Firstly, I would have wished to write this in Scots to further our own culture, and dispel the myth that Scots is a language of the uneducated.. obviously when we are *only* taught English in school and given the impression that English is 'correct' by our own academia on impressionable minds of 5yo and up.. as adults we are left with the impression that English is the intelligent language and Scots for NEDS. All such thought does is destroy our own culture and curb us by ourselves into destruction as a peoples.. we should end English being taught in Schools and begin Scots as our Standard language alongside Gaelic.
That being said, for broad appeal and so others who are not Scots can read this, let's discuss the points.
We have a duty of care towards our culture, to preserve who we are as a peoples, might I remind the reader, we are the descendants of the Gauls, along with the Irish,Welsh, French, Cornish.. and extended The Catalans and Lombards (Northern Italy). We Scots as you know were the only ones do defend against the Romans. Descendants of the Pictish Gauls and Highland Gauls, The Picts who were the Elite Fighting force of the Gauls and protectors of those who would make the long journey to trade in silver to Galatia, whom Saint Paul spent time with and then wrote a letter to 'The Galatians' this was our colony in Anatolia.
Today, we are in a cultural purgatory.. with shades chasing our every thought, perhaps this is too poetic, let me explain:
The language of a peoples is the core of it's culture, without scholastic authority the culture dies.
More people from around the world respect latin or greek than are aware Scots as a language, you see their culture is oft remembered? Oh the irony that I write this in English! Ye widnæ credit'yt! Deid folk huv mær culture thun alive wans!! it's madness!
Here are some writings I have shared on this topic;
A large slice of the Scots population speaks ‘Scots’ the sister language of English, as Portuguese is with Spanish, Norwegian is with Swedish, Arabic is with Hebrew.
Scottish Standard English is what you are referring to.
In Scottish Standard English, we speak English but with the same accent we normally use for Scots, there are many different accents within Scotland, I am from the West Coast and speak with a West Coast accent, which is close to Glaswegian.
The history of Scots and English can be traced back to the same root, they both come from The Danelaw, and are variations on the Germanic family of the Jute Angles. This ‘Early English’ Anglo-Frisian (Danish) developed into both Scots and English.
Scottish people like myself, do something called ‘code-switching’ , you see this in the Philippines with English and Tagalog, but because Scots and English are sister languages it’s easier for the listener to get confused if they are not familiar with the Scots words used to pepper the speech.
So in short, both yes and no, you can compare ‘Early Scots’ to ‘Middle English’.. and even today, Modern Scots is closer to Middle English than it is to Modern English, I would say the Scots accent itself is probably ancient, going back through to the tongues of the Gauls, the English can still sound easily German in accent if they are not thinking too hard about it.
To be clear.. the reason I speak about Scots is, Scots came BEFORE Scottish Standard English, that’s what people were speaking.. and before that Gaelic.
Fæ o’wer yon hill awe the sheep came ben runnin’ gee mæ a riȝht friȝht! Wæ tail waggin’ ahun’yt tæ. Happy ays ye like!
English/Scottish Standard English
From over the hill all the sheep came here running, gave me such a fright! With tail wagging behind it too. Happy as you like!
Scottish Standard English is said the same as English, but with your voice you would use for Scots, only the words change.
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Ah enjoyed yon ænswers gee’d si fær.. hmm miby ma æn pest guide oan the mætter wid help yez.
Hæ yursel a time wæ iyt!
Dava's Scots for English Speakers
Grammar, Diction and Syntax
Scots is a poetry based language, unlike its sister language English which has ridgid rules of expression and any deviation is considered slang. English is founded on the principles and pillars of versatility and clarity. Scots is founded on the principles and pillars of ingenuity and elegance.
Crafted throughout each paragraph of speech is something known as 'patter' patter specifically is the humorous branch of Scots micro-poetry. However the micro-poetry can be crafted into any form.
In the 'Personifications' Alba ends her interview with '.. How time flies but never stops.' This is a micro-poem. The meaning of which is.. time itself has boundless energy, but as we travel along with time, we become tired. This is an expression of exasperation mixed with reflection.
