This is a very long story with much history.. so grab your favorite hot beverage, put your feet up and stick your fav music on.
Early Gaul Period (7000BC - 500BC)
The Tribes of the Gauls (Keltoi* which means ‘hidden’ in Greek) inhabited a large part of the European continent, much of which is now France.
We spread out to these Isles from the land bridge which was the southmost part of Doggerland, over the Dover Strait, the north of Scotland was still frozen from the last mini-ice age, but this ice was thawing at amazing rate and as it did, Doggerland became flooded and became the North Sea.
But by then the Gaul tribes had populated these Isles, c5000BC to 1500BC, We built Crannogs over lochs and had semi-modern lives, a home, a place to sleep, a place to wash, a place to get food at our doorstep. We learned how travel across these Isles and how to return to Gaul (France)
Sometime around before 1500 BC, the Welsh developed a new way of purifying silver, the high lead content before this, I imagine gave everyone a green sickness due to the lead and or galena content*.
When the Welsh Gauls first arrived, they were ‘strangers’ and called the Cymmerians which.. funnily enough means foreigner.. they just can’t shake that name hehe. Soon they showed they were fierce warriors on their own right, using elongated poles to take down horsebacked riders, something the middle east tribes had never seen, and unhorsed force taking down a horsebacked one. They also had every guerilla tactic of the other Gauls. Just as the Gauls they were.
We were over much of the European Continent already, so a trade route was established to Anatolia to trade with the Middle East.
The Gauls had accidently discovered continental trading and got rich with it, so rich in fact, we could found our colony of Galatia.. the same Galatians that Saint Paul writes to were.. Gauls. So if you are Christian and a Gaul descendant, I suppose you like me, can hold that book with a special place in your heart.
Saint Paul’s book does give us insights, however slight, in to Gaul values of family and travel, both were fundamentally valued with high prestige, you were how good a person you were to your family and tribe and if you were highly travelled you gain prestige easily .. he also mentions how the Gauls did not mock him for being sick, but instead took care of him.. they sound like a kind people to me, nothing like what many English have described as ‘barbarians always killing their own kind’ I guess the victor can write the history.
The Romans had seen what the Gauls had and wanted it for themselves, so from 500BC onwards.. that’s what they were trying to do.
And amazingly, they *almost* did it.. taking over all of continental Europe.. except.. The Pictish Gauls.. now, the Pictish Gauls were the ‘Elite’ warriors of the Gauls, had complete gender equality from year dot, walked about naked all the time with only paint/tattoos covering them, the women strapping a child to their breast grabbing a spear and going hunting! Næ messin’ aboot!
The Picts were NOT to be messed with, born to fight and put through every kind of harsh lifestyle the other could throw at them.
Middle Gaul Period (500BC - 1000AD)
Welp.. the Roman Army showed up thinking it would be pretty easy, nope. they got slaughtered. Næ FEAR! The only objective is to kill more of them before they kill you. Over the next 200 years, they started just avoiding the Pictish Gauls. And then built a wall as a symbol of.. you stay there, we stay here.
So after the Romans left.. the English (Saxons) took hold.. well not exactly, for around 500 years they had been pirating off the south west coast, making raiding groups and trying to settle in a weak spot for the Gauls, when the Romans invaded, the Romans didn’t mind the Saxons and let them settle there, most likely in exchange for paying tax, The Welsh also integrated into this scenario, and from what I hear the Welsh and Saxons kinda like it.
When the Roman Empire fell and the Romans withdrew, leaving only a few that settled as normal citizens.. all was peaceful for a while, because the Welsh and Saxons lived like they had under the Romans .. then one day it occurred to the Saxons.. ‘hey! no one is here who can stop me doing whatever I like!’ so they started raiding the Welsh.. this made the Welsh pretty mad, and they fought back and won.
The South East of ‘Saxonia’ was a settled site for the Saxons, they still raided the Welsh and kept Welsh slaves. This ‘situation’ went on for a few hundred years..
Sometime around 843AD*.. a Norwegian Sailor turned Nobleman turned politician united the Picts and the Gauls together under one banner.. Alba.
First time the Saxons wondered up here wondering what the fuss was about, they sent a raiding party up, they never returned. Second time, they took it more seriously and took up a portion of their army, facing a somewhat small band of Picts, the Picts slaughtered them, with only few being able to flee for their lives.
Well.. from that day forth it was love.. no not love.. obsession with owning Scots and Scotland.
When King Hywel, such a meek kind man in nature, of the Welsh capitulated to King Æthelstan making him *even* richer.. it meant the killing of the Welsh’s cousins for generations at the hands of the English.
Late Gaul Period (1000AD - 1603AD)
An endless circle of the English trying to subdue the Scots and the Scots ultimately winning out, oh it was not without the periods of ownership.. but ultimately.. freedom.
