ask for Scots internationally.. Scottish Standard English is fine.. spoken BY a Scot.

O' course Ah wid luve tæ hæ Scots leid spraffed wæin ma game.. bit Ah dinnæ expect tæ muȝkle.. jist thyt Scots plæy Scots. Oar at least an Irish bro'er oar sister.


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