Scots vs English
In Scots we did not use 'Be' prefix-ligature as often as the English do. So.. with us it is..
A'cause and not Because. I've not heard of 'A'come' instead of 'Become' but to me its a no brainer that aforementioned could drop into common usage easily, however, it's not happening as yet, so I did not use it.
Aye = yes
Naw = no
Ah = I
Maw = mum
Da = dad
Bru'er = brother
Wean = child
Bairn = baby
Wan = one
Twinty = twenty
Hunner = hundred
A vs B
Infront (of)
Behind (of)
Næ vs Not
Isnæ Widnæ Urnæ
Can not
Could not
Did not
Is not
Would not
Are not
Scots Ash vs English
æy vs ay
Dæy (‘happened the dæy’)
Yogh vs CK (this correctly uses Yogh instead of c, yogh covers cgh)
Lake (Lock Water Gate)
Muck (laden)
Drowned (and dark)
Yogh is used to represent the thoating noise we use in the above words.
Correctness of Grammar in Scots can be an Abuse
Let me explain:
It does not matter the rules of which you speak Scots, think about Scots like a living breathing democracy with each word by each person having its own right to exist, no it is more the emotion in which something is said. In Scotland we at the time of writing have many generations who were emotionally abused for speaking 'slang' by people who wished to further the cause of the English language & culture. So in conclusion it is not wise to force rules on the Scots language .. but instead have commonalities and use them as a guideline.
In Scots on the West Coast we say 'huv' this is incorrect Scots 'hæ' is correct Scots and is from the East coast.. however 'huvnæ' is correct Scots 'hænæ' is incorrect. This microscopic dichotomy shows that Scots speakers themselves.. trying to correct someone may mean you are seen as someone who is trying to further the cause of English and dissuade the cause of Scots.
We are poetical in nature, and so as poetry is a living breathing emotion, our language is this also.
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And finally:
"As a native Scots speaker, I enjoyed an outside perspective. Thanks J[redacted] :)
I *will* add something that is missing from the linguists scope however..
It’s culture. It’s politics.
In School we are taught not to speak Scots as it is considered ‘slang’.. this is enforced by and for the benefit of English Culture, rebranded as ‘British’.
This led to a *very* strange dichotomy, that all those 5yo who were taught in School to accept English, believe they are speaking English when they are in fact speaking Scots. It’s a form of brainwashing. School teachers are taught to reviere the English language and so culture and they enforce this with the children.
I myself was slapped in the face 3 times over the course of being in primary School (5yo to 12yo) for speaking ‘slang’ when I was actually speaking my own tongue of Scots.
When Scots go abroad and try to speak Scots to others.. no one understands us.. we say things to excuse this to ourselves like ‘oh our ‘accent’ is too thick.’ it’s a plain fact.. if you are *meant* to be both speaking the same language and one doesn’t understand the other.. then it’s not the same language.
When I lived in the States for 3 months.. only 2 people out of the dozens I interacted with could understand me speaking normally, the rest I had to switch to English.
So.. in conclusion.. it’s brainwashing of those fertile young 5yo minds, that we speak ‘English’.. so now they adults, their minds either refuse to admit or make the same excuse they made when they were children ‘it’s an accent.’.
Scots while being the sister language to English, isn’t going anywhere.. but my fears grow more and more.. the more I think of our culture and how it is disappearing. If only we could wake the Scottish peoples up to Scots as a language.. we might have some protection."
I wish the Scottish Parliament to use Scots and Gaelic as the academic languages of Scotland and in The Parliament itself. The more we speak English the more we are English in culture and thought.. as it is well known, your language defines your cultural behaviour.
Let the children learn English online when they get home.. they will do it regardless anyway, no one can stop them, watching American movies and TV shows etc.. Scots for School across the central belt, with at least 5 hours of Gaelic a week, and the reverse for the Highlands, Gaelic with at least 5 hours of Scots a week.
Margaret Thatcher took all Scottish History off the syllabus .. I wasn't taught about Scotland until a teacher, God Bless him was being made redundant (second year) one afternoon told us everything, we were captivated! I was 14yo and had never heard anything in school about Scotland. I would have learned LOADS about England if I had paid attention.. knights and kings and queen and.. blah blah English stuff.
