Saturday, 6 June 2020

a Useful Lesson..(expanded)

Scots (see below for English):
🤔 Bin thinkin' this fur a bit.. An while we huv the virus center stage.. miby a wee distraction.
Noo Ah've bin vocal aboot the tiny hoose situation, poor mentality aboot how many weans we kin huv in teeny tiny hooses.. so ain land + large prefabs means mær weans.. bit there's an'oer hing yon Americans git riȝht..
Driving Lessons fur high school classes.. pass yur driving lessons and yur test.. git a driving licence..look ayt Scotland..the distances atween wan an'oer ..*really*.. is it practile fur us tæ NO huv driving licences?
Ah wid like tæ see everywan huvin' a driving licence bi the time yon lee high school.
The logic:
Current: Low population due tæ skeen wee a hoose tæ huv a g'uy loada weans. Folk cannæ move awæy acause tied tæ mortgage and tied tæ work. twa choices, relocate tæ new country fur high standard o' livin' oar stay put.
Potential Future: Increased population due tæ, larger cheaper hoosin an' sa mær income tæ tak care o' the weans, folk kin spread oot, bit fur thyt we need tæ bæ able tæ drive..greater standard o' livin' means we git tæ keep oor mæst talented folk..means unemployed folk huv mær incentive tæ git a job..awe o which means mær tax back fur us tæ bæ spent (hopefully) bi the Scottish government..
🤔 I have thinking this for a bit.. And while we have the virus center stage.. maybe a small distraction.
Now I have been vocal about the tiny house situation, poor mentality about how many children we can have in inadequately small houses.. so our own land + large prefabs means more children.. but there is another thing the Americans do correctly..
Driving Lessons for high school classes.. pass your driving lessons and your test.. get a driving licence..look at Scotland..the distance between one place and another..*really*.. is it practical for us to NOT have driving licences?
I would like to see everyone have a driving licence by the time they leave high school.
The logic:
Current: Low population due to a very small house to have many children. People can not move away because tied to mortgage and tied to work. two choices, relocate to a new country for high standard of livin' or stay put.
Potential Future: Increased population due to, larger cheaper housing and increased income to take care of the children, people could spread out, but for that we need to be able to drive..greater standard of living means we get to keep our most talented people..means unemployed people have more incentive to get a job..all of which means more tax back for us to be spent (hopefully) by the Scottish government..
See Link:
as an aside.. I have been taught my whole life that 'english is right' by being told to speak 'correctly.. I reject those ideas.. and I invite you to do the same.. reject the English language, embrace Scots.And by doing so.. you embrace Scottish culture also.


The value o' an education iys a difficult thing tæ judge.. bit let mæ tell ye a few hings..
noo Ah'm no goiny toot ma trumpet too much.. but Ah huv an IQ o' 127, Artistic temperament, Ah go'at ma Vocational degree in unner wan year and wis in the top 1% o' ma class, even go'at a note fæ the head tutor Neil ' David shows exemplary confidence in performance' Ah fun næ value in ANY o' the classes iyn school, except music.
Wit a waste.. *hated* ma time in school.. ay forcin' mæ tæ dæ somhin Ah didnæ wa'nt tæ dæ..
When Ah left school Ah noo hud time tæ pursue hings thyt Ah wa'ntyt.. Ah could throw masel into wit Ah wa'ntyt.. sa Ah excelled.
Sa.. fur awe those years.. Ah wis treat'yt lit a prisoner.. bullied bi teachers an' pupils alit.. harassed an' harangued .. telt Ah wis gleeȝkyt dæy efter dæy.. It was 11 years o ma life that wis a nasty experience, save fur two teachers.. Ms. Dawson (music teacher) and Mrs Grogan (primary 5) .. notable mention tæ Mr. Doig who fur wan dæy telt us awe.. aboot oor æn Scottish history. But dinnæ think Ah wa'ter it doon.. it wis prison fur children as mæst Scots schools ur.
Noo.. Ah'm an adult o' 44 years..
Question: Ah kin think how much wis pæd fur ma 'education'? wis it a lot?? wis it wast'yt?.. Ænser: aye thyt money wis wast'yt.
Wit value does high school gee folk?.. Ah wida *loved* drivin' lessons.. especially motorbike lessons acause Ah hud bin dreamin' o' bein a læn biker fur years n years.. wida hud ma bike licence iyn unner a year! Wida hud ma car drivin' licence afore Ah left high school.. Ah *love* drivin' aboot..*love* the idea o' the freedom..
Sa..the philosophy is this the noo, thyt just stick it doon oor weans throats an' wit they didnæ bouf oot, its stuck ays a win. [sarcasm] Aye.. value fur money thyt!
dumb wæy o' goin' aboot hings! flippin gleeȝkyt!
The value of an education is a difficult thing to judge.. but let me tell you a few things..
now I'm not going to toot my trumpet too much.. but I have an IQ of 127, Artistic temperament, I successfully attained my Vocational degree in under one year and was in the top 1% of my class, even got a note from the head tutor Neil 'David shows exemplary confidence in performance' I found no value in ANY of the classes in school, except music.
What a waste.. *hated* my time in school.. always forced to do something I did not want to do.
When I left school I now had time to pursue the things I wanted.. I could throw myself into what I wanted.. so I excelled.
So.. for all those years.. I was treated like a prisoner.. bullied by teachers and pupils alike.. harassed and harangued .. told I was stupid day after day.. It was 11 years of my life that was a nasty experience, save for two teachers.. Ms. Dawson (music teacher) and Mrs Grogan (primary 5) .. notable mention to Mr. Doig who for one day told us all.. about our own Scottish history. But do not think I water this down.. it was prison for children like most Scots schools are.
So.. for all those years.. I was treated like a prisoner.. bullied by teachers and pupils alike
Now I'm a 44 years old adult..
Question: I can think how much was paid for my 'education'? was it a lot?? was it wasted?.. Answer: yes; that money was wasted.
What value does high school give people?.. I would have *loved* driving lessons.. especially motorbike lessons because I had been dreaming of being a lone biker for years and years.. would have had my motorbike licence in under a year! Would have had my car driving licence before I left high school.. I *love* driving around..*love* the idea o' the freedom..
So..the philosophy is this presently; they just stick it down our children's throats and what they do not vomit out, it stuck as a success. [sarcasm] Yes.. value for money!
dumb way of going about things. flipping gormless!

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