Saturday, 23 October 2021

Energy, Climate and the Future..

(hInglish below)


 Hullo WWW

Wæ COP26 takin place affy soon iyn Glæsga, this is opportune time tæ share ma thoughts oan energy generation.

Climate change iys the biggest problem humankind hus hud tæ face since the Biblical Flood.. carbon burning is oot an green energy is in! Bit wit dæ those options look lit an how kin Scotlund become a leading titan o' green energy?

Short Term

We need tæ switch noo.. no next year oar 2030, noo. First step wid bæ set up ays miny green power stations ays possible, wind, wave and solar.. well mibe no solar fur Scotland bit ye get wit Ah mean.. iyf it's green lets dæ it noo.

Ye mibe huv heard we dinnæ hæ a large enough capacity tæ store excess energy, Ah sæy diffuse hydrogen through electrolysis fæ wa'ter (which we hæ iyn abundance iyn Scotlund).. iyn the future technologies 'll allow awe peoples tæ dæ this fæ the oceans, bit fur noo sea salt is a major problem.. bit no wan we share in Scotland ays we hæ much much fresh wa'ter.

Hydrogen fæ energy generation tæ the door loses some 70% of its efficiency, a grand number Ah'll grant ye, bit sa lang ays it iys only used a replacement fur petrol, diesel and gas, it's mær thun worth losing oot iyn exchange fur a drap-in replacement. Hydrogen works lit petrol, we fuel up the car wæ it, it costs aboot the same, takes the same time tæ fuel, wance the fuel stations provide a pump we will get it at the fuel station lit we did wæ petrol. It truly iys a drap-in replacement fur petrol.

This is ideal fur bæth haulage, transport companies an regular consumers alit. We DÆ lose a skeen 70% efficiency, bit we git tæ continue oor lives iyn a wæy thyt is familiar tæ oorsels.

Power grids Ah wid sæy should bæ fed wæ Hydro (no hydrogen) power during the night thyt wis saved up during the dæy (Hollow Mountain style).

Ban awe burning o carbon, Replace carbon burning based vehicles wæ Hydrogen Fuel Cells based vehicles. Personally Ah wid like tæ see thys ban iyn place bi 2023/24.


Start banning energy companies. Awe utilities should bæ (Scottish) government controlled.. Ah wid even extend thys tæ free electricity fur awe private citizens except businesses which wid still bæ metered. Private citizens payin a wance a year maintenance chærge.

Expand the hydrogen production an attempt tæ increase efficiency ays much ays possible. Except grid energy, use awe excess energy tæ diffuse hydrogen fur storage.

Begin selling Hydrogen wance oor stockpile reaches maximum.

Require awe new hames tæ hæ large garages, sa hameowners kin hæ; 

1. a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car fur lang journeys.

2. a Electric Battery car fur everydæy local use.

3. a electric bike o some description.

Require awe new hames tæ huv;

vertical wind turbines (as mock chimneys)

Solar panel roofing. (aye it's Scotlund bit every wee bit helps)

Geothermal electricity generation.

Look intæ 'Green Nuclear Energy.'

Right noo, ays far ays nuclear energy goes its ultra toxic, bit we ur using atoms lit plutonium an uranium.. this is lit ram raiding wæ a transit van tæ swat a fly. 

Bit theres o'er materials, Thorium reactors ur mær lit usin a baseball bat tæ swat thyt aforementioned fly. Thorium waste hus a life o aroon 500 years, not 10,000. We used Plutonium an Uranium acause iyn the 50s they were weaponizable, Thorium iys no weaponizable an so didnæ git the money put intæ it to expand the research.

Using Thorium reactors tæ generate even mær hydrogen expands oor ability tæ use it ays a general fuel source an ays we did wance wæ oil, export it tæ o'er countries an chærge fur it.

Long Term

Energy demand iys set tæ increase exponentially ower the coming decades, Ah hæ heard o a 'green nuclear material' called Helium 3 oar 'H3' ays Ah like tæ cry it.

