Wednesday, 2 September 2020

How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

How much money does Scotland contribute to the UK?

Norway (with less of the North Sea than Scotland) has a £300-600 Billion oil fund.. Scotland has £0. Where did it go? similar population as Scotland.. but £300–600 Billion put away for a rainy day.

Decade after decade of all Scotland.. yes Scotland’s oil being pumped into London.. just look how small a section Norway has.. and they have the above..

With (educated guess) 1/20th the amount of resources. Norway has a 1 Trillion Dollar Public Fund. And Scotland has severe poverty.

The ONS has shown Scotland is the poorest constituent country of the UK:

“Q: Which country of the Kingdom has the most resources per head of population?
A : Scotland
Q: Which country of the Kingdom is the poorest?
A: Scotland
Q: Which area of the Kingdom has the least resources per head of population?
A: London and the South East
Q: Which area of the Kingdom is the richest?
A: London and the South East
So where does the money go?
A: London to pay for the 10 times ages of everyone there. To feed already wealthy upper class Imperialists.  Don't believe me?.. just look at the graphic!


The above equals £68,614,000,000 (per year)

The Scottish Government get a bloc grant of 28.8 Billion and ‘borrow’ a further 7 Billion.. but this is from the tax we already generate. The Scottish Government publishes papers showing where the money went.. so far that’s 35.8 Billion accounted for. Westminster spends the rest on Scotland’s behalf.. Scotland’s behalf.. however there is no figures by Westminster saying what on earth they spend that 33.2 Billion generated by Scotland.. Westminster refuses to publish an account of what they spend it on..

I’m guessing ferry companies with no ferries, giving out beefy billion pound contracts to weapons manufacturers and feeding London ten times the wages for the same job as elsewhere in this [sarcasm] totally believable ..equal union.

The Barnett formula sounds fair.. until you find out the Barnett Formula only takes account of allocated spending budget. This ‘budget’ is a made up figure.. it could be anything as it is not based on incoming tax only the allocation that the English Government gives it.. they could take in 1 Trillion and allocate three toffees and a pack of crisps..

The thought we get 75 Billion in taxes spent on us.. I find preposterous.. but since no one not even the Scottish Government know what Westminster spend our money on (or can prove it in court).. it’s a kind of thing.. to take your aggressor at their word and overcome them despite our suspicion of their lies.

The max spent on our share of defense should be 3% of GDP, as this is the rate for all western countries and is normal.. around 2 Billion.

Unaccounted money. A country in poverty. SAOR ALBA.

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