This is a common occurrence with the Scottish peoples.. ask around.. what were they taught?
The core as I said is language.. we are brainwashed into English culture via it as a language. 2013 was the first time I had ever heard of Scots being a language.. an' ays yon mirror reflects the thoughts o' ma eyes.. ye see well wit is written oan ma face.
kind regærds
(David Shaw, Dumbarton 43yo, Saor Alba)
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
Why would an independent Scotland wish to join the EU?
Firstly, I would have wished to write this in Scots to further our own culture, and dispel the myth that Scots is a language of the uneducated.. obviously when we are *only* taught English in school and given the impression that English is 'correct' by our own academia on impressionable minds of 5yo and up.. as adults we are left with the impression that English is the intelligent language and Scots for NEDS. All such thought does is destroy our own culture and curb us by ourselves into destruction as a peoples.. we should end English being taught in Schools and begin Scots as our Standard language alongside Gaelic.
That being said, for broad appeal and so others who are not Scots can read this, let's discuss the points.
Scots who wish to leave the EU do it for a specific purpose, they wish to curb immigration to increase jobs and industry. This is a noble concern, and I completely understand where they are coming from, however those days are gone..
These days everything is global with good reason, if say.. you begin an industry and pour a country's wealth into starting said industry, this *might* work for a year or two.. but then any other country, specifically China will come along and do it better for cheaper. And so you have lost that fortune you pumped into that industry.
No, the only way to maintain an industry is to have a prestige country for that particular product.. Scottish Scotch.. French Wine/Brandy.. Swiss Chocolate.. German Sausages.. Belgian Steak.. Italian Dairy/Bread.. Norwegian Beer*..
Any other country that produces said products is instantly seen as inferior, as the prestige lays in origin.
The best way is to trade over borders without tariffs.. this makes trade seamless.
Creating jobs isn't as easy as it was in the 1960's.. why??
Because the 'UK' was poor.. so like China we were the poor ones working for lower living standards than the rest of the First World.
And actually this mindset has continued with teeny tiny houses that aren't fit for purpose nevermind a life debt of 200-300K.
It's a total joke the rest of the First World lives in houses and we in the 'UK' especially Scotland.. live in glorified dollhouses.
The standard of living hasn't moved in Scotland since the 1850's.. sure we have more modern things, but the houses are smaller than ever, so much so they are joke and no wonder we have people emigrate for a 'better life' abroad. This and Imperialism are the two main causes for traditional Scottish emigration.
Having a job is a goal to a better life, if we accept wages that would compete with the Chinese we could not even afford to eat everyday.
Being in the 'UK' is *designed* to make us financially strong, however due to endless streams of corrupt Imperialists, Scotland is hanging on to the claim of being a First World country by a thread, when in fact I see us closer to a Second World country.
This can only get worse as trade with Europe declines.
Where does all the money go?
To feed the rich. If that is too vague allow me to be specific.
English politicians come into office in Westminster, they then play the system.
They will have rich relatives and friends who are in certain industries, whether it be war or banking, it doesn't matter which industry it is, they have many ways of raiding the BoE without being held to account.
£10 Billion Contract to sell NHS land. £200 Billion contract to bomb Syria.. both given to the Capital Group et subsidiaries. Philip May is an important executive for the Capital Group.. that's Theresa May's husband.
The English are stolen from, in fact we all are from English Tory Imperialists.
The only reason we still get what we pay for in Scotland is: The SNP.
Think about it.. what Nationalists would lower themselves to corruption??
None. because that's what the Scottish Nobles did that got us into this mess in the first place.
IF.. IF as opposing parties claim the SNP has a level of incompetence.. flip sign me up! I'll take an honest person over deliberate corruption; 100 times out of 100.
The EU is NOT corrupt.. it CAN'T be by design.
Farage would have you believe it is, but because the way countries can veto what they do not like, it cannot be.
Money given out comes back, usually with interest.
So.. how is that corrupt?