H3 is affy scarce oan the earth (Terra), bit it wis discovered thyt oor moon (Luna) hus possibly the highest concentration o H3 in oor solar system.

Helium 3 is withoot a doubt the future o oor energy production.. it is 100% green, 100% safe.. it iys lit swatting thyt aforementioned fly wæ a laser.  

Iyn the lang lang term Ah hope we will bæ mining oor solar system responsibly fur oor energy needs, wance we kin mine Jupiter we'll hæ næ need fur energy worries ever again.

Hanks fur readin ma screevin :)




With COP26 taking place very soon in Glasgow, this is opportune time to share my thoughts on energy generation.

Climate change is the biggest problem humankind has had to face since the Biblical Flood.. carbon burning is out and green energy is in! But what do those options look like and how can Scotland become a leading titan of green energy?

Short Term

We need to switch now.. not next year or 2030, now. First step would be set up as many green power stations as possible, wind, wave and solar.. well maybe not solar for Scotland but you get what I mean.. if it's green lets do it now.

You may have heard we do not have a large enough capacity to store excess energy, I say diffuse hydrogen through electrolysis from water (which we have in abundance in Scotland).. in the future technologies will allow all peoples to do this from the oceans, but for now sea salt is a major problem, but not a problem we share in Scotland as we have much much fresh water.

Hydrogen from energy generation to the door loses some 70% of its efficiency, a grand number I'll grant you, but so long as it is only used a replacement for petrol, diesel and gas, it's more than worth losing out in exchange for a drop-in replacement. Hydrogen works like petrol, we fuel up the car with it, it costs about the same, takes the same time to fuel, once the fuel stations provide a pump we will get it at the fuel station like we did with petrol. It truly is a drop-in replacement for petrol.

This is ideal for both haulage, transport companies and regular consumers alike. We DO lose a whopping 70% efficiency, but we get to continue our lives in a way that is familiar to us.

Power grids I would say should be fed with Hydro power during the night that was saved up during the day (Hollow Mountain style).

Ban all burning of carbon, Replace carbon burning based vehicles with Hydrogen Fuel Cells based vehicles. Personally I would like to see this ban in place by 2023/24.


Start banning energy companies. All utilities should be (Scottish) government controlled.. I would even extend this to free electricity for all private citizens except businesses which would still be metered. Private citizens paying a once a year maintenance charge.

Expand the hydrogen production and attempt to increase efficiency as much as possible. Except grid energy, use all excess energy to diffuse hydrogen for storage.

Begin selling Hydrogen once our stockpile reaches maximum.

Require all new homes to have large garages, so homeowners can have; 

1. a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car for long journeys.

2. a Electric Battery car for everyday local use.

3. a electric bike of some description.

Require all new homes to have;

vertical wind turbines (as mock chimneys)

Solar panel roofing. (yes it's Scotland but every little helps)

Geothermal electricity generation.

Look into 'Green Nuclear Energy.'

Right now, as far as nuclear energy goes its ultra toxic, but we are using atoms such as plutonium and uranium.. this is like ram raiding with a transit van to swat a fly. 

But there other materials, Thorium reactors are more like using a baseball bat to swat that aforementioned fly. Thorium waste has a has a life of around 500 years, not 10,000. We used Plutonium and Uranium because in the 50s they were weaponizable, Thorium is not weaponizable and so did not get the money put into it to expand the research.

Using Thorium reactors to generate even more hydrogen expands our ability to use it as a general fuel source and as we did once with oil, export it to other countries and charge for it.

Long Term

Energy demand is set to increase exponentially over the coming decades, I have heard of a 'green nuclear material' called Helium 3 or 'H3' as I like to call it.

H3 is very scarce on the earth (Terra), but it was discovered that our moon (Luna) has possibly the highest concentration of H3 in our solar system.

Helium 3 is without a doubt the future of our energy production.. it is 100% green, 100% safe.. it is like swatting that aforementioned fly with a laser.  

In the long long term I hope we will be mining our solar system responsibly for our energy needs, once we can mine Jupiter we will have no need for energy worries ever again.

Thanks for reading :)


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