Then came the Union of the Crowns and an end to national faith in our monarch.. King James was a good man. But his idea of the Union and the idea that a ‘barbarian’ as he was called by the English .. often even in his own court, could have any noble idea, was alien to them.. littertally alien, he was not accepted by the English Nobles who whispered about him that he was trying to ‘act civilized’ eg. English.
No.. they saw this ‘Scots’ trying to ‘fop it up’ and impress some English nobles and gentry.. they were not impressed by his efforts.
Modern Period (1603AD - 2019AD)
There was a lot of shifting in politics and religion, but ultimately Scotland was a separate country. muddling through as best we could.. we had maintained the old links with France and Ireland, we fought beside them they fought beside us, we are family, just as we always were.
For Scotland 1707 was a tragedy, let’s recap eh?
The English Empire begun with the East India Trading Company, it brought boundless wealth to England.. The Scots Nobles were jealous of all the money and favor of the Monarch.. so they conceived of a similar scheme, the Darien Scheme, set to go to Panama. They petitioned the King but he refused, many times over, he refused, so they decided to put Scotland’s entire fortune into the scheme.
William of Orange, the Protestant King ran around killing Catholics.. he also sent his spy, Black Thumb, to go with those travelling to Panama, and the only soldiers that would agree to come were the ones who massacred the McDonalds at Glencoe.The King’s soldiers. It would have been so easy to put something unclean in their food or unclean somewhere hidden..I mean for generations two sets of people to bribe and those pesky Scots sheltering Catholics..
When the Darien Scheme failed all of the Scottish Nobles were broke.. suddenly out of nowhere a big barrel of money and a jolly Englishman appeared to take all their troubles away.
Those who accepted the bribes.. well.. they sing endlessly in Hell ‘ My God, what have I done to you to deserve this?’.
For poor Alba.. the music played upon the signing was:
‘Why am I so sad on my wedding day?’
The day after in 1707, in Edinburgh and Glasgow there was rioting and lynch mobs of people going around looking for the Nobles responsible.. so they could kill them.
3 Jacobite Rebellions. Last one in 1745
The Highland Clearances. 1750 - 1860
The Highland Potato Famine*. 1846 -1856
The Scots.. just left.. emmigration seems the easy way out, it’s appealing to leave behind such misery and forget.. left for Canada, the US, NZ, OZ..
And it’s true today, our emmigration rate is very surprising to others considering our small population.
(1885) Charles Stewart Parnell begun the Irish Nationalist Movement..Scotland took a bit longer, oh there was interest but.. I think we were 1. Queen Victoria loved us better than the English and we liked that, first time in the Union being equals with the English. 2. I dunno if.. too many people had left, I have no idea why it wasn't as strong as the Irish at that time.. but I do note, we are going the same journey, just 100 years later..
(1949) Ireland becomes a Republic.
(1969) SNP candidate Winnie Ewing wins a by-election.
Scotland’s oil is discovered shortly after. Nationalism soars. The journey begins in earnest to Independence of English rule.
Let’s be clear here.. every Englishman* likes to believe his system of Westminster is established in a just and fair way.. this is either his inability to face the guilt of fact or he is unaware of how the system was laid out to incorporate the constituent countries.
The oil.. is a guarantor for the Pound.
Scotland leaves*.. the pound tanks.
The Welsh are pretty happy with the English.. so are the Cornish. They enjoy to stay owned.
Ireland for the most part has left.. I hope Scotland will be next.
So to sum up..
We are the modern day descendants are, first exclusive then inclusive; The French, The Scots, The Irish, The Welsh, The Dumnonii (Kernow).. and I would include the Manx, but I suspect they have died out. Inclusive; French, Scots, Irish, Welsh, Dumnonii, Catalans, Lombards, (Some) Romanii, Anatolian Turkish.
Ancient Gauls.. a dynastal family with a 7000 year history.
.. and we don’t like Imperialists.
*have you ever had jewelry that turned your skin green? This was most likely because of the high lead content.
*(The French Swiss and French Belgique are included with France, I found it too presumptuous to claim upon their heritage)
Northern Italy - Wikipedia All people of all states I include under the name ‘Lombards’.
*This is my ‘traditional view’ tale of King Kenneth.. unless you want to endlessly debate in circles about the ‘two Kenneths’.
*The people couldn’t pay tax while starving and dying.. so the ‘British’ aka English government sent some soldiers up to Scotland to kick them off their land. No wonder they left for other countries!
*using ‘man’ majoritively.. I also mean woman and she.
*English as mad as washing up liquid cake.. refuse us the pound should we leave?
*it could be argued that the French are Imperialists.. until I point out they WERE Imperialists for a short time.. and then they killed all their nobles with guillotines and became a republic.
What's missing?
French wars of Independence from England/Normandy
Irish Potato Famine.. but that NEEDS to be detailed to be kind to my Irish brothers and sisters.. so no. I’m not touching that.
But hey.. it was busy 9000 years! gimme a break!