We in Scotland pay 40 Billion in tax every year, excluding oil, we get back for our block grant 30- billion and Westminster pockets the rest every year.
The Barnett Formula does not account for in goings, only what the allocated budget for the 'UK' is. This does not include the billions and billions spent on needless war. That goes to companies owned by 'chums'.
*(they invented modern beer.. well done!)
Firstly, I would have wished to write this in Scots to further our own culture, and dispel the myth that Scots is a language of the uneducated.. obviously when we are *only* taught English in school and given the impression that English is 'correct' by our own academia on impressionable minds of 5yo and up.. as adults we are left with the impression that English is the intelligent language and Scots for NEDS. All such thought does is destroy our own culture and curb us by ourselves into destruction as a peoples.. we should end English being taught in Schools and begin Scots as our Standard language alongside Gaelic.
That being said, for broad appeal and so others who are not Scots can read this, let's discuss the points.
Scots who wish to leave the EU do it for a specific purpose, they wish to curb immigration to increase jobs and industry. This is a noble concern, and I completely understand where they are coming from, however those days are gone..
These days everything is global with good reason, if say.. you begin an industry and pour a country's wealth into starting said industry, this *might* work for a year or two.. but then any other country, specifically China will come along and do it better for cheaper. And so you have lost that fortune you pumped into that industry.
No, the only way to maintain an industry is to have a prestige country for that particular product.. Scottish Scotch.. French Wine/Brandy.. Swiss Chocolate.. German Sausages.. Belgian Steak.. Italian Dairy/Bread.. Norwegian Beer*..
Any other country that produces said products is instantly seen as inferior, as the prestige lays in origin.
The best way is to trade over borders without tariffs.. this makes trade seamless.
Creating jobs isn't as easy as it was in the 1960's.. why??
Because the 'UK' was poor.. so like China we were the poor ones working for lower living standards than the rest of the First World.
And actually this mindset has continued with teeny tiny houses that aren't fit for purpose nevermind a life debt of 200-300K.
It's a total joke the rest of the First World lives in houses and we in the 'UK' especially Scotland.. live in glorified dollhouses.
The standard of living hasn't moved in Scotland since the 1850's.. sure we have more modern things, but the houses are smaller than ever, so much so they are joke and no wonder we have people emigrate for a 'better life' abroad. This and Imperialism are the two main causes for traditional Scottish emigration.
Having a job is a goal to a better life, if we accept wages that would compete with the Chinese we could not even afford to eat everyday.
Being in the 'UK' is *designed* to make us financially strong, however due to endless streams of corrupt Imperialists, Scotland is hanging on to the claim of being a First World country by a thread, when in fact I see us closer to a Second World country.
This can only get worse as trade with Europe declines.
Where does all the money go?
To feed the rich. If that is too vague allow me to be specific.
English politicians come into office in Westminster, they then play the system.
They will have rich relatives and friends who are in certain industries, whether it be war or banking, it doesn't matter which industry it is, they have many ways of raiding the BoE without being held to account.
£10 Billion Contract to sell NHS land. £200 Billion contract to bomb Syria.. both given to the Capital Group et subsidiaries. Philip May is an important executive for the Capital Group.. that's Theresa May's husband.
The English are stolen from, in fact we all are from English Tory Imperialists.
The only reason we still get what we pay for in Scotland is: The SNP.
Think about it.. what Nationalists would lower themselves to corruption??
None. because that's what the Scottish Nobles did that got us into this mess in the first place.
IF.. IF as opposing parties claim the SNP has a level of incompetence.. flip sign me up! I'll take an honest person over deliberate corruption; 100 times out of 100.
The EU is NOT corrupt.. it CAN'T be by design.
Farage would have you believe it is, but because the way countries can veto what they do not like, it cannot be.
Money given out comes back, usually with interest.
So.. how is that corrupt?
We in Scotland pay 40 Billion in tax every year, excluding oil, we get back for our block grant 30- billion and Westminster pockets the rest every year.
The Barnett Formula does not account for in goings, only what the allocated budget for the 'UK' is. This does not include the billions and billions spent on needless war. That goes to companies owned by 'chums'.
*(they invented modern beer.. well done!)
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
The Moonbase: one of the greatest ideas to fly economically.. OR The Law of Maximizing Returns
Hi www
There is a simple truth to the earth and space travel, building and launching ships from the earth is wildly expensive.
Building and fueling from the moon means the following:
There is a simple truth to the earth and space travel, building and launching ships from the earth is wildly expensive.
Building and fueling from the moon means the following:
- It is less effort to build on the moon, the weights involved for the construction of the ships is less meaning it takes less energy to assemble.
- We can build ships as large as we want, so when we fuel them the tanks can be as large as we want, so we can burn harder burning more fuel to get to the solar bodies quicker. We can build tanks as large as we wish. We can build comfortable crew, cabin & passenger quarters for long space flights because we are not limited by weight, as we are on the Earth.. launching from the earth costs many many times as much fuel per gram of weight because of gravity on the earth.
- We can diffuse Hydrogen and Oxygen from the moons hidden underground ocean. We pass electricity through water to diffuse the H2 and O, hydrogen gives us fuel, oxygen gives us air.
- We can use the moonbase as a communications case also.. hmm this might need more detail..
Imagine a scenario where there are humanoid shaped robots, you are the brain and are remotely controlling the robot, the robot does not need oxygen, in fact it is a great way to be safe as the only thing the robot needs is electricity.
Imagine a sphere shaped room you go inside and inside the sphere are screens, there screen display roughly what the robot sees.. however this is only for background light diffusion, because human eyes are sensitive to light, this room will help the immersion.
A suit is suspended with thousands of thick strings.. these are the strings of the 'Puppetmaster' who will control the robot, the strings help add an additional layer to controlling the robot. Motion sensors (like Kinect), suit sensors, mapped out like a nervous system also provide input..
But also feedback and output to the PMaster.
Q: Why go to all this trouble?
For safety of the humans.. not only for their lives, but it would mean to replace the crew, we would require more launching from earth, which we are trying to avoid.
If say, a large metal structure fell on a human, even in a low grav environment, this would NOT be good.
Preserving life IS paramount to the moonbase for several reasons.
1. moral within the crew.
2. moral within the world perception of the project and its funding.
3. Ability to prevent costly delays to the project.
4. Ability to prevent increase costs by having to search for qualified persons to replace the person who is injured or has died.
5. A point to consider is overall weight for usage case.. what I mean is, IF we had humans who were 4ft tall total, we could then provide: smaller living quarters, reduced overall weight of the launch from earth, what we *really* need is their minds to control the robots, so all the equipment mentioned above could be to their scale. We have been building for humans who are 6" to 6"5' and if instead we were building for humans that are 4" would mean a weight reduction of 1/3rd.
NASA could even use the Virgin Galactic style of launch for the whole base and launch it to the moon, this being a one way trip for the base, with a Space X style ship waiting for the crew on the moonbase site, should they require it.
This way would be VERY costly.. however, in the long run would cost less than many many earth launches in succession.
In the long run it saves a fortune, meaning the base is already completed and fully equipped, no assembly required and can get underway within a very very short time, a second base would be built by the crew of the first base to accommodate larger humans.
I am not suggesting those with dwarfism, who would struggle with the g-force.. without taking this to a racial place, I have met and known Filipinas who were this height naturally, fully intelligent capable bodied humans, all we are trying to achieve is weight reduction. only. Only.
The overriding thought behind all of this is being able to launch humans quickly and cheaply to the moon, for intersolar exploration and travel. Eventually mining resources.
The best way to do that is have a moon base that is manufacturing vessels and launching them. While Mars will be a great boon for humans.. in the long term we should be looking at launching to Venus also from the moon, building on the moon the vessels that we can send to Mars, that will go to Ceres and the Outer Solar System. Mars and Ceres being fueling stations.
If we can fully make a another moonbase whilst on the moon and launch it to Ceres this would mean having potentially the same resources on Ceres. Having a Space X style ship waiting for the crew on Ceres to return to Mars or Earth with a second crew in rotation. But this, as I said, is for the long term.
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An International Lego style Moonbase.. some thoughts..
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