Thursday, 12 March 2020

What do Scots think of the English? (Original Quora Answer)

Speaking for myself, I am Scottish from a long line of Scots (and Irish maternally). I’ll try and answer the question honestly.. regardless of any offense caused.
It might go something like this..
If you’re English and rich.. you and your ancestors probably did something pretty evil to attain such riches.. so most Scots, again this is what I assume, would be put off once they hear certain English accents.
When I QA on the topic of Scottish independence, I oft call the ‘UK’ the Evil Empire. This inspires some English to verbally attack me in my comment section* saying something like’ The Scots were just as willing participants in the Empire’.. if you have any education in the matter, and are not just spouting your love of England, you know this to be flatly false.
1707 Act of Union, riots in the streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
1715, 1719, 1745 The Jacobite Rebellions.
1750 The Highland Clearances began by Westminster and militarily enforced.
Scottish emigration begins. Today as a conservative estimate we have 28 million Scots diaspora, this was overwhelmly thanks to the ‘Evil Empire’. This is when Scots first identified what Imperialism was as a nation. However we sadly had no power.. some would give into the pressure and move to England for a richer life, but every Scot knows, if you take English money, you can never make yourself equal with those who refused it, you are as low as those who sold Scotland to line their own pockets, in that.. they accepted English money.*
1860 so 110.. yes that’s not a typo, not 10 years or 11 years..a hundred and ten years later, the Highland Clearances ended. wow.
1846 to 1856 The Highland Potato Famine.. in which farmers whose family were dead or dying were kicked off their land by Westminster due to inability to pay tax because everything was rotting and their family, dead or dying, and the Westminster enforced English soldiers coming to the door to make them destitute and giving them a crack in the face didn’t help morale.
The English want to either : do something research.. or shut their idiot mouths before speaking of my people and showing their blind stupidity of our hardships.
For a time Scotland was happy.. during the reign of Queen Victoria.. the middle class Scots *felt* good as she loved us more than the English.. the first and last time we *felt* equals with the English. Of course much evil was going on.. it was the Evil Empire after all*.. When she died any good feelings died and we moved on.
From 1900 to 1930
4.8 million Scots emigrated.. from a population of just 5 million.
just wow!
Or to put it another way, 160,000 Scots emigrated Every year for 30 years.
From 1967 to until today, there has been a SNP Westminster parliamentary member in office or at local Government.
Winnie Ewing ..being the Scottish, Charles Stewart Parnell, cementing the idea of Independence.
So.. now to my answer:
I don't have a problem with English people, I despise their methods, that they brainwash people into accepting English culture by rebranding it ‘British’, I am Scottish I have been through the School system. My culture gets rejected and English culture gets put in its place to fertile young minds of 5 year olds.
I sum this feeling up thusly: I have the unshakable belief .. if you put an English person in a room with some politics, in the next room, some pure evil will pop out on the other side of the wall. Yknow? The Pure Evil from Time Bandits.
It’s like offering a serial killer a QVC titanium Steak Knife set.. the English cannot be trusted with politics. Or they will do something evil with it.
The Welsh invented Labour and the NHS.. well done Wales!
The English: go to war every time there is a ‘y’ in the day and use it as an excuse to raid the BoE & give out beefy contracts to their chums.
being bluntly honest, and I realize this is a delicate subject that you will see I treat as delicately as I rightly should:
Right now is a bad time for us to get flooded by English persons, we are holding on to our culture by a wispy thread, we have been brainwashed SO much.. and it’s not that they would MEAN it.. but they are naturally inclined to be arrogant. Scotland has been married to England for over 300 His wife we know His faults, he just can’t help it, He doesn’t mean.. but He does do it.
Right now I/we need people who will integrate.. with our the existing culture.. and to their shame, that’s just not how the English behave.
An Arab or Asian.. comes to live in Scotland.. within 5 years they talk the Scots language, showing they are one of us.. the English. no.
And the brainwashing is SO bad.. I mean I switch to English to accommodate English speakers when I’m in Scotland.. fair enough if I go to YOUR country.. if you come here.. you speak MY language. Stært wæ the basics.. ‘aye’ and ‘naw’ an’ go fæ there. You have NOT to be treated like royalty because your evil forefathers brainwashed a load of 5 year old children, who are now adults!
Either learn the leid, oar don’t come tæ live. I for one will not welcome any English who doesn’t integrate into Scots culture.
If they can integrate and avoid politics.. then yes.
I hope my blunt answer, shocked many English into realizing the truth of their own moral selves..
asin~ you voted in a Government that couldn’t pay £21,500 for fireproof cladding because ; Austerity. But then went and gave Lockheed Martin a 200 Billion pound contract to bomb Syria. The same Lockheed Martin that Capital Group owns. Capital Group that Philip May owns shares in and is employed by. Philip May is Theresa May’s husband.
Evil Empire at it again!
To those English with kind and ennobled hearts.. I know if you came here you would integrate, speak Scots and not have the arrogance to further destroy my culture by forcing us to speak Scottish Standard English. You would be welcomed here.
That’s what I think.. The English are a danger to themselves and others politically, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are noble places.. not perfect but striving to attain something good. Westminster is a place of ultimate Evil.

*(pure cheek, you are empowered enough to write your own response showing how I am in your opinion wrong and let the community decide)
*Scotland is NOT subsidized by England.. we regularly put in, in tax alone not counting oil revenue, 40B+ per year and get out 30B as a block grant. Westminster pockets the rest.
*random Evil stuff the Evil Empire has done.. on a page about the history of BP hehe
*(not including NI, but for different reasons.. the DUP are playing a childish game that will get people killed)
Migration rates of Scotland:

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