Hullo WWW
Ah realized Ah did a awful joab o' thys.
Sa.. Ah'm gauny try again.. Ah HATE the idea o' dæn it in hInglish an sa, increasein hInglish cultural brainwa'shin an hInglish prestige vælyas (values).
However.. that said I will write this in English as people in Scotland have not yet woken from the sleep that is English reverence and unconscious Anglophilia.
One day I hope.. thyt wi escape thys hoose oar mirrors an thoughts o mirrors.. tæ fun oor true sels, oor true voice, wæoot shame.. awe yon shame forgotten thyt we are oorsels an no a shada o' the hInglish!
Once, God Willing, Independence is achieved I have a new style of governance I would like to introduce to you, it borrows from another system, specifically the USA, but I have expanded and leveled it, integrating our system with theirs.
Holyrood Upper House (Parliament) (4 or so years)
Holyrood/Inverness Lower House (State Commissary) (3 years)
State Capitals The Public Assembly (2 years)
County Council (Local) (5 years)
The Upper House
The Upper House as it is now, except the additional members are there to represent their States. Commissioners do not sit in the Upper House, only MSP's sit in both houses.
The Lower House
The Lower House comprises of 10 Commissioners per state plus the AMS MSPs, so 12 states x 10 = 120 + 12 x 4 = 48.. with 4 additional commissioners for Strathclyde* 2 for Tayside and Angus and 1 each for Grampian and Highland. Making the normal 56.
* (due to the population of Glasgow City. Paisley City, Dumbartonshire) same for Dundee, Inverness, Aberdeen.
In total that makes 176 seats of the Lower House.
Commissioners are not allowed to be members or represent major parties of the Upper House, only AMS members may do this. Commissioners are encouraged to choose an unrepresented but registered party.. for me I'd probably vote Scottish Libertarian especially for the Strathclyde Land and Housing Commissioner! remove planning permission, reduce the cost of owning your own land.. do what you want.. I digress. AMS members vote by remote when they are in Inverness. They catch up on National laws by watching the Parliament Channel on laws they wish to support. They must also write a short letter, min 200 words, on why they are supporting this law which they read out over video call to the Upper House.
The Lower Houses job is financial scrutiny of all monies. all monies. They investigate Councils and why they spend or overspend (money wasted so the next year the budget is not lowered) and take measures to mitigate this, like having a common council fund and instead of wasting money the councils can simply apply for more.
The Lower House appeals for money from the Upper House, this is extra money such as the fund mentioned before.
Commissioners come from the field they are a commissioner in.. NHS, Police.. Military:
Roads and Transport.
Land and Housing.
Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)
Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)
Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)
Green Energy and Waste.
The Lower House has its own otherwise unrepresented parties. Meaning commissioners can be party partisan if they wish, but that party cannot be controlled by a party of the upper house.
This also means that candidates for the Lower House are there for merit only. To hold to account the councils and not be ruled by parties of the Upper House. It is the privilege of the Lower House to at any time launch an investigation in the dealings of the Upper House even the Government, even the First Minister should any solid piece of evidence be found to support such a thing,
It is reputed that Kezia Dugdale encouraged her Labour campaigners to encourage Labour voters to vote Tory, with the sole view of pushing the SNP out,, this was the first case of tactical voting in the Scottish Parliament. She took something elegant and beautiful and bend it to her own will of supporting the evil Union. Now we independence supporters are using this tactical voting advantage for ourselves.. which I now support for the cause of independence. Once this cause os completed I would like to see a return to our elegant system, but now the public know we can beat it by tactical voting.. we need a new system which cannot be beaten. This is the Lower House.
The Peoples Assembly
16 is the age of Majority in Scotland.. it is our adulthood. I propose that from 16 to 18 we have mandatory conscription to the People's Assembly. Second mandatory conscription 30 to 32.Third mandatory conscription 44 to 46. Fourth 56 to 58. Fifth 68 to 70.
A one week course on parliamentary etiquette with a qualification for passing.
The People's Assembly's job is to create and pass state laws but not national laws. Creation of laws show what kind of society people want to build and live in One term is 2 years.The first term would be the 16 to 18 years olds, then the second would be the 30 to 32 year old and so on.
Having approximately 4000 seats in 8 Halls of 500 seats, all interconnected via video calling.
In the People's Assembly all party combinations are allowed.
If a person is unable to attend, they are disabled, they are self employed, they are a boss and cannot be replaced, medical reasons as long as they can prove this to be true they can be excused. If not they receive a fine.
State Legislature
State legislature is divided up thusly.. Council regulatory laws by the Council, new laws come from the People's Assembly.
The Council are allowed to create laws that involve: city/town ordinance, mainly roads and refuse collection, green means, internet utilities, public lighting, public gathering spaces. They can also repeal laws the state has created.
The People's Assembly are allowed to create laws for the common benefit of all, new laws to enhance our civilization, They cannot repeal laws, but can make counter-amendments to laws past in their Assembly which are judged by the Upper House as valid or invalid.
No law either makes can countermand the National Law, but the People's Assembly can issue 'An Edict of the People' to the Upper House, this is an indication that 60% or more of the people have agreed, if the Upper House ignore the Edict it is the duty of the Lower House to scrutinize the current policy and ask why it is being kept when the people have spoken.
This all works together to make a finely tuned elegant system.. may God have grace, may it be that I have created in His Glory an incorruptible system.
It has built in redundancy for local laws, accountability, anti-tactical voting, inclusive, engaging.. there to serve the people, not any politician or cult of celebrity. You see, even in State elections can we change the balance of power forcing parties to work together and so another way cancel out the second vote tactical voting.
Hi www
Been thinking this for around 6 months to a year now.. a new layer to hold local councils to account.
In an independent Scotland.. I would like to see the return of our states .. instead of 'regional' MSPs we would have the same system but done, state by state.
Not just that.. but a board of 10 commissioners for each state.
Roads and Transport.
Land and Housing.
Wellbeing and Welfare. (inc working conditions)
Fire Search & Rescue. (inc Coastguard)
Infrastructure (Gas, Electricity, Broadband etc)
Green Energy and Waste.
The job of these commissioners is not to spend money, but to make sure every last penny of public funds is accounted for, and properly used. With annual reports to the Government with recommendations.
It would be a 'Third Vote' in the Scottish Elections and the party who is in the most control of the state (my case Strathclyde and the SNP) would not be allowed on the ballot. Giving minor parties more scope and ensuring the party in charge is held to account. Of course it would be 10 extra votes and not a 'Third Vote'.. but a set of third votes.. you could ask for an individual ballot sheet for the commissioners, and choose commissioner by commissioner or have a single ballot with all the parties standing and just go with your party of choice.
Once a month for one week, the state MSPs meet with the commission board and discuss the local councils progress and spending.
Any one of the commissioners could lodge a complaint in their field with the Scottish Government over the behavior of a council and an inquiry would be carried out to the commissioner's satisfaction. But the monthly meeting as meant to avoid it getting to this stage. The commissioners office would also have the power to launch an inquiry in to any corruption and submit reports to the procurator fiscal.
I think that's it :) .. easy enough